annual airport noise contours update

Annual Airport Noise Contours Update 09th October 2008 Stewart - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Annual Airport Noise Contours Update 09th October 2008 Stewart Smith Environment & Surface Access Manager Recommendations Technical Working Group met on 03/10/08 and endorsed the following: To move towards Annual Noise Contours

  1. Annual Airport Noise Contours Update 09th October 2008 Stewart Smith Environment & Surface Access Manager

  2. Recommendations Technical Working Group met on 03/10/08 and endorsed the following: � To move towards Annual Noise Contours produced in 16-hour summer leq � To be modelled using Ancon Noise Model – owned & operated by the CAA � To recommend to the Consultative Committee that this be adopted from 2007 onwards

  3. Example Noise Contour Noise contour Line plotted on a map connecting points of equal sound levels L eq Equivalent Continuous Sound Level in dB(A) dB(A) A unit of sound pressure level adjusted with ‘A’ weighting to take account of sensitivity of human ear

  4. Basic Noise Contour Inputs Mean flight tracks & dispersion Radar Data Height & Speed Profiles Traffic data Thrust Noise Noise at grid Take off / Estimation Calculations points landing weight Aircraft Performance Data Contour areas Noise Contours Population inside contours

  5. Noise Modelling Calculations

  6. Annual Noise Contours � Section 106 Planning Agreement between Eastleigh Borough Council & Southampton Airport: To produce an annual assessment of changes in the Aircraft Noise around the Airport � Hayes McKensie (INM) Noise Contours used in recent years to model noise environment at Southampton Airport.

  7. Leq Noise Contours 2 Models used predominantly in the UK for Leq Contours: � Integrated Noise Model (INM) – developed by the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). � Ancon (Version 2.3) – UK Aircraft Noise Model maintained by Environmental Research and Consultancy Department (ERCD) of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for the Department for Transport (DfT). Ancon used at: - Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Birmingham International, Scottish Airports, & Manchester Airport amongst others.

  8. Existing Annual Contours � Hayes McKensie (INM) Noise Contours used in recent years to model noise environment at Southampton Airport. � Include all Air Transport Movements across the year � Current Routes being flown � Additional weighting factor to produce a ‘peak’ summer day � Southampton Specific methodology

  9. Leq Contours � Covers the ‘peak’ 92 day period 16 June to 15 September inclusive � Based on the daily average movements that take place in the 16 hour period (0700–2300) � Covers Current Routes being flown � Consistent with the 2003 Government Air Transport White Paper & Planning Policy Guidance 24 � Methodology used widely across the UK

  10. Comparison of Ancon & INM Subtle differences between both noise models in terms of how data is utilised and processed Key benefits of Ancon: � Model owned and operated by the CAA � Validated against actual operations at UK Airports reflecting current operating procedures � Validation includes actual noise measurements from a number of UK airports � Much more complete list of aircraft included in database than INM, rather than substituting aircraft for best match � Now able to provide layer for GIS mapping systems

  11. Noise Contours in both Models Black = Ancon Red = INM

  12. Key Annual Variables � Runway Modal Splits e.g. 2007 = 39% North 61% South � Aircraft Fleet Mix changes � Number of Movements � Weather – Headwind, Clear skis & Pressure changes � Loading Factors (weight of Aircraft) � Lateral dispersion – swathe from the centre line

  13. Ancon Vs INM Comparison Households Comparison Ancon Vs INM 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Area Comparison Ancon Vs INM 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 7 6 5 Population Comparison Ancon Vs INM 4 3 2 12000 1 10000 0 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 8000 6000 4000 57 dB(A) = onset 2000 of significant noise 0 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 disturbance

  14. Technical Working Group 03 rd October 2008 Stewart Smith Environment & Surface Access Manager

  15. Noise Action Plan Consultation � DRAFT DEFRA Guidance – currently out for Consultation with Key Stakeholders & airport operators � Consultation due to close on 28 th November 2008 � Final Guidance to be Published – No date yet specified � Once Final Guidance is published: - Finalise Southampton Airport Action Plan - 3 Month Public Consultation will take place � Likely to be Early 2009

  16. DEFRA Consultation DEFRA Consultation on Guidance for Airport Operators open to the Public – Online at the following web address: Extensive list of Consultees including: � Airport Operators & Aviation Interest Groups � Civil Aviation Authority � Local Authorities � Countryside Agency & Environment Agency � British Rubber Manufacturer’s Association


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