census of active super massive black holes active super

Census of Active Super Massive Black Holes Active Super Massive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Census of Active Super Massive Black Holes Active Super Massive Black Holes in the Era of Violent Growth Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku Univ ) Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku Univ.) () 2013/01/27 Hokkaido University Black

  1. Census of Active Super Massive Black Holes Active Super Massive Black Holes in the Era of Violent Growth Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku Univ ) Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku Univ.) 秋山 正幸 (東北大学) 2013/01/27 Hokkaido University

  2. Black hole mass function (BHMF) and Eddington radio distribution function (ERDF) of AGNs at z~1.4 Masayuki Akiyama, Kazuya Nobuta (Tohoku Univ.) f Yoshihiro Ueda (Kyoto Univ.), Mike Watson (Univ. of Leicester), John Silverman (IPMU), SXDS members FMOS GTO members SXDS members, FMOS GTO members Nobuta, MA, et al. ApJ, 761, 143 p

  3. Relation between BH mass vs. bulge “mass” Massi e gala ies ha e a s per massi e BH at their center and the mass of the Massive galaxies have a super massive BH at their center and the mass of the SMBH correlates with the mass of its host bulge. We want to understand the origin of the SMBH by qualitatively revealing 1) How the SMBHs have grown in the history of the universe ? ) g y 2) What links between the evolutions of SMBHs and galaxies ? McConnell et al. 2011 1) 2) 1)

  4. Schematic View of Growth History of Super Massive BHs = “Feedback” Accretion growth phase can be with old stars “spheroids” consists SMBHs sitting in “spheroids” In young SEED BHs galaxy scale properties Gas accretion Outflow etc. affecting SEED BHs Merging Feeding Merging Merging = “Feeding” from galaxy scale observed as various types of AGNs

  5. Growth history of Super Massive BHs G 4. Growth timescale ~ Accretion rate / Mass = Eddington ratio 3. ti t Eddi t / M ti A l th ti 3 Gas accretion Black hole mass 2. Accretion rate ~ Bolometric luminosity / Radiation efficiency 1. SMBHs we want to know In order to qualitatively understand the growth history, for each = “Feedback” scale properties Outflow etc. affecting galaxy = “Feeding” from galaxy scale Duty cycle ~ Fraction of galaxies with active black hole

  6. Active BH Mass Function and Eddington Ratio Distribution Function of Broad-line AGNs in the Local Universe Schulze and Wisotzki 2010 Points: observed Lines: observational limit corrected by Maximum Likelihood Rather steep active BH mass function and Eddington ratio distribution Lines: observational limit corrected by Maximum Likelihood method assuming constant ERDF for the sample mass range p g function mean no typical active black hole mass or no typical Eddington ratio in the local universe. Kelly et al. 2012

  7. Cosmological Evolution of Number Density of AGNs Low-luminosity AGN S f t Seyferts (< 1 Msolar/yr) Luminous QSOs (> 1 Msolar/yr) (> 1 Msolar/yr) Ueda, MA, et al. in prep. p p Based on X-ray selected AGNs from Subaru-XMM Newton Deep Survey and other X-ray surveys.

  8. Accretion rate distribution at z=1-2 d t Log Lx=44.5 (erg s-1) corresponds to 1 Msolar/yr with radiation di ti ith / l 1 M 1) ~ 1 Msolar/yr 44 5 ( L L Luminosity function reflects the accretion rate distribution. Ueda, MA, et al. in prep. ~ 1 Msolar/yr efficiency of 0.1.

  9. Era of Violent Growth of SMBHs Hard X-ray luminosity density reflects the total accretion rate density at each redshift, like UV or IR luminosity density reflects the star formation rate density at y each redshift. The peak of the hard X-ray luminosity density suggests rapid growth of SMBHs happened at z=1-2. Aird et al. 2010

  10. SXDS sample 30’ diameter

  11. SXDS sample p f f f between 1500A (GALEX) to 8um (Spitzer IRAC). (3.6 um IRAC data redshifts determined with photometry in the wavelength range 304 out of 310 remaining sources have secure photometric 586 sources have spectroscopic-redshifts p 866 and 645 X-ray sources are detected in XMM-Newton images in FMOS GTO NIR spectroscopic observations cover: 851 sources Optical spectroscopic observations cover: 590 sources sources remain as candidates of AGNs. Removing candidates of clusters of galaxies and galactic stars, 896 (Furusawa et al. 2008). 945 sources are covered by the deep Subaru/Suprime-cam images the 0.5-2.0 and 2.0-10.0 keV bands (Ueda et al. 2008). are crucial for identification of the X-ray sources.)

  12. SXDS AGNs at z=1-2 For black hole mass function, we limit the sample within the redshift range between 1.18<z<1.68. There are Broad-line AGN : with zspec 118 objects, zphot only 10 objects Narrow-line AGN : with zspec 66 objects, zphot only 92 objects

  13. Virial Black Hole Mass Estimation Local MBH-Mbulge relation for AGN is consistent with MBH-Mbulge “Signle-epoch” black hole mass estimate can have 0.4-0.5dex scatter 0 4 0 5d h i k h l h” bl l “Si relation of galaxies BLR is virialized with L-BLR Radius relation Luminosity ‒ BLR radius relation with H-beta broad-line line width. It assumes, g pp The relation is calibrated with reverberation mapping AGN black hole mass luminosity. with FWHM of MgII broad-emission line and 3000A monochromatic with FWHM of MgII broad emission line and 3000A monochromatic We use the black hole mass estimation from Vestergaard & Osmer (2009) with L BLR Radius relation against MBH determined with reverberation mapping.

  14. MgII FWHM measurements With optical spectroscopic data. (188 objects in total) 97 objects out of 118 broad-line AGNs at z=1.18-1.68 j j

  15. Halpha FWHM with FMOS (81 objects in total) 19 additional objects out of 21 broad-line AGNs at z=1.18- 1.68 w/o MgII FWHM measurement

  16. Halpha FWHM (81 objects in total) 19 additional objects out of 21 broad-line AGNs at z=1.18- 1.68 w/o MgII FWHM measurement g

  17. FWHM vs. continuum luminosity Broad-line AGNs in 1.18 < z <1.68 All broad-line AGNs Broad-line AGNs in SXDS (black) and SDSS (gray scale) Red open squares indicate broad-line AGNs whose FWHM is estimated with Halpha emission line. estimated with Halpha emission line. Lack of AGNs with FWHM < 2000km/s ?

  18. Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio AGN i Broad-line AGNs in SXDS (points) and SDSS (contour) ) d SDSS ( ) i SXDS ( d li Plotted only broad-line AGNs in the redshift range 1.18 < z <1.68 B Detection limit i li i D Lack of high Eddington ratio AGNs with 10^7 Msolar ?

  19. Active Super Massive Black Hole Mass Function SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 Filled and open circles are binned BHMF estimated by Vmax method with soft and hard band samples, respectively.

  20. Eddington Ratio Distribution Function SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 Filled and open circles are binned ERDF estimated by Vmax method Filled and open circles are binned ERDF estimated by Vmax method with soft and hard band samples, respectively.

  21. Active Super Massive Black Hole Mass Function SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 Lines are “corrected “ BHMF and ERDF from Maximum Likelihood estimation corrected for the detection limits assuming constant ERDF regardless of the black hole mass. Solid: double-power-law BHMF, Dotted: Schechter BHMF G l l RD R d S h h RD Green: log-normal ERDF, Red: Schechter ERDF

  22. Active BHMF at z~1.4 compared with SDSS results p Z=1.4 SDSS DR7 (Shen & Kelly 2012) Circles: binned estimates with Vmax Circles: binned estimates with Vmax Solid lines: esimated with Bayesian method SXDS 1 18 SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 1 68

  23. Evolution of active BHMF from z=1.4 to z=0 d local Universe. The evolution may be indicative of a down-sizing trend of Msoloar but a lower number density below that mass range than that in the h h h h b l b l b l z~1.4 active BH mass function has a higher number density above 10^8 Schultz-Wisotzki 2010 from Z=0 from ESO/Hamburg accretion activity among the SMBH population. SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68

  24. Evolution of ERDF from z=1.4 to z=0 SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 Z=0 from ESO/Hamburg from Schultz-Wisotzki 2010 Schultz-Wisotzki 2010 The evolution of ERDF from z=1.4 to z=0 indicates that the fraction of AGNs with accretion rate close to the Eddington-limit is higher at higher redshifts.

  25. BHMF and ERDF on the MBH-ER plane Expected number density on the MBH ER plane (BHMF x ERDF x Expected number density on the MBH-ER plane (BHMF x ERDF x selection function) is shown with gray scale. BHMF BHMF ERDF Detection Limit

  26. Growth of SMBH from z=6 to z=1.4 to z=0 Z=0 from ESO/Hamburg from Schultz-Wisotzki 2010 Schultz-Wisotzki 2010 30 times mass evolution in 3.5 Gyr period Lambda Edd * duty cycle ~ 0 06 Lambda_Edd * duty cycle ~ 0.06 SXDS 1.18 < z <1.68 Z=6 from Willott et al 2010 Willott et al. 2010

  27. What does the double power-law of the AGN LF mean ? What drives the evolution of the LF of AGNs ? What drives the evolution of the LF of AGNs ? U d MA l i Ueda, MA, et al. in prep.

  28. Hard X-ray luminosity function at z=1.4 Recovered by the best-fit BHMF and ERDF by the best fit BHMF and ERDF The luminosity function of AGNs is the convolution of the BHMF and ERDF, therefore we can constrain the shapes of BHMF and ERDF further by using the luminosity function determined from a combination of various AGN samples. luminosity function determined from a combination of various AGN samples. Both of the BHMF and ERDF are modeled with an exponential-cutoff, the high luminosity end of the luminosity function cannot be reproduced.

  29. SXDS AGNs at z=1-2 For black hole mass function, we limit the sample within the redshift range between 1.18<z<1.68. There are Broad-line AGN : with zspec 118 objects, zphot only 10 objects Narrow-line AGN : with zspec 66 objects, zphot only 92 objects, NO MBH with Broad-line FWHM


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