southwest corridor project tigard team update

Southwest Corridor Project Tigard Team Update Presented to City - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e Southwest Corridor Project Tigard Team Update Presented to City Council March 20, 2018 C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  1. C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e Southwest Corridor Project Tigard Team Update Presented to City Council March 20, 2018

  2. C I T Y O F T I G A R D The purpose of the Southwest Corridor light rail project is to directly connect Tualatin, downtown Tigard, Southwest Portland, and the region’s central city with light rail, high quality transit and appropriate community investments in a congested corridor to improve mobility and create the conditions that will allow communities in the corridor to achieve their land use vision

  3. C I T Y O F T I G A R D SWC or Southwest Corridor : basically the Barbur LPA or Locally Preferred Alternative : The final • • Boulevard/Hwy 99 corridor between Portland and light rail route, recommended by the project Sherwood including those two cities, Tigard, Steering Committee, endorsed by participating Tualatin, King City, Durham, and portions of governments, and adopted by the Metro Council. unincorporated Washington County. LUFO or Land Use Final Order : The statutory • DEIS or Draft Environmental Impact Statement : a authority granted by Metro, under Oregon • federally required study that discloses the statute, to TriMet, to construct the project across impacts and benefits of possible route options for multiple local land use authorities. light rail in the corridor. TOD or Transit Oriented Development: • FEIS or Final Environmental Impact Statement : a Development that typically follows the opening of • study that will address the set of benefits, light rail, close to stations and characterized by a impacts and mitigations for those impacts for a mixture of uses in single buildings and lower than final alignment once selected. typical parking ratios. IRP or Initial Route Proposal : An FTA-required, CAC or Citizen Advisory Committee : A Metro- • • proposed light rail alignment, to be included in appointed committee of citizens from affected the DEIS for public comment and review. jurisdictions to review project information and make recommendations to the project Steering Committee on key decisions. FTA or Federal Transit Administration: The • federal agency responsible for reviewing, rating, funding and overseeing the design, development, construction and operation of light rail projects nationwide.

  4. C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  5. C I T Y O F T I G A R D Initial Route Proposal (IRP)

  6. C I T Y O F T I G A R D PERMITTING FRAMEWORK Local • Tigard (local land use authority) • Washington County Regional • TriMet • Metro (regional land use authority) State • Oregon Legislature • Land Conservation and Development Commission Federal • Federal Transit Administration • National Environmental Protection Act

  7. C I T Y O F T I G A R D LOCAL LAND USE POLICY FRAMEWORK “maint ntain n “promote the Downt ntown n as t the he efficient utilization city’s p primary t transit of employment and cen center er” industrial lands” “ensure that Downtown is not dominated by park- and-ride activity.” “focus employment growth and high-density housing in the Triangle and Downtown”

  8. C I T Y O F T I G A R D LAND USE Promising Direction…  Provides improved circulation and access in Triangle  Minimizes park & ride impacts in Triangle  Minimizes industrial impacts south of downtown

  9. C I T Y O F T I G A R D LAND USE Questions & Concerns…  Does not locate a station in downtown  Impacts to industrial and employment lands south of downtown

  10. C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  11. C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  12. C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  13. C I T Y O F T I G A R D

  14. C I T Y O F T I G A R D URBAN DESIGN COMPONENTS OF TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT  -Walkable design-pedestrian as the highest priority  -Train station as prominent feature of town center  -Public square fronting train station  -A regional node containing a mixture of uses  -High density, walkable district within 10-minute walk  -Collector support transit systems including buses, etc  -Designed to include the easy use of bicycles/scooters  -Reduced and managed parking inside 10-minute walk  -Specialized retail at stations serving commuters


  16. C I T Y O F T I G A R D URBAN DESIGN Promising Direction…  Placemaking opportunities in the Triangle on new 70 th Avenue and with introduction of new, prominent structures

  17. C I T Y O F T I G A R D URBAN DESIGN Questions & Concerns…  Design treatment/budget for all structures (e.g. parking structures, retaining walls, bridges, O&M facilities, new transit center, support buildings)  Station area development near the downtown station  Transit “experience” for people considering downtown as a future residence or business location

  18. C I T Y O F T I G A R D EQUITY AND HOUSING Promising Direction…  Initial route proposal without station in downtown core would result in fewer residents physically displaced  SW Corridor Equitable Housing Strategy has recommendations to address market displacement of residents of “naturally occurring affordable housing”

  19. C I T Y O F T I G A R D EQUITY AND HOUSING Questions & Concerns…  Initial route proposal would not create opportunity for developing protected affordable housing on TriMet owned remnant parcels in the downtown core  Station outside of downtown core could result in less transit oriented housing development where city wants it  Station outside of downtown core could make transit less convenient for transit dependent residents

  20. C I T Y O F T I G A R D BUSINESS IMPACTS Promising Direction…  Potential for increased employment density through redevelopment of underutilized industrial land (Employment Transit-Oriented Development district).

  21. C I T Y O F T I G A R D BUSINESS IMPACTS Questions & Concerns… Tigard Triangle 7 firms  Loss of firms / employment Hunziker Core 29 firms  Loss of industrial land  Tax base reduction  Termination of Hunziker Core Railroad Being studied Infrastructure Project

  22. C I T Y O F T I G A R D TRAFFIC, TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE Promising Direction…  Possible Station adjacent to 99W and 68 th Parkway provides opportunity to connect with more riders  Opportunity to partner with TriMet to find location for new Tigard Public Works facility  Downtown station development provides opportunity to mitigate traffic impacts by fixing Hall/Scoffins/Hunziker intersections

  23. C I T Y O F T I G A R D TRAFFIC, TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE Questions & Concerns…  Hwy 217 cross-over should include at least bike and pedestrian facilities  Downtown Tigard station needs to mitigate traffic and safety impacts on Hall Blvd.  Upper Boones Ferry Road crossing traffic impacts need mitigation and determine who pays

  24. C I T Y O F T I G A R D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Outreach Activity in Tigard 2017  February - SW Corridor Kick-Off Event  Spring - Mailer to those along the alignment and mail-route  May - Business Outreach and Presentation Breakfast May-September - Tabling at local events 2018  February - Underserved and minority outreach at St. Anthony’s

  25. C I T Y O F T I G A R D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Upcoming Timeline of Events:  March - Business Outreach and Presentation Breakfast (possible mitigations)  Spring - Mailer to those along the alignment and mail-route  April - Underserved and minority outreach at St. Anthony’s  May 29*: Southwest Corridor Workshop (DEIS)  June 21: Southwest Corridor Workshop (DEIS) Ongoing Outreach: One-on-one and group meetings with property owners and businesses

  26. C I T Y O F T I G A R D


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