
SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation SouthShore Library, May 31, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation SouthShore Library, May 31, 2018 Study Overview Reevaluate transit needs Explore growth in the area Provide input into the MPO and HART plans Analyze years 2025 and 2035 Involve 6

  1. SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation SouthShore Library, May 31, 2018

  2. Study Overview • Reevaluate transit needs • Explore growth in the area • Provide input into the MPO and HART plans • Analyze years 2025 and 2035 • Involve 6 Community Planning Areas

  3. Study Coordination / Outreach • Public Meeting to establish study objectives and identify study priorities • Public Meeting to present alternatives • Open House to get community input • Final presentation of study findings

  4. Study Area Planning Area Size Apollo Beach 24 sq mi Boyette 13 sq mi Gibsonton 14 sq mi Riverview 50 sq mi Ruskin 19 sq mi Sun City Center 17 sq mi Wimauma 25 sq mi

  5. Previous Study Alternatives 1. HART Planned Service with FishHawk Connection 2. Figure 8 Configuration 3. Two One-Way Loops with Local Service to Brandon Mall and FishHawk 4. Two Two-Way Loops, Extended Flex to Riverview High School, No FishHawk Extension

  6. Alt 1: HART Planned Service with FishHawk Connection

  7. Alt 2: Figure 8 Configuration

  8. Alt 3: Two One-Way Loops with Local Service to Brandon Mall and FishHawk

  9. Recommended Alternative: Alt 4: Two Two-Way Loops, Extended Flex to Riverview High School, No FishHawk Extension Operational ▪ Refinements – 23’, 20 passenger buses to serve the north and south loops – Route 1 (Existing Route 53LX) as a limited express route

  10. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  11. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  12. 10 Year Plan – Transportation Needs $126 M $276 M $381 M Maintenance & Safety & Congestion Relief Asset Preservation Operations Improved right-of-way 51 signal and maintenance intersection projects 25 traffic management system projects 210 miles of 37 school safety and sidewalk/ADA repair sidewalk projects 300,000 feet of Repair and rehabilitation 14 new of 251 bridges New/gap sidewalks roads/widening/ complete streets 1,100 lane miles of Sun City Center golf cart projects pavement resurfacing paths

  13. SO SOUTH COUNTY INTEGRATED MOBILITY SO SOLUTIONS Land Use Roadways Transit Other Transit Trails Ferry Roadway Projects Trails/Multi-Use Path Side Path Ferry

  14. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  15. HART Update 1. HART is continues to evaluate the challenging needs for South County 2. Adequate funding continues to limit the feasibility of additional service in the short-term 3. Drafted scenarios based on potential County funding that would work toward improving service spans and frequency 4. Future innovative initiatives involving microtransit options will be evaluated for feasibility in areas of South County that lack efficient transit options.

  16. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  17. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  18. Community & Agency Updates • SouthShore Growth & Looking at the Big Picture – Hillsborough County • HART’s Evolving Services • Arriba Transportation Proposal • VA South Hillsborough Clinic and Veteran Transportation Services • Sunshine Line On-Demand Services

  19. What’s New in SouthShore?

  20. Existing Conditions/ Trends Population Growth 2010-2015 Population Growth 2010: 178,400 12% 2015: 197,600 10% 8% 11% 2010: 1,229,226 Growth 6% 2015: 1,295,354 4% 5% Growth 2% 0% SouthShore Hillsborough County SOURCE: TBRPM v.8.2 and the Hillsborough MPO (Data Analysis Area)

  21. Population Annual Growth 2010-2015

  22. Population Annual Growth 2015-2040

  23. Existing Conditions/ Trends Housing Growth 2010-2015 Dwelling Unit Growth 10% 2010: 76,300 2015: 82,468 8% 2010: 536,092 6% 8% 2015: 562,021 Growth 4% 5% Growth 2% 0% SouthShore Hillsborough County SOURCE: TBRPM v.8.2 and the Hillsborough MPO (Data Analysis Area)

  24. Dwelling Unit Annual Growth 2010 -2015

  25. Dwelling Unit Annual Growth 2015 -2040

  26. Existing Conditions/ Trends Employment Growth 2010-2015 Employment Growth 2010: 42,618 20% 2015: 50,321 2010: 711,400 2015: 827,700 15% 18% 10% Growth 16% Growth 5% 0% SouthShore Hillsborough County SOURCE: TBRPM v.8.2 and the Hillsborough MPO (Data Analysis Area)

  27. Employee Annual Growth 2010-2015

  28. Employee Annual Growth 2015-2040

  29. Existing Transit Routes

  30. Average Daily Usage

  31. Average Daily Usage

  32. Average Daily Usage

  33. Key Destinations Riverv rvie iew Sup uper er Targ rget t and nd Home ome Depo pot Spo poto to Hig igh h Scho hool Riverv rvie iew Tow own n Ce Cente nter Newsome e High Scho hool Gi Gibso sonton ton Wa Walm lmart rt Commercial Centers Riverv rvie iew Hig igh h Scho hool Twi win Oa Oaks s Sho hopp ppin ing Ce Cente nter East st Ba Bay High Schoo ool Educational Facilities Mana nate tee e High Scho hool VA Sou outh th Hill llsborou rough h Cl Clinic ic Poten otentia tial l High Speed peed Fe Ferr rry Doc ock Health Facilities s & & Community Sam’s Club, Winn -Dixie ie Centers and nd Pub ubli lix Sho hopp ppin ing Ce Cente nters rs Sou outh thSho hore re Co Commo mmons Em Emerging Dest stinations Sho hoppes es of of Apo poll llo Be Beach St. Joseph’s Hospital Ama mazon n Dis istrib tributio tion n Ce Cente nter Pub ubli lix Sou outh th Ba Bay Sun un Ci City Cen Cente ter r Plaza HHC C Sou outh thShore re Ca Campu mpus Hosp ospita ital Lenn ennard rd High Schoo ool Wimaum Wi uma Senio ior r Ce Cente nter Bi Big Lots ots Kings Cr Cross ossing/ Wi Wimaum uma Wa Walmart rt Sou outh thSho hore re Kings Florid Fl orida Dept Commu Co mmunity ity Cen Center ter Poi oint nt of of Health th Sun un Ci City Ce Cente nter Hom ome e Depot

  34. Next Steps • Continue evaluating existing conditions • Conduct needs assessment and market analysis • Identify priorities and proposed alternatives with financial and operational plans • Develop Implementation Plan/Actions/Phasing Plan

  35. Questions & Comments

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