Southport Presentation 2018 Good afternoon Before I start has anyone received the dreaded letter yet? Don’t worry it’ll be fine. There is plenty information and there are videos on the HCPC website. There are sample profiles including one from a Society member and an Institute member. So basically:- The HCPC have a set of CPD standards which we have to meet. Every time we renew our registration we confirm that we have met these standards and if selected for audit we must provide evidence of our CPD activities. CPD is linked to registration so you need to meet their CPD standards to stay registered. To meet these standards we must Standard 1 .Undertake regular CPD and keep a record of it. Standard 2. Carry out different kinds of learning activities. Standards 3&4. Say how your CPD has improved your practice and has benefited your patients. Standard 5. Take part in the audit if selected. And so if we are chosen for the audit we must send a profile explaining how the CPD we have done has met their standards and provide evidence that we have done what we’ve said we’ve done. This, together with a summary of your recent work/practice( this is to show that the CPD you did is relevant to your work)is all there is to it!! START PRESENTATION
SLIDE I As you know I have been audited three times. The first time was in May 2008 when it first started. Chiropodists/podiatrists were the first profession along with Operating Department Practitioners to be audited and 5% of both of the professions were audited. SLIDE 2 So, the dreaded letter arrived…… The letter inviting you to renew your registration and the letter saying you have been randomly selected in my experience come within days of each other. SLIDE 3 Dated 12 May 2008 You have been randomly selected for audit of your continuing professional development(CPD). Your CPD number is CPD000372. We require you to complete a CPD profile that demonstrates the activities you have undertaken in the past two years meet our CPD standards. This profile (enclosed) along with guidance to it, is available to download from the following address www.hpc- Please return your completed CPD profile and completed renewal form and payment to the Registration Department by the end of your renewal period Once your completed profile arrives, we will ask two of our professional assessors, at least one from your profession, to examine the information you have provided. A decision will then be made on whether your CPD activities meet our standards. Selection for CPD audit is random and does not affect your HPC registration. While your profile is being assessed you can continue to practice your profession. For more information about this process, including sample profiles and the standards, please visit our website. So, you can imagine I was in a total panic along with other members that had been randomly picked as well. There were quite a few I seem to remember and I think one or two decided not to bother with it and not renew their HPC registration (as it was then). So that is an option if you are audited and can’t face it, but it is not as daunting as you might think. But back then nobody really had any clue as to what was required and how it had to be presented. Although I had plenty CPD activities, attending regular branch meetings and all that it has to offer and seminars and conferences it was how much to write and how it had to be presented and just what was expected of me. Fortunately the AGM Conference was in Harrogate on the 17 th and 18 th May and there was a presentation ‘Standards for CPD’ by Mark Potter from the HPC
This gave me some insight as to what was required and with help and support from branch members I managed to complete my CPD profile. It took several weekends of work to put it all together, but anyway it must have been OK because the letter eventually came saying that my audit was satisfactory ! SLIDE 4 So May 2012 comes around, and the dreaded letter arrives again! SLIDE 5 Dated 10 May 2012 We are writing to inform you that you have been randomly selected for audit…… This time only 2.5% were selected The letter much the same as before, but adds… Please note any documents that you submit with your CPD profile will not be returned. Please do not use plastic wallets or staples as your profile will be photocopied for the assessors. If you would prefer to email your profile ensure that each email does not exceed 10MB. This time I was not as daunted, but I certainly could have done without it as this was a very stressful time with family illnesses. If you have a good reason you can ask for the audit to be deferred. If they agree you have a good enough reason then they will defer it, but you will definitely be audited the next time, but at least you will have two years to prepare for it. So again with help and support from branch members I was successful. SLIDE 6 So May 2016 came around, and the dreaded letter arrived again !! This is the letter and forms that came. SLIDE 7 letter SLIDE 8 letter SLIDE 9 form SLIDE 10 form SLIDE 11 form I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so decided to laugh and just get on with it. I had plenty CPD and I booked some lectures at the Conference in Southport for good measure. Everything seemed to come together quite well & I even managed to return the CPD Audit by email. They keep you waiting about 8 weeks to tell you whether you have been successful. SLIDE 12 At least it’s a better letter now actually acknowledging the work put in.
So the dreaded letter has dropped or drops on your door mat in May this year and you are one of the 2.5% of chiropodists/podiatrists randomly selected for audit……. What to expect and what to do . SLIDE 13 video title SLIDE 14 video HOW THE CPD AUDIT WORKS – VIDEO As he says it’s not designed to trip you up and it’ s not as bad as you might think. We who attend branch meetings/lectures/seminars/conference etc. will have plenty CPD. Let’s get straight on with the next video. SLIDE 15 video title SLIDE 16 video UNDERTAKING CPD AND MEETING OUR STANDARDS – VIDEO SLIDE 17 What have we learned from that video? CPD is the way professionals continue to learn and develop through-out their career to keep their skills and knowledge up to date to ensure that they retain their capacity to practice safely, effectively and legally. Standard 1 You must maintain a continuous, up to date and accurate record of your CPD activities. Continuous – at least one CPD activity every 2 months. Up to date – activities from the previous 2 years of your registration Accurate – a true record of the activities you have undertaken. For the last couple of years or rather since you renewed your registration with the HCPC from the end of July 2016, you should have a portfolio of CPD activities and evidence. SLIDE 18
Standard 2 You must demonstrate that your CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to your current or future practice. By mixture – you must undertake different types of learning i.e. not all lectures. So you can’t just go to a lecture - get your certifica te and think that’s OK got my CPD sorted ! Need to think about courses, workshops, reading books and journals. Your CPD must be relevant to your current or future practice. This could be both formal and informal. For example it could be an arranged course or lecture or just sharing skills and knowledge with colleagues at a branch meeting. If you are chosen for audit some of the information you may want to send may contain patient ’ s details – remove any details that could allow identification of the patient. There are examples of what counts as CPD later on. If you are not chosen this time the next audit is May 2020 so from August this year keep a record of you CPD. Standard 3 You must seek to ensure that your CPD has contributed to the quality of your practice and service delivery. Benefits to you. Standard 4 You must seek to ensure that your CPD benefits the service user. Benefits to others i.e. usually your patients. SLIDE 19 Benefit of CPD don’t have to be dramatic. You m ight only need to say that you are now more confident in undertaking a particular task and therefore your patients now receive better care and service. So if you are selected for audit from that 2 year list you would then choose some activities that you think are best suited to your work and that you think
demonstrates that they have improved the quality of your practice and benefited your patients. Describe the event – lecture, workshop, research etc. Evaluate it – good or not what you expected etc. Did you learn anything from it? What might you now do differently and where do you feel you need to improve your knowledge. If you didn’t learn anything new from it did it refresh your knowledge of reinforce something. To meet standard 5 You must fill in and return a CPD profile and evidence of your CPD when they ask you. SLIDE 20 So what activities count as CPD and what to produce for evidence? You might like to jot down the ones suggested that might apply to you. CPD is divided into categories. Work based learning Learning by doing Case Studies Reflective Practice Clinical audit Coaching from others Discussions with colleagues Peer Review Being on a committee Work shadowing
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