spanish surveillance of veterinary antimicrobial

Spanish Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption ESVAC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Spanish Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption ESVAC ES Cristina Muoz Madero AEMPS 28.09.2010 Outline 1.Pro je c t Start 2.Pre se ntac io n 3.Curre nt situatio n 4.Pro ble ms&So lutio ns 5.F uture Plan 2 ESVAC ES

  1. Spanish Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption ESVAC ES Cristina Muñoz Madero AEMPS 28.09.2010

  2. Outline 1.Pro je c t Start 2.Pre se ntac io n 3.Curre nt situatio n 4.Pro ble ms&So lutio ns 5.F uture Plan 2

  3. ESVAC ES Project start NETWORK VAV

  4. ESAC e se ntation AEMPS STAKEHOLDER Pr

  5. 1º Stake holde r Me e ting in June T e mplate Pilot gr oup 30.07.2010 All stake holde r s 13.09.2010

  6. 2º E SAC Me e ting in Se pte mbe r Me e ting in Se pte mbe r Pr Pr oje c t oje c t E SAC E SAC E E SVAC SVAC COMMON OBJE CT IVE

  7. Cur r e nt situation Pilo t g ro up te mplate 30.07.2010 I de ntific atio n o f the pro ble ms T ake a c o mmo n so lutio ns

  8. I nfo rmatio n o f Po te ntial pro ble ms and so lutio ns to all stake ho lde rs 100% se nd data 13.09.2010 Validatio n o f AE MPS all data

  9. F utur e Situation: Public ation of the infor mation

  10. Thanks for your attention


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