South Bayside Waste Management Authority Item 5A Authorizing the Issuance of Solid Waste Enterprise Revenue Bonds Series 2019 Board of Directors Meeting May 23, 2019 1300 Clay Street, Suite 1000, Oakland, CA 94612 phone 510-839-8200 fax 510-208-8282 A Limited Liability Company
Item 5A Resolution No. 2019-32 ▪ Authorizing the issuance of Solid Waste Enterprise Revenue Bonds Series 2019 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $64,000,000 and authorizing and directing the execution of an Indenture of Trust, Purchase Contract, Continuing Disclosure Certificate, and Escrow Agreement; approving an Official Statement for said Series 2019 Bonds; and authorizing certain other actions in connection with the financing, including the adoption of a Debt Policy. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 1
Financing Documentation ▪ Indenture of Trust: Agreement executed by the Authority and the Trustee that pledges SBWMA revenues as security for the repayment of the Series 2019 Bonds. ▪ Purchase Contract: Agreement between the Authority and the underwriter (Raymond James) under which agrees to purchase the Series 2019 Bonds and will be executed on the day of sale. ▪ Continuing Disclosure Certificate: C ertificate of the Authority containing undertakings to provide annual reports and event notices to the bond market and investors pursuant to SEC Rule 15c2-12. The underwriter cannot comply with SEC regulations without this document. ▪ Escrow Agreement: Agreement between the Authority and the Trustee that provides for the establishment of an escrow fund and the application of bond proceeds to the payment of the refunded Series 2009A Bonds. ▪ Preliminary Official Statement (POS)/ Official Statement (OS): Document containing information about the Authority, the Series 2019 Bonds, and the sources of repayment of the bonds. Federal securities laws require that POS/OS must fully disclose all facts that would be of interest (i.e. material) to a potential buyer of bonds of the issue. ▪ Debt Policy: Written framework that guides the debt issuance practice of the Authority. Senate Bill 1029, effective January 1, 2017, requires governmental agencies that issue any form of debt have a debt policy in place if a debt issuance is anticipated. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 2
Market Rates Continue to Support a Refunding of the Series 2009A Bonds Revenue 10-Year U.S. Bond Index* Treasury Maximum (10-Year Historical) 5.83% 3.91% Minimum (10-Year Historical) 2.98% 1.40% 2009A Issuance (8/20/2009) 5.62% 3.42% January Board Meeting 4.70% 2.72% March Board Meeting 4.26% 2.39% April Board Meeting 4.27% 2.54% Percent (%) *The Bond Buyer Revenue Bond Index consists of 25 various revenue bonds that mature in 30 years. The average rating is roughly equivalent to Moody’s “A1” and S&P’s “A+”. Source: Bond Buyer Index: Bond Buyer. 10-year Treasury Yield Curve: The Department of the Treasury. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 3
Series 2019 Bonds: Sources and Uses Sources 1 Series 2019A Series 2019B Total (Refunding) (New Money) Par Amount $35,245,000 $18,575,000 $53,820,000 Premium 6,988,201 2,969,037 9,957,238 Other Sources of Funds 2 6,567,395 - 6,567,395 Total Sources: $48,800,596 $21,544,037 $70,344,633 Uses 1 Series 2019A Series 2019B Total (Refunding) (New Money) Project Fund $20,000,000 $20,000,000 Refunding Escrow 45,836,766 45,836,766 Debt Service Reserve Fund 2,632,373 1,387,327 4,019,700 Cost of Issuance 191,876 101,124 293,000 Underwriter's Discount 136,495 56,060 192,555 Rounding Amount 3,085 -474 2,611 Total Uses: $48,800,596 $21,544,037 $70,344,633 1 Preliminary, subject to change with market conditions. 2 Existing 2009A DSRF and debt service funds on hand. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 4
Series 2019 Bonds Debt Service Structure ▪ Structure maintains $4.1M annual debt payments through capacity created by: i) savings from refunding 2009A Bonds ii) extending 2009A Bond debt maturity six years (from 9/1/2036 to 9/1/2042) Series 2019 Enterprise Revenue Bonds Annual Debt Service 1 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2019 Series A (Refunding) 2019 Series B (New Money) 2009 Series A 1 Preliminary, subject to change with market conditions. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 5
Detailed Debt Service Schedule South Bayside Waste Management Solid Waste Enterprise Bonds 1 Debt Service 2019 Series A Bonds (Refunding) 2019 Series B Bonds (New Money) Aggregate 2019 2009A Bonds Debt Service Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service Principal Interest Debt Service 9/1/2020 $4,124,500 $2,016,797 $2,016,797 $940,000 $1,062,903 $2,002,903 $4,019,700 9/1/2021 4,124,750 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,375,000 881,750 2,256,750 4,019,000 9/1/2022 4,122,325 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,440,000 813,000 2,253,000 4,015,250 9/1/2023 4,120,700 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,515,000 741,000 2,256,000 4,018,250 9/1/2024 4,124,613 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,590,000 665,250 2,255,250 4,017,500 9/1/2025 4,123,538 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,670,000 585,750 2,255,750 4,018,000 9/1/2026 4,122,475 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,755,000 502,250 2,257,250 4,019,500 9/1/2027 4,120,913 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,840,000 414,500 2,254,500 4,016,750 9/1/2028 4,121,538 1,762,250 1,762,250 1,930,000 322,500 2,252,500 4,014,750 9/1/2029 4,123,725 1,762,250 1,762,250 2,030,000 226,000 2,256,000 4,018,250 9/1/2030 4,121,850 1,762,250 1,762,250 2,130,000 124,500 2,254,500 4,016,750 9/1/2031 4,120,600 1,875,000 1,762,250 3,637,250 360,000 18,000 378,000 4,015,250 9/1/2032 4,121,200 2,350,000 1,668,500 4,018,500 4,018,500 9/1/2033 4,121,900 2,465,000 1,551,000 4,016,000 4,016,000 9/1/2034 4,122,100 2,590,000 1,427,750 4,017,750 4,017,750 9/1/2035 4,121,200 2,720,000 1,298,250 4,018,250 4,018,250 9/1/2036 4,123,600 2,855,000 1,162,250 4,017,250 4,017,250 9/1/2037 4,123,400 3,000,000 1,019,500 4,019,500 4,019,500 9/1/2038 3,145,000 869,500 4,014,500 4,014,500 9/1/2039 3,305,000 712,250 4,017,250 4,017,250 9/1/2040 3,470,000 547,000 4,017,000 4,017,000 9/1/2041 3,645,000 373,500 4,018,500 4,018,500 9/1/2042 3,825,000 191,250 4,016,250 4,016,250 Totals: $74,204,925 $35,245,000 $32,222,297 $67,467,297 $18,575,000 $6,357,403 $24,932,403 $92,399,700 1 Preliminary, subject to change with market conditions. South Bayside Waste Management Authority | page 6
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