Sounds of some familiar languages
French oral vowels Height Vowel example Vowel example Vowel example Front unrounded Front rounded Back High i vie y du u tout Mid: tense e bl´ e ¨ o peu o mot Mid: lax E tˆ ete œ peur O donne Low: a plat
French nasal vowels [ ɔ ̃ ] [ ε̃ ] plein bon [œ ̃ ] brun [ã ] dans
French nasal vowels Height Vowel example Vowel example Vowel example Front unrounded Front rounded Back Mid: lax ˜ E œ ˜ ˜ O bon Low: ˜ a dans French glides y yeux, paille, pied w oui, Ouagadougou 4 huile, lui
IPA cardinal vowel system Source: KHWagner
French consonants
The other glides (IPA)
Spanish vowels
Sounds of Spanish Castilian Mexico Caribbean Porteño
German obstruents
Source: KHWagner
German diphthongs Source: KHWagner
French • Bourgeois educated Parisian French • Educated Bordeaux French (a kind of southern French) • Québécois (le français canadien)
Issues involving French mid vowels Gl Gloss Bo Bord rdeau eaux Parisian Parisi an rd sg.) give (3 rd give (3 sg.) [d ɔ n] [d n] [d ɔ n] [d n] give (infinitive) give (infinitive) [done [done] [d [d ɔ ne] ne] beautiful (mas beautiful (m asc.) c.) [bo] [bo [bo [bo] Paul Paul [p ɔ l] [p l] [p ɔ l] [p l] Paula Paul [p [p ɔ l] l] [pol] [pol] shoulder shoulder [ep ɔ l] [ep l] [epol] [epol] thing thin [ ʃɔ z] z] [ ʃ oz] oz] left (opp. of right) left (opp. of right) [g ɔʃ ] [g [go ʃ ] [go dress dress [r ɔ b] [r b] [r [r ɔ b] b] hot hot [ ʃ o] o] [ ʃ o] o] telephone telep [telef ɔ n] [telef n] [telef [telef ɔ n] n] to telephone to telephone [telefone] [t elefone] [telef ɔ ne] [telef ne] hot (fem.) hot (fem .) [ ʃɔ d] d] [ ʃ od] od]
Spelling English Qu´ eb´ ecois Continental petit small p ţ i p @ ti tiroir drawer ţ irwa K tirwa K diable devil d z jab djabl @ Ad` ele (name) ad E l ad E l terre earth t EK t EK tˆ ache task ta: S ( or taw S ) ta S tout all t U t tu il dit he says i d z i i(l)di elle dit she says a d z i E ldi planter to plant pl˜ ante pl˜ ante torchon dish towel t OKS ˜ o t OKS ˜ o tiens hold, take ţ j˜ e tj˜ e tuer to kill ţ ye tye dur hard d z yr dyr diable devil d z jab djabl @ dans in d˜ a d˜ a petite image small picture p ţ itima: Z p @ titima Z Table 1: Qu´ eb´ ecois affrication (abstracting away from diphthongization)
Spelling English Qu´ eb´ ecois Continental tout, toute all t U t tu, tut vous, nous you, us vu, nu vu, nu riz rice ri ri du of the, some z y dy d vite quickly v I t vit parler to speak pa K le pa K le Colette (name) k O l E t k O l E t Table 2: Qu´ eb´ ecois laxing (relˆ achement vocalique
Spanish stop/spirants [bala] ball [beso] kiss [su β eso] his/her kiss [umbeso] a kiss [el β eso] the kiss [dar β esos] to give kisses [deðo] finger [eldeðo] the finger [suðeðo] his/her finger [miðeðo] my finger [undeðo] a finger [gato] cat [u ŋ gato] a cat [mi γ ato] my cat [el γ ato] the cat
Clicks from IPA q c x
[ ǀ ] ukucula [u ɠ u ˈǀ u:la] [ ǀʰ ] ukuchaza [u ɠ u ˈǀʰ a:za] [g ͡ǀ ] isigcobo [isi ˈ g ͡ǀɔ : ɓ o] [n ͡ǀ ] incwancwa [i ˈ n ͡ǀ wa:n ͡ǀ wa] [ ŋ͡ǀ ] ukungcwaba [u ɠ u ˈŋ͡ǀ wa: ɓ a] [ ǃ ] iqaqa [i ˈǃ a: ǃ a] [ ǃʰ ] iqhude [i ˈǃʰ u:de] [g ͡ǃ ] ugqozi [u ˈ g ͡ǃ o:zi] [n ͡ǃ ] inqola [i ˈ n ͡ǃɔ :la] [ ŋ͡ǃ ] ingqondo [i ˈŋ͡ǃɔ :ndo] [ ǁ ] xoxa [ ˈǁɔ : ǁ a] [ ǁʰ ] ukuxhasa [u ɠ u ˈǁʰ a:sa] [g ͡ǁ ] ukugxoba [u ɠ u ˈ g ͡ǁɔ : ɓ a] [n ͡ǁ ] inxeba [i ˈ n ͡ǁɛ : ɓ a] [ ŋ͡ǁ ] ingxenye [i ˈŋ͡ǁɛ : ɲ e]
Vowels a ukuthanda to love e leli this o olubisini in the milk u thuma send i nina you
bilabi labio- alveolar palato- velar glottal al dental alveolar stop p ph t th d k kh bh g ɲ (ny) ŋ nasal m n (ng) ʃ (sh) fricative f v s z h lateral l hl dl affricate mf mv ts ns nz č (tsh) ǰ semi- y w vowels
amakhaza [ama ˈ k ʰ aza] [a] [e] umgibeli [umgi ˈɓ e:li] [ ɛ ] ihembe [i ˈ h ɛ :mbe] [i] isibili [isi ˈɓ i:li] [o] iGoli [i ˈ go:li] [ ɔ ] ogogo [ ɔˈ g ɔ :go] [u] ubusuku [u ɓ u ˈ su: ɠ u] [ ɓ ] ubisi [u ˈɓ i:si] [b] ubhuti [u ˈ bu:ti] [d] dade [ ˈ da:de] [ ɮ ] ukudla [u ˈɠ u: ɮ a] [ ʤ ] uju [ ˈ u: ʤ u]
[f] ifu [ ˈ i:fu] [ ɠ ] ukupheka [u ɠ u ˈ p ʰɛ : ɠ a] [g] ogogo [ ɔˈ g ɔ :go] [k] iKapa [i ˈ ka:pa] [k ʰ ] ikhanda [i ˈ k ʰ a:nda] [h] ihembe [i ˈ h ɛ :mbe] [h ̬ ] ihhovisi [ih ̬ o ˈ vi:si] [ ɬ ] isihlahla [isi ˈɬ a: ɬ a] [j] yebo [ ˈ j ɛ : ɓ o] [l] leli [ ˈ le:li] [m] mama [ ˈ ma:ma] [n] nina [ ˈ ni:na] [ ŋ ] amanga [a ˈ ma: ŋ a] [ ɲ ] inyosi [i ˈɲ o:si]
[p] ipentshisi [ipen ˈ t ʃ i:si] [p ʰ ] isiphukuphuku [isip ʰ u ɠ u ˈ p ʰ u: ɠ u] [r] none found [s] isisu [i ˈ si:su] [ ʃ ] ishiya [i ˈʃ i:ya] [t] isitambu [isi ˈ ta:mbu] [t ʰ ] isithathu [isi ˈ t ʰ a:t ʰ u] [v] iva [ ˈ i:va] [w] wena [ ˈ we:na] [z] umzuzu [um ˈ zu:zu]
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