some real time aspects of quantum black hole

Some real-time aspects of quantum black hole Masanori Hanada - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Some real-time aspects of quantum black hole Masanori Hanada Hana Da Masa Nori July 12, 2018 @ Vienna Holography Black QFT = Hole Holography Black QFT = Hole For imaginary time, lattice simulation is powerful and probably

  1. Some real-time aspects of quantum black hole Masanori Hanada 花田 政範 Hana Da Masa Nori July 12, 2018 @ Vienna

  2. Holography Black QFT = Hole

  3. Holography Black QFT = Hole For imaginary time, lattice simulation is powerful and probably the only practical tool in generic situation. (e.g. Danjoe’s talk)

  4. Holography Black QFT = Hole For imaginary time, lattice simulation is powerful and probably the only practical tool in generic situation. (e.g. Danjoe’s talk) Can we study the real-time dynamics?

  5. We mainly consider D0-brane matrix model and SYK model in this talk. Sachdev-Ye; Kitaev de Wit-Hoppe-Nicolai; Witten; Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind; Itzhaki-Maldacena-Sonnenschein- Yankielowicz • Thermalization of BH from classical matrix model • Evaporation of BH from quantum matrix model • New universality in classical and quantum chaos

  6. • In AdS/CFT, weak and strong couplings are often very similar. • D0, D1, D2: weak coupling ~ high temperature; T λ − 1/(3-p) is dimensionless for Dp classical simulation can be useful. • Studies of classical D0-brane matrix model suggested it is useful at least for thermalization and equilibrium physics. Asplund, Berenstein, Trancanelli,…, 2011—

  7. D0-brane quantum mechanics β =1/T 0 negligible at high-T (dimensional reduction of 4d N=4 SYM) effective dimensionless temperature T eff = λ -1/3 T ( λ -1/2 T for D1, λ -1 T for D2) high-T = weak coupling = stringy (large α ’ correction) string BH

  8. (A=0 gauge) discretize & solve it numerically.

  9. black p -brane solution (Horowitz-Strominger 1991)

  10. black p -brane solution (Horowitz-Strominger 1991) >>1 at U = U 0 for low- T << 1 at ’t Hooft large N limit low-T string BH high-T string BH

  11. Matrix Model 101 • Flat directions at classical level • Lifted by quantum e ff ect (when fermion is negligible)

  12. Matrix Model 101 • Flat directions at classical level • Lifted by quantum e ff ect (when fermion is negligible)

  13. Matrix Model 101 • Flat directions at classical level • Lifted by quantum e ff ect (when fermion is negligible) Flat direction is measure zero already in the classical theory (Gur Ari-MH-Shenker; Berkowitz-MH-Maltz) (also, probably Savvidy and Berenstein knew it)

  14. 1 BH 2 BH’s gas of D0’s

  15. Let’s study this one. 1 BH 2 BH’s gas of D0’s

  16. Why no flat direction? energy of N -th row & column ~ phase space suppression phase space volume at Finite. (exception: d =2, N =2)

  17. Quasinormal mode (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, 2016)

  18. Quasinormal mode Aoki-MH-Iizuka MH-Romatschke thermalize generic configuration

  19. MH-Romatschke

  20. slowest decaying mode MH-Romatschke

  21. slowest decaying mode ‘contaminated’ by fast decaying modes MH-Romatschke

  22. Fourier modes kinetic energy MH-Romatschke

  23. SYM pure YM +scalar ‘Gaussian state approximation’ supports this picture. (Buividovich-MH-Schaefer, in preparation)

  24. BH cools down as it grows (Berkowitz, M.H., Maltz, 2016) N/2 N/2 N T N/2 T’ N T N/2 T ~ (energy)/(# d.o.f) Energy does not change Black hole cools down # d.o.f. increases high-T E = 2 × 6T (N/2) 2 = 6T’N 2 T’ = T/2

  25. • Thermalization of BH from classical matrix model • Evaporation of BH from quantum matrix model • New universality in classical and quantum chaos (David’s talk should be related to this part)

  26. L ~ T Particle travels almost freely. Emission is preferred because of the infinite volume factor. # d.o.f. = (N − 1) 2 + 1 × log(volume) Emission is entropically disfavored at short distance. Beyond some point, it is entropically favored.

  27. # d.o.f. = N 2 # d.o.f. = (N − 1) 2 + 1 Finite probability of particle emission, suppressed at N= ∞ note: recurrence time ~ exp(N 2 ) Emission time ~ exp(N) scrambling time ~ log N k-particle emission is suppressed; exp(kN) Temperature goes due to Higgsing.

  28. Black hole becomes hotter as it evaporates # d.o.f. = N 2 T ~ (energy)/(# d.o.f) # d.o.f. Energy does not change = (N − 1) 2 + 1 # d.o.f. decreases (Higgsing) Black hole heats up as it evaporates.

  29. colder ….. hotter

  30. 4d N=4 SYM can be understood in a similar manner. (MH-Maltz, 2016; David’s talk) T E ~ T 4 Hagedorn string E ~ T − 7 Large BH E Small BH, Hagedorn string

  31. • Thermalization of BH from classical matrix model • Evaporation of BH from quantum matrix model • New universality in classical and quantum chaos

  32. Characterization of classical chaos • Sensitivity to a small perturbation. Lyapunov exponent λ L >0. x ( t ) ~ x ( t ) �~ x (0) ~ | �~ x ( t ) | ∼ exp( � L t ) x (0) �~

  33. Characterization of quantum chaos Early time • Sensitivity to a small perturbation. Lyapunov exponent λ L >0. (Out-of-time-order correlation functions) Late time • ‘Universal’ energy spectrum. Fine-grained energy spectrum should agree with Random Matrix Theory (RMT).

  34. Characterization of quantum chaos Early time • Sensitivity to a small perturbation. Lyapunov exponent λ L >0. (Out-of-time-order correlation functions) RMT is hidden here as well Late time • ‘Universal’ energy spectrum. Fine-grained energy spectrum should agree with Random Matrix Theory (RMT).

  35. Characterization of quantum chaos Also in classical chaos Early time • Sensitivity to a small perturbation. Lyapunov exponent λ L >0. (Out-of-time-order correlation functions) RMT is hidden here as well Late time • ‘Universal’ energy spectrum. Fine-grained energy spectrum should agree with Random Matrix Theory (RMT).

  36. Characterization of quantum chaos Also in classical chaos Early time • Sensitivity to a small perturbation. Lyapunov exponent λ L >0. (Out-of-time-order correlation functions) RMT is hidden here as well Late time • ‘Universal’ energy spectrum. Fine-grained energy spectrum should agree with Random Matrix Theory (RMT). Interesting connection to quantum gravity

  37. Lyapunov exponents (Lyapunov spectrum)

  38. Lyapunov Spectrum in Classical Chaos • Classical phase space is multi-dimensional. • Perturbation can grow or shrink to various directions. singular value s i (t) eigenvalue s i (t) 2 finite-time Lyapunov exponents

  39. Largest Exponent is not enough λ 1 =100 λ 1 = λ 2 =… λ 1000 =1 λ 2 = λ 3 =… λ 1000 =0 Which is more chaotic?

  40. Coarse-grained entropy and Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy # of cells to cover the region ~ Π exp( λ t) λ >0 e λ t Coarse-grained entropy = log[# of cells to cover the region] ~ (sum of positive λ ) × t KS entropy = (sum of positive λ ) = entropy production rate

  41. Largest Exponent is not enough λ 1 =100 λ 1 = λ 2 =… λ 1000 =1 λ 2 = λ 3 =… λ 1000 =0 Which is more chaotic? λ 1+ + λ 2 +…+ λ 1000 =100 λ 1+ + λ 2 +…+ λ 1000 =1000 More chaotic

  42. Bigger black hole is colder. Bigger black hole is less chaotic?

  43. N/2 N N/2 N (@high-T region)

  44. λ = 0 N/2 N N/2 N λ = 0 (@high-T region)

  45. λ = 0 N/2 N N/2 N λ = 0 (@high-T region) Similar calculation is doable at low-T and also for other theories (Berkowitz-MH-Maltz 2016)

  46. More chaotic λ = 0 N/2 N N/2 N λ = 0 (@high-T region) Similar calculation is doable at low-T and also for other theories (Berkowitz-MH-Maltz 2016)

  47. Plan • Universality of classical Lyapunov spectrum MH, Shimada, Tezuka, PRE 2018 • Universality of quantum Lyapunov spectrum Gharibyan, MH, Swingle, Tezuka, in progress

  48. Lyapunov Spectrum → singular value s i (t) → eigenvalue s i (t) 2 finite-time Lyapunov exponents

  49. Lyapunov Spectrum Easily to calculate with good precision

  50. Gur Ari-MH-Shenker, JHEP2016 t=20.7 T=1 Semi-circle N N Fitting ansatz

  51. RMT vs Classical Chaos • The correlation of the finite-time Lyapunov exponents may have a universal behavior? (Some hints found in the previous study by Gur-Ari, MH, Shenker) (different from s i = exp( λ i t), sorry for using the same letter!) • N →∞ before t →∞ (In chaos community, often t → ∞ is taken first.)

  52. GOE-distribution at any time t=0 t=10 Lyapunov exponents are described by RMT M.H.-Shimada-Tezuka, PRE 2018

  53. with a mass term ( → no gravity interpretation) , GOE is gone, at t=0. m=3, t=0

  54. But GOE is back at later time t=0 t=3

  55. Summary of numerical observations • Universality beyond nearest-neighbor can be checked. (Spectral Form Factor) • D0-brane matrix model — RMT already t=0 Maybe a special property of quantum gravitational systems? • Other systems — not RMT at t=0, but gradually converges to RMT. Likely to be a universal property in classical chaos. Generalization to quantum theory? • So far we have looked at only the bulk of the spectrum; not the edge.

  56. Early-time universality in quantum chaos Gharibyan, MH, Swingle, Tezuka, in progress

  57. • There is no consensus for the definition of ‘quantum Lyapunov spectrum’ • Let’s try the simplest choice: grows exponentially cannot capture the growth

  58. SYK model maximally chaotic integrable


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