quantum coarse graining behind black holes

Quantum Coarse-graining behind black holes Arvin Shahbazi-Moghaddam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantum Coarse-graining behind black holes Arvin Shahbazi-Moghaddam with Ven Chandrasekaran and Raphael Bousso Berkeley June 4th, 2019 Black hole second law A Black holes are thermodynamic objects with S BH = 4 G Black hole second law

  1. Quantum Coarse-graining behind black holes Arvin Shahbazi-Moghaddam with Ven Chandrasekaran and Raphael Bousso Berkeley June 4th, 2019

  2. Black hole second law A Black holes are thermodynamic objects with S BH = 4 G �

  3. Black hole second law More local definition of black holes Marginally trapped surface ( θ k = 0 , θ l < 0)

  4. Black hole second law Apparent horizons have an area law

  5. Black hole second law Apparent horizons have an area law Is A [ µ ] / 4 G � a coarse-grained entropy?

  6. Black hole second law Engelhardt-Wall answered this question [1806.01281]

  7. Black hole second law Engelhardt-Wall answered this question [1806.01281] We need a microscopic theory+prescription for coarse-graining

  8. Black hole second law Engelhardt-Wall answered this question [1806.01281] We need a microscopic theory+prescription for coarse-graining AdS/CFT!

  9. Review of Engelhardt-Wall construction Coarse-graining prescription in AdS/CFT

  10. Review of Engelhardt-Wall construction Coarse-graining prescription in AdS/CFT Ryu-Takayanagi prescription S CFT = A [ X ] 4 G � where X is an extremal surface ( θ k = θ l = 0)

  11. Review of Engelhardt-Wall construction

  12. Review of Engelhardt-Wall construction Can show A [ X ] ≤ A [ µ ]

  13. Review of Engelhardt-Wall construction Can show A [ X ] ≤ A [ µ ] Engelhardt-Wall’s explicit construction ⇒ S coarse = A [ µ ] X was found such that A [ X ] = A [ µ ] = 4 G � !

  14. Generalized entropy Area law can be violated quantum-mechanically! e.g. Hawking evaporation

  15. Generalized entropy Area law can be violated quantum-mechanically! e.g. Hawking evaporation A Add to the area the entropy of matter outside S gen [ µ ] = 4 G � + S out Generalized entropy!

  16. Generalized entropy

  17. Generalized entropy Quantum apparent horizons satisfy S gen law

  18. Quantum coarse-graining? Quantum corrected RT formula: S CFT = S gen [ X ] X : quantum extremal surface

  19. Quantum coarse-graining? Quantum corrected RT formula: S CFT = S gen [ X ] X : quantum extremal surface If so, then S coarse = S gen [ µ ]

  20. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states Aron Wall’s thought experiment [1701.03196]

  21. Relative entropy in QFT S rel ( ρ | λ ) = tr ( ρ log ρ − ρ log σ )

  22. Relative entropy in QFT

  23. Relative entropy in QFT

  24. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states (There exists a state that satisfies it)

  25. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states Let’s go to that state!

  26. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states

  27. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states

  28. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states

  29. Ant conjecture: Energy-minimizing states Faulkner-Ceyhan [1812.04683]

  30. Put them together: quantum coarse-graining

  31. Put them together: quantum coarse-graining S gen [ X ] = S gen [ µ ] = ⇒ S coarse = S gen [ µ ]

  32. Thank you!

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