sound transit 3

Sound Transit 3: Operations and Administration Committee January 7, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sound Transit 3: Operations and Administration Committee January 7, 2015 ST3 timeline 2 ST Boards Core Priorities for ST3 3 Agenda Overview of LRT Operations Options Overview of R-03: Maintenance Facilities within Draft/Final

  1. Sound Transit 3: Operations and Administration Committee January 7, 2015

  2. ST3 timeline 2

  3. ST Board’s Core Priorities for ST3 3

  4. Agenda • Overview of LRT Operations Options • Overview of R-03: Maintenance Facilities within Draft/Final System Plan • Overview of R-01: ST Express and System Integration • Next Steps 4

  5. LRT System Operations Options 5

  6. Potential LRT System Operations Option # 1 • Everett to Tacoma via Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel system • Everett to Downtown Redmond via Transfer by Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel Walking 3-5 Blocks • Ballard to West Seattle at-grade via Downtown Seattle 6

  7. Potential LRT System Operations Option # 2 • Everett to Tacoma via Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel system • Everett to Downtown Redmond via Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel • Ballard to West Seattle via new rail-only tunnel 7

  8. Potential LRT System Operations Option # 3 • Everett to West Seattle via Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel system • Everett to Downtown Redmond via Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel • Ballard to Tacoma via new rail-only tunnel 8

  9. R-03: LRT ST Operations and Maintenance Facilities (OMF) • ST3 Candidate Projects: • Included allowance per vehicle towards OMFs • Based on individual projects • Draft/Final System Plan: • Based on system plan as whole • LRT Starting Assumptions: • OMF in North • OMF in South • OMF for Seattle • Costs will be shown in System Plan within R-03 9

  10. Overview of R-01: ST Express in ST3 and System Integration 10

  11. ST Express Existing Network • Downtown Seattle-focused network • Growing ridership & market demand • 65,000+ average weekday boardings • Passengers per trip (system average) • Peak: 47 • Off-peak: 38 • Approximately 750,000 annual service hours 11

  12. DRAFT | Initial ST Express in 2024 | Network Change estimates subject to revision and refinement • Truncate ST Express service in corridors served by ST2 Link • Link primary connection to Downtown Seattle • Connect ST Express to Link Stations at: • Lynnwood • Kent-Des Moines • Downtown Bellevue/South Bellevue • University of Washington • 145th 12

  13. DRAFT | Initial R-01a Maintain Current Service Levels estimates subject to revision and refinement R-01a: Additional 120,000 hours (~610,000) • All corridors retain current service frequencies and span of service • Unchanged passenger capacity • Potential opportunity for savings following BRT corridor development • Limited flexibility for service integration and expansion into new markets 13

  14. DRAFT | Initial R-01b Improved Service Levels estimates subject to revision and refinement R-01b: Additional 330,000 hours (~820,000) • Increase frequency to support growing ridership demand for bus and LRT service • More corridors with frequent all-day service • Potential opportunity for savings following BRT corridor development • Increased flexibility for service integration and expansion into new markets 14

  15. ST Express in ST 3 | Network and Service Level Scenarios R-01a R-01b DRAFT | Initial ST 2 Finance Plan estimates subject to revision and refinement Current Service Levels Improve Service Levels Network Truncation of ST Express in Truncation of ST Express in Truncation of ST Express in Change corridors served by Link corridors served by Link corridors served by Link Service Reduced frequencies and Current frequencies and Improved frequencies support Levels span of service system-wide span of service connections to Link R-01 Additional 0 120,000 330,000 Annual Service Hours Total Annual 490,000 610,000 820,000 Service Hours 15

  16. System Integration • December - January • Coordination with regional partners for early analysis of potential future ST Express network • Expand upon ST2 defined bus operations and maintenance needs • Refinement of bus/rail integration facilities included in ST3 Candidate Projects with transit partners • February- March • Phasing of bus network based on development of Draft System Plan • Completion of Supplemental Transit Service Sheets • Map showing combined service options 16

  17. 1 M «tO 'fltb.l:!i!w. SU I J ! a U n l ~ IM!r! ~ ·w:itioft · ~ t r 1 - ~ 1 ~ , ~ 1 . _. . , . ~ W1 r r d. k ' ~- " t n . ~ n , , _ . . _ 1 . n " ¥ . , _ s a . ~ ~ ~ . , , , . u System Integration: Draft Example 2 0 4 0 S e r v i c e N e t w o r k Ch:?sl, i u t i o n T l i s S u u n l l T1..r.Sl t ' . < M 1 ' . l & . l < : i l b : I prvj5.ld. ww ! d 1 : U . t t:11M.1 E a & . from O . c r C < n : c r t o L i r t ; i a t r : 7 r a r e . i t d o M ' l : OMl HKtrtcnd !t w:d c t rdl dF. 1 1 " 1 Ri..U n u:Jd .ard ci-M . . R e d m o n d P r i o r kio linlt Gtte•H- i i o n D o w n t R . d m o n d t o o w n . m l'-wdo c a i r c d c m t o t g > i ra l OChc • = 1 M C ~'«W.:P. ! U ' m l f t l t r 9 I t : · ~ C c f t : l l J O t o p n M d o carcdcno r . . m c t r . . . - . .. l ~ - s.M 8 - i i . . pnMdo corw:cciono t;:m ctr...-. C c f t l l J O t o l lf!dmnnd ~ H e . l ! r b-M I~ l ) t ! ' •rrl ( ) ' e P . t ; m t J Ii;: ! , l ! :Jo &-.:lk iitl:!W via 3.R ..-520 M 1 b M ' 1 CurnllM.:lio t1 V . t ' 1 1 1 1 R1:fYi u 1 . . t T 1 ¥ i h > r t . . c a n o n d Ce; r t ' a l Connector . , , I I p r o v i d e a c o n neet.«1 f r o m Oo,,1rtowr R e d n •:in:I Link t o t h : i sh Rivsr - r ail a nd :he 520 T rai Cu rrent Service Network -0- ~ nu.-.-.w.,. i - ( ) -'lk~ _ , . . . . . , _ . . 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 . . . ' I . . . . . . L " V • " " ' ' " " " s - -· "~ .......... . ........ Q . . . . . . . 17 I I

  18. Next Steps • January 21, 2016 – Letter to jurisdictions/partners requesting acknowledgement of project scopes and comments; Responses requested by January 21, 2016 system • March 2016: Draft System Plan • April 2016: Public and Stakeholder Outreach • June 2016: Potential adoption of Final System Plan 18

  19. Thank you .


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