special meeting of the board of education reopening

Special Meeting of the Board of Education REOPENING SCHOOLS July - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Special Meeting of the Board of Education REOPENING SCHOOLS July 9, 2020 TASK FORCE FOCUS FACILITATOR GROUPS/ACTION Communications and Alejandro Cisneros Public Information Coordinator, Family Engage Curriculum and Instruction Emily M.

  1. Survey Question to Parents DATE Full In-Person Hybrid Full Distance Change from Since May 28 Since May 28 Since May 28 5/21 – 7/5 24% 37% 38% July 5 1,474 (44.8%) 1,203 (36.5%) 612 (18.6%) (3,289) (+372) 36% of 33.6 % of 30.4% of respondents respondents respondents May 28 1,340 (46%) 1,078 (37%) 499 (17%) (2,917) (+402) 14% of 40% of 46% of respondents respondents respondents May 21 1,282 (51%) 917 (36%) 316 (13%) (2,515) About 25% of our families

  2. Secondary Student Survey

  3. TK – 5 Student Survey

  4. OTHER DATA/INFORMATION 18 c consecutiv cutive e days in C CA o of s sett tting ing a new • recor ord i in hospitaliza talizations ions. 37% in increase in in the Cit ity o of Riv iverside de. • 23,279 c 279 corona navir irus us c cases es i in River ersid ide C e County nty • More t than 5 50% are u under a age 4 40. • 515 v vir irus-rela lated ted d deaths ths. • Cali lifornia ia h has s seen a a 43% in increase. • The C County ty o of River ersid ide’ e’s p positiv itivity ity r rate is a s abo bove • the the 8% 8% thr threshold s set b et by the the Sta State.

  5. GUIDANCE Calif ifor ornia ia D Departme ment nt o of E Education • Str Stronger er Together: A Guidebo book f k for th the Sa e Safe R Reope pening o of Ca California’ a’s P Public S Schools (I (Issued d June 8) 8) CA D Departmen ent of Public H c Heal ealth G Guidan ance f for S Schools s • (Issu ssued J June 5 e 5) Amer erican can A Acad cademy o y of Pediatrics: cs: G Guidan ance e for S School • Re-en entry (Iss ssued ed J June 2020 020) Riverside C Count ounty: A A Pl Plann nning G Gui uidebook ok f for or the he Sa Safe • Openi ning of of Sc Schoo hools (Iss ssued ed J June 2 e 2020 020) Riv iversid ide County ty D Departm tment o t of Publi lic H Health lth • The C Cente ters f for D Dis isea ease C Contr trol a l and Preventio tion •

  6. GUIDANCE Ameri rican A n Academy of Pediatr trics: Guidanc nce f for Sc Schoo hool R Re-entry ntry (I (Issue ued J June 2 une 2020) “AAP AAP strongly y advoca cates tes that t all policy y cons nsid iderations ions for r the coming ing school hool year r sh should star start with th a a goal al of having stu students physi sical cally p y presen esent t in school.” .”


  8. Model 1 l 1 (Leas east r t restr tricti ctive) w e) woul uld b be reop openi ening ng s schoo ools a as they w were b befor ore the they w wer ere c clos osed on on Mar arch 13. 13. D Depending up upon the con the conditions and and the the guidanc ance a e at that p t point i nt in time, a a rang nge o e of preventa entati tive m e measur ures w woul uld b be implem emente ented, i includ uding ng b but n not l t limite ted t to the f e follow owing ng: • 3-6 feet of distancing between students in all settings, whenever practicable. • 6-feet of distancing between adults and adults, and adults and students, whenever practicable. • Utilize face-covering when distancing of between 3-6 feet is not practicable such as in hallways, during breaks and recess, busses, and while entering and exiting the campus. • Intensify cleaning, disinfection, sanitize common touch surfaces, and ventilation of school campuses. • Visual wellness checks and temperature checks using a no-touch thermometer for students and staff. • Mandate COVID-19 training for staff and set standards for staff hygiene.

  9. Model 1 l 1 (Leas east r t restr tricti ctive) w e) woul uld b be reop openi ening ng s schoo ools a as they w were b befor ore the they w wer ere c clos osed on on Mar arch 13. 13. D Depending up upon the con the conditions and and the the guidanc ance a e at that p t point i nt in time, a a rang nge o e of preventa entati tive m e measur ures w woul uld b be implem emente ented, i includ uding ng b but n not l t limite ted t to the f e follow owing ng: • Install clear physical barriers where face-to-face interactions occur, including classrooms between teacher and students. • Utilize desk shields per student. • Provide hand sanitizer for all classrooms, workstations, and all common areas. • Supplies, computers, playground equipment, water fountains, etc…will not be shared unless identified as disinfected. • Promoting and teaching healthy hygiene practices. • Teach students and families of the need to stay home when ill. • Frequently communicating and encouraging parents and students to stay home when ill. • Stagger start and stop times before, during, and after school to avoid large groups congregating in shared spaces

  10. Will students have to wear cloth face covering?* Yes, under most circumstances. Cloth face coverings protect others if the wearer is infected and is not aware. Cloth masks may offer some level of protection for the wearer. However, face covering will only be mandatory only when students are not safely in their work space, which we define as being seated at their desk distanced between 3 and 6 feet from other students or adults and behind their clear desk shield. When outside the classroom students are expected to wear face covering except when eating or drinking. Students riding the bus must also wear face covering. *Exemptions are made on a case-by-case basis for students or staff members who are unable to safely wear a cloth face covering because of certain medical conditions, or in the case of some very young children, or when it impedes the education process such as for students deaf or hard of hearing or receiving speech/language services.

  11. Model 2 is a hybrid approach and is more restrictive than Model 1. Its primary feature is blending in-person learning with distance learning. In this model, 50% of the student body will be designated as Cohort A and the other 50% Cohort B, separated by last name to ensure families attending different schools will have the same schedule. Cohort A would attend two days a week and Cohort B would attend the other two days. Distance learning in a variety of forms and strategies will be utilized on days students are not physically present in school. Teacher office hours are built-into the one day per week no students are on campus. Students would follow the same preventative measures as in Model 1 when on campus.

  12. Model 3 is the most restrictive and will focus completely on distance learning. No students and limited staff are physically present on campus. This model provides options within distance learning models. Requirements for distance learning are outlined in AB77. NOTE: All three models include providing nutritionally adequate meals for pupils who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals, whether engaged in in-person instruction or distance learning.

  13. Model l 2 Proposal Blending in-person learning with distance learning. • 50% of the student body will be designated as Cohort A • 50% of the student body will be designated as Cohort B • Separated by last name to ensure families attending different • schools will have the same schedule. Cohort A would attend two days a week and Cohort B would • attend the other two days. Distance learning in a variety of forms and strategies will be • utilized on days students are not physically present in school. Teacher office hours are built-into the one day per week no • students are on campus. Stu Students would f d follow th the s same preventa tati tive m measures es as as in • Model 1 1 wh when on c cam ampus.

  14. Dr. Devor Early & Elementary Education

  15. Elementary (TK-5) HYBRID Learning 2 Days Per Week 2-Cohort Model Traditional School Day MO MON TUES UES WE WED THUR UR COHORT RT A A COHORT RT B B COHORT RT A A COHORT RT B B Al Alph pha Al Alph pha Al Alph pha Al Alph pha MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES K: 20 K: 200 K: 20 K: 200 K: 200 K: 20 K: 200 K: 20 GR 1-3: GR 3: 2 280 80 GR 1-3: GR 3: 2 280 80 GR 1-3: GR 3: 2 280 80 GR 1-3: GR 3: 2 280 80 GR 4-5: GR 5: 3 300 00 GR 4-5: GR 5: 3 300 00 GR 4-5: GR 5: 3 300 00 GR GR 4-5: 5: 3 300 00

  16. Elementary (TK-5) HYBRID Learning FRIDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 - 9:00 STAFF MEETINGS 9:00 - 11:00 OFFICE HOURS STUDENT SUPPORTS 11:00 - 12:00 LUNCH 12:00 - 3:00 PREPARATION/COLLABORATION

  17. Typical TK - 5 HYBRID Learning Day Cohort “A” Student Week – 50% Students Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday TIME IN-PERSON HOME IN-PERSON HOME Students Students 7:30-9:30 Traditional Traditional engage in engage in School School distance distance 9:40-11:40 Day :) Day :) learning with learning with teacher teacher 11:40-12:20 developed developed Include PE Include PE learning learning 12:30-2:30 activities activities Friday: At home distance learning. I can meet with my teacher 9:30-11:30 for office hours for extra support

  18. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid Will ALL faculty and Yes staff be trained on any new "norms" before school opens?

  19. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How many students PROJECTED 12 - 15 in each classroom? What safety • Teacher measures will be barrier taken in the • Desk shields classroom?

  20. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid • Face covering What safety when not at measures will work station be taken in • 3-6 feet of the distancing classroom?

  21. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid What hygiene • Utilize all sinks measures will • Hand sanitizer be taken? • Teaching hygiene

  22. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How will my child be Organized and staggered protected before and assigned times and multiple after school? entrances and exits. Temperature checks with with no-touch thermometers.

  23. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How will my child be No equipment sharing, protected before and including playground after school? equipment. Distancing whenever practicable. Face covering mandatory.

  24. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How will my child • Maintain 6 feet be protected of distancing during breakfast • Face Covering and lunch? except when eating • Swipe card/not touch pad

  25. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid • Phy Physical ba barriers How will my betw tween s n students ents child be and s nd sta taff protected • Ha Hand nd-sani niti tizer during stati tions ons breakfast and • No No eati ting i g in n the the lunch? cla lass ssroom

  26. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How w will s ill stude dents ( (and d Outd tdoor s or seating ting w when n staff) b be kept pt s safe d duri ring g prac actica ticable le break eakfas ast a t and l lunch? h? Maxim ximize u use o of outdo door r spaces aces i includ luding ing s seating ing and f food c d carts

  27. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid How w do do • Breakfast & & Lunc Lunch • Prepa packaged parti tici cipan ants i s in • He Heated a d at t hom home the NSL th e NSLP get et • Mo Mobile ile s servic vice curbsid ide thei th eir mea meals? at 2 t 21 s site tes • (Alt Sc Schoo hool/AHS g go o HHS or S or LaGran anada)

  28. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Elementary K-5 Hybrid Alvord i d is not a t a licensed c d child c car are e Wi Will the there b be e provider. H Howe weve ver, we are w working wi with th th the c child c d car are c community to offer childcar care? e? expanded learning programs to support families. Is Extended Learning Yes after school offered?

  29. Dr. Kemp Secondary Education

  30. Se Secon ondary (6 (6 - 12) HYB ) HYBRID Lea Learning 2 D Days P Per r Wee eek k 2-Coho ohort M Mode odel Tradi diti tiona onal S School ol D Day TIME MON TUES WED THUR FRIDAY COHORT A COHORT B COHORT A COHORT B No Students on Campus Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Office Hours 7:30-9:30 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 8:30-9:30 SS/CTE/AVID 9:40-11:40 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2 9:30-10:30 MATH/VAPA 11:40-12:20 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 10:30-11:30 ELA/PE 12:30-2:30 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 11:30-12:30 SCIENCE/LOTE

  31. Typical Freshmen HYBRID Learning Cohort “A” Student Week – 50% Students TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday IN-PERSON HOME IN-PERSON HOME 7:30-9:30 Robust P.4 - Health Robust P.1- IM1 assignments assignments P.5 - Eng 1 9:40-11:40 P.2 - Biology provided by provided by teachers teachers 11:40-12:20 Lunch Lunch All All assignments assignments P.6 - PE 12:30-2:30 P.3 - ASL count count Friday: Home distance learning Office hours at designated times for all of my classes. I can attend the office hours of the classes I need additional support. Robust assignments provided by teachers.

  32. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Secondary 6 - 12 Hybrid How many days are students 2 DAYS A WEEK. EITHER on campus? MON/WED or TUES/TH Why are no students present OFFICE HOURS/DISTANCE LRNG on Friday? INTERVENTION FOR TIER 2 & 3 How many students are on 50% campus at any given time? How many students in each PROJECTED 15-18 classroom?

  33. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Secondary 6 - 12 Hybrid How will services be Support providers will work provided to students? closely will families to ensure compliance. Will there be sports? CIF announces on or before July 20. It will depend on the conditions when school starts.

  34. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Secondary 6 - 12 Hybrid Will there be marching Like sports, it will depend on the band? conditions when school starts. What about choir and Yes, but modified to ensure theater? more than 6-feet of distancing, face coverings, and additional measures such as outdoors.

  35. General FAQ

  36. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Will th there be fiel eld tr d trips? Field tr d trips ar are not c t currently reco commende ded. d. Will th ther ere b e be e childc dcare? Alvord i d is working wi g with th community to offer expanded learning programs to support families. These models will follow the health and safety guidance that has been recommended by Riverside County Public Health and support students’ social emotional wellness and academic needs.

  37. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Has the school district Yes, however it is not a considered changing the school recommendation. year calendar to wait until after Labor Day to start? Has the school district The idea has come up in considered reducing the Fall brainstorming sessions but has not semester to a trimester and been negotiated. using the February and Spring break in the Fall? Close during flu season?

  38. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Is t ther ere e is an e expec ectation Yes. A Any nyon one wi with a h a fever of of that f t famili ilies/stu tudents ts, 100.4 or or hi highe her, or or e exhi xhibiting ng adults an ad and sta staff ar are sel self- res espiratory sym symptoms su such as as screeni ning ng? coug ough a and nd shor hortness of of b breath prior shoul hould not not attend nd s schoo hool or or wor ork. Will Will parents ts a and v vis isito itors b be On Only ly in in lim limit ited w ways. F For allow owed on on scho hool ol campus us? examp mple le, t to drop op-off a and p pick ck up up chi hildren, to o drop op-off o or r pi pick- up medic icatio tion, , etc tc…

  39. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Will bus wi Wi windo dows Yes. . When enever f feasi sible, , be open n for r weath ther er p permitti tting. ventilation? Wi Will buses wi will be be Ye Yes. Between groups of saniti tized ed? students.

  40. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Will cla Will c lassr sroom No. O No Our v ur vent ntilation (HV (HVAC) windo ndows a and nd system i is reconf onfigur gured t d to doors be door be ope open f for or inc ncrease the % the % of of circulated ventilati tion? on? fr fresh air. Ope pen w n windo ndows a and nd door doors di disables the the s syste tem. Will Will there b be Portable le s sin inks s are portable sin sinks? s? impr practical and and may lead to d to furthe ther s r spreading ng.

  41. Model 3 is the most restrictive and will focus completely on distance learning. No students and limited staff are physically present on campus. This model provides options within distance learning models. Requirements for distance learning are outlined in AB77. NOTE: All three models include providing nutritionally adequate meals for pupils who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals, whether engaged in in-person instruction or distance learning.

  42. Dr. Devor Early & Elementary Education

  43. FULL FULL D DIST STANC NCE LEA E LEARNING MODEL EL TK TK-K NO IN IN-PER PERSO SON I INSTR NSTRUCTION Monda onday – Thursd sday = 180 Min Minutes/Da Day 8:30 0 – 9:00 00 Teacher Prep 9:00 0 – 9:15 15 Teacher Recording 9:15 5 – 9:45 45 Core Instruction 9:45 5 – 10:45 45 Brain Break/Recess 10:4 :45 5 – 11:15 :15 Core Instruction 11:1 :15 5 – 11:30 :30 Creative Play 11:3 :30 0 – 12:30 :30 Core Instruction 12:3 :30 0 – 1:30 30 Teacher Office Hour 1:30 0 – 4:00 00 Teacher Prep

  44. FULL FULL D DIST STANC NCE LEA E LEARNING MODEL EL 1 st st - 5 th th NO IN IN-PER PERSO SON I INSTR NSTRUCTION Monda onday – Thursd sday = 240 Min Minutes/Da Day 8:30 - 9:00 Teacher Prep 9:00 -9:15 Teacher Recording 9:15 -10:15 Core Instruction 10:15-10:30 Brain Break/Recess 10:30-11:00 Teacher Office Hours 11:00-12:00 Core Instruction

  45. FULL FULL D DIST STANC NCE LEA E LEARNING MODEL EL 1 st st - 5 th th NO IN IN-PER PERSO SON I INSTR NSTRUCTION Monda onday – Thursd sday = = 240/230 Min Minutes/Day 12:00 00 - 12:45 Lunch 12:45 45 - 1:30 Small Group Instruction & Music (1-2 grade levels/day) 1:30 - 3:00 Teacher Office Hours 3:00 - 4:00 Teacher Prep Vario rious t time imes Physical Education (staggered time)

  46. FULL FULL D DIST STANC NCE LEA E LEARNING MODEL EL TK TK - 5 th th NO IN IN-PER PERSO SON I INSTR NSTRUCTION FRIDAY 8:30-9: 9:30 30 Communications, Staff mtg, etc 9:30-11: 11:30 30 Office Hours for student support 11:30-12: 12:30 30 Lunch 12:30-4: 4:00 00 Prep/Collab

  47. A DAY IN THE STUDENT LIFE OF A TK-5 DISTANT LEARNER 1 ST - 5 TH Grade TK/Kindergarten Mon - Thurs Mon - Thurs 9:00 -9:15 Teacher Recording 9:00 -9:15 Teacher Recording explaining the agenda for explaining the agenda for the day the day 9:15 - 9:45 Core Instruction (ELA,or 9:15 -10:15 Core Instruction (ELA, or Math, or Science, or Math, or Science, or History) History) 9:45 - 10:45 Brain Break/Recess 10:15-10:30 Brain Break/Recess 11:30-12:30 Core Instruction 12:00-12:45 Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 Teacher Office Hours 12:45- 1:30 Small Group instruction Music (1-2 grade) 1:30- 3:00 Teacher Office Hours

  48. A DAY IN THE STUDENT LIFE OF A TK-5 DISTANT LEARNER ON FRIDAYS 9:30 - Home distance learning 11:30 Office hours 9:30-11:30 I can attend the office hours of the classes if I need additional support

  49. Dr. Kemp Secondary Education

  50. FULL DISTANCE LEARNING MODEL 6 - 12 NO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION 240 minute blocks/180 minutes interactive instruction PERIOD Mond onday Tuesda day Wed Thurs rsday 7:30-8:50 Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4 9:05-10:25 Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5 10:40-12:00 Period 3 Period 6 Period 3 Period 6 12:00-1:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:00-2:00 Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour 2:00-2:30 Prep Prep Prep Prep

  51. FULL DISTANCE LEARNING MODEL 6 - 12 NO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION FRIDAY SCHEDULE 8:30-9:30 SS/CTE 9:30-10:30 Math/VAPA 10:30-11:30 ELA/PE 11:30-12:30 Science/LOTE

  52. A DAY IN THE STUDENT LIFE OF A FRESHMEN DISTANT LEARNER Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7:30-8:50 P .1- IM1 P .4- Health P .1- IM1 P .4- Health 9:05-10:25 P .2- Bio P .5- Eng 1 P .2- Bio P .5- Eng 1 10:40-12:00 P .3- ASL P .6- PE P .2- ASL P .6- PE 12:00-1:00 lunch lunch lunch lunch 1:00-2:00 Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour 2:00-2:30 Prep Prep Prep Prep Friday - Office hours at designated times for all of my classes. I can attend the office hours of the classes I need additional support


  54. 1 ST - 5 TH Grade TK/Kindergarten Mon - Thurs Mon - Thurs 9:00 -9:15 Teacher Recording 9:00 -9:15 Teacher Recording explaining the agenda for explaining the agenda for the day the day 9:15 - 9:45 Core Instruction (ELA,or 9:15 -10:15 Core Instruction (ELA, or Math, or Science, or Math, or Science, or History) History) 9:45 - 10:45 Brain Break/Recess 10:15-10:30 Brain Break/Recess 11:30-12:30 Core Instruction 12:00-12:45 Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 Teacher Office Hours 12:45- 1:30 Small Group instruction Music (1-2 grade) 1:30- 3:00 Teacher Office Hours

  55. FRIDAY SCHEDULE 9:30 - Home distance learning 11:30 Office hours 9:30-11:30 Students attend the office hours of the classes if I need additional support



  58. A DAY IN THE STUDENT LIFE VIRTUAL LEARNER Log-on Google Single Sign-on (SSO) Open Student Dashboard Open Personalized Learning Path Alvord Teacher Support


  60. Personalized Learning Path Building on students’ existing knowledge Explicit video instruction Review and connect what they have learned. Practice and Application “You do”

  61. Explicit Instructional Design Digital Notebook Expert Instruction Pause, play, & Closed- Instruction segments replay captioning

  62. Rigor Teachers think aloud to model expert thinking and problem solving.

  63. Customizing Course Content Customize Content

  64. Translation in 60+ Languages • Amharic • Filipino • Hungarian • Malayalam • Romanian • Swedish (Tagalog) • Arabic • Indonesian • Maori • Russian • Tamil • Finnish • Armenian • Italian • Marathi • Samoan • Telugu • French • Bengali • Japanese • Nepali • Serbian • Thai • German • Bosnian • Javanese • Norwegian • Shona • Turkish • Greek • Chinese • Kazakh • Pashto • Sinhala • Ukrainian • Gujarati • Croatian • Korean • Persian • Slovak • Urdu • Haitian Creole (Farsi) • Czech • Kurdish • Slovenia • Vietnamese • Hebrew • Polish • Danish • Lao • Somali • Yoruba • Hindi • Portuguese • Dutch • Latvian • Spanish • Hmong • Punjabi • Estonian • Lithuanian • Swahili Read Aloud in: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish

  65. Learning Loss Mastery Modules


  67. What if I start with the Virtual Program and then school closes or for any other reason, can I switch to the current model. Or, vice versa? Due to staffing considerations, each request will be evaluated on a case-by- case basis. At the conclusion of the first semester, we will re-evaluate given the current conditions at that point in time.


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