source bbsrc nerc source newcastle university

(source: BBSRC/NERC) (source: Newcastle University) Aquaculture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

(source: BBSRC/NERC) (source: Newcastle University) Aquaculture Knowledge BBSRC-NERC UK Aquaculture ARCH-UK Aquaculture Network Exchange Fellowship Initiative NERC funded: 2016-2019 BBSRC funded: 2017-2021 Franco (Newcastle Uni),

  1. (source: BBSRC/NERC) (source: Newcastle University)

  2. Aquaculture Knowledge BBSRC-NERC UK Aquaculture ARCH-UK Aquaculture Network Exchange Fellowship Initiative • NERC funded: 2016-2019 • BBSRC funded: 2017-2021 • Franco (Newcastle Uni), PI • McAndrew (Stirling Uni) & Rowley (Swansea Uni), PIs • Connect businesses and academics, determine • Finfish and Shellfish groups capability and R&I needs & • Foster collaborative activities assess public perception and identify R&I challenges (source: Gateway to Research)

  3. • Extend KE work to regulatory • Challenge & learning opportunity: frameworks and policy topic, perspective and new team • Develop relations with MMO • Develop new skills (stakeholder (also DEFRA and CEFAS) consultation, socio-economic • Gain non-academic and data collection and interdisciplinary experience qualitative data analysis) Personal Professional • Diversify network, expertise and publications Academic Impact interest • Provide tools for marine • What are the evidence gaps planning and decision making for modelling aquaculture in marine plan areas? • Review evidence needs & inform/engage stakeholders • How can we value benefits and impacts associated with • Create a framework for aquaculture and use these aquaculture valuation for marine planning?

  4. • • • Create the conditions to improve curr. models & propose recommendations Review existing evidence needs and define priority research areas • Value trade-offs and impacts of different types of aquaculture • Support decision-making and sustainable aquaculture development

  5. Marine • Management Organisation • • Dr Ainsling Lannin , Evidence team • (Newcastle upon Tyne) • 4 months • • • (source: Marine Management Organisation)

  6. Review of evidence Aquaculture impact Final report and Valuation analysis needs assessment dissemination • Gap-analysis of • Literature review on • Comparison of • Final report previous model +/- impacts of valuation methods • Discussion of results different types of • Literature review • Socio-economic and with MMO, CEFAS aquaculture environmental and DEFRA • List of research • Stakeholder valuation of various priorities consultation trade-offs (EAA) Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 15 and 16 Weeks 1 to 3 Weeks 9 to 14 Outcomes Deliverables: gap-analysis and research priorities (D1), impact assessment (D2), valuation analysis (D3) and final report (D4) Publication (on valuing aquaculture from an integrated ecosystem approach) Opportunity for engagement between academics and regulatory organisations

  7. • • • (source: Valuing Nature)

  8. Sofia C. Franco

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