Speaking Truth to Power: Using Student Data to Drive Early Support and School Improvement *
Secondary Success & College Readiness 1. Academic Foundation (rigorous courses, master schedule, equity data) 2. Advising Systems (advisory, counselors, partners) 3. Career Awareness & Exploration (site visits, internships, business partners) 4. Post-Secondary Awareness & Knowledge (family engagement, college visits, HSBP) 5. Academic Behaviors & Life Skills (metacognitive skills, identity based, problem solving) 6. Transitions (persistence data, college partnerships) 7. Early Warning Systems & Reengagement (EWI, student data, credit recovery, success coaches) 3
GEAR UP’s vision is that all students are academically, socially, and financially prepared to enter and complete the postsecondary program or institution of their choice. GEAR UP in Highline’s objectives are: • Increase academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education. 95% of HPS students will increase their academic performance and 75% are academically prepared to succeed at college-level work • Increase high school graduation and postsecondary participation rates. 95% of HPS students will graduate from HS and 85% enroll in postsecondary • Increase students’ and their families’ knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation, and finances . 95% of HPS students and families will increase their educational expectations and knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation, and financing 4
Our Cohort 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 1st Cohort 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade 2nd Cohort 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 3rd Cohort 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 5
Why do Student & Parent voices matter? Turn & Talk: What mythologies exist in your school or community? 1. Do student want to go to college? 2. Do students trust adults at school? 3. Do students feel school is connected to the world? 4. Do staff talk to students about college? 5. Are our families a barrier or an asset? 6
About the Survey • 75 Questions, 4 sections • 15-20 minutes to answer • Delivered online • Preloaded with student identifiers, demographics, and EWI • Open for one month • Schools must meet 85% completion 7
Designing a survey to tell your story How do you move beyond GEAR UP requirements and tell a dynamic & honest story? 1. Post Secondary Aspirations & Expectations 2. College & Career 3. School Climate 4. Non Cognitive 1. Academic Behaviors 2. Future Orientation 3. Growth Mindset 4. Perseverance/Grit 5. Sense of Belonging 8
Ensure Representation 10
Do students want to go to college? 98% of students want some sort of post secondary ed! Aspiration versus expectation drops 31% for 4-year institutions 11
Do students trust adults? 12
Do Staff Talk to Students About College? 13
Is school relevant? Students think about college and their future almost every day, and they also believe they are learning a lot most days – but they don’t connect in class learning to real world needs. How do we bridge this gap? 14
Parents: Obstacle or Asset Our parents are our biggest champions… its our job to help them understand what college access looks like each step of the way. 15
Parents: Obstacle or Asset? If parents are our biggest source of information – what do parents know? What are the messages they give their students? and how can we catalyze them as a key college access tool! 16
Activity Use Inquiry Stance • What is the authentic question you would ask a group about this data that may lead to action? • Find another group & share data & question • Does your question shift with new information? 17
Evolution of the tool… • Data Dashboards • Spotlights • Advisory Related Questions • Meta Cognitive Scales • Coach cohort – pre and post surveys • Mythbusters • INSIGHT teams 18
Success Coaches 20
Success Coaches • 12 Coaches • Under 30 • Bilingual • Reflective of Community • 80 hours of orientation • Focus on race, class, gender, power, oppression • Identify students at risk of falling off track • immediate coaching & intervention • coordinate afterschool programming • family engagement 21
Interventions: Student Success Coaches • 12 Student Success Coaches @ 11 schools • Identify students who are off track using EWI (Attendance, Behavior, and Grades) • Provide immediate interventions & coaching – 1 on 1s, small group, in class, afterschool • Served 977 students in 2015-16 • Taught weekly MetaCognitive workshops to 392 students during summer credit recovery • Supported & strengthened after school programs (tutoring, clubs, credit recovery) • Measurements: Attitude (interest, attachment, educational aspirations) & Behavior (attendance) 22
Student Success Coach Interventions Student participates in at least Student receives 20 interventions ● one goal setting session Coaching, tutoring, one-on- one, class visits Student makes at least one non Student attends at least one academic connection college or career visit ● ● Church, sports, internship Equitable access Student & Coach have at least Pre and Post Survey Completed one connection with key adult 23
Student Success Coach Interventions • MetaCognitive Month • MLK to Black Lives Matter Teach-In • Workshops •1 on 1’s • Letters home • Student Focus Groups • Interns 24
Success Coaches - HS results 25
Success Coaches - MS results 26
Success Coaches 3 data snapshots Last page (top supports) Anecdotal quote 27
Success Coaches 28
Open Ended Questions: • “working with a coach this year helped me evolve as a person emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I never imagines I would be as close as I am to my coach, and create such a fruitful relationship that I feel will last for most of my adult life” • My coach helped me fix bad relationships with teacher & learn how to communicate better • My coach helped me get more involved in my school and my community. I feel more connected My coach taught me how to deal with tough things Happening at home but still get things done at the Same time & stay on track the skills my coach taught me go way beyond the classroom. She helped me forgive, forget, and Become a better person 29
Stay in Touch! Roslyn Kagy Secondary Success Manager GEAR UP Director Secondary Success & College Readiness Roslyn.Kagy@highlineschools.org 206.631.7668 Twitter: RoslynKagy 30
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