Software Modeling and g Analysis Reading Log ‘Software’s Chronic Crisis’ by W. Wayt Gibbs y y from Scientific American 경영정보 04 조대현
Overview � Software’s Chronic Crisis � Encountered Problems during Developing Software, Systems � Examples � Issues of Industrial growth 건국대학교 2
Measurem ents of the su s o softw are � Measuring Quality of Software � Guarantee of Consistency � Guarantee of Consistency � Predict budget and time expend 건국대학교 3
Exam ple : D Denver airport i t � Baggage-handling system � 10 times bigger than Heathrow � 20 different airlines � Failure! � Failure! � Couldn’t perdict when it’s done � Overcosts, Overdue. 건국대학교 4
Study show s s) s) on Points on Points Planned 2560 2560 e (Functi e (Functi Actual 320 320 oject size oject size U.S. Average U.S. Average 40 40 Project Cancellation Schedule Probability Pro Pro 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 SOURCE: Software Productivity Research 건국대학교 5
Study show s � 33% drawback rate.. � 6 large-scale software are put into operation, while 2 are canceled � 50% overdue rate.. � 75% operation failures 건국대학교 6
Solution: Set a Goal � “Softw are Engineering” � “the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software.” � 1968, NATO Science Committee � 1968, NATO Science Committee 건국대학교 7
Advance: Softw are Engineering � Measurements of quality of software ft � Mathematical solutions � New Found Needs � New Found Needs � Interchangeable, reusable software parts bl f 건국대학교 8
Advanced I ndustrial � Bigger � Doubled the code � More Elaborate � ‘Clementine’ – DOD � Safty-Critical Software 건국대학교 9
Advanced I ndustrial ( 2 ) � “distributed systems” � Programs that run cooperatively on networked computers � System integration � Reusability Compatibility � Reusability, Compatibility 건국대학교 10
Exam ples p Distributed System � California’s Driver and Vehicle R Registration System i t ti S t � Simple ? 건국대학교 11
Exam ples p Distributed System ( 2 ) � American Airlines � ‘SABRE’ • $2-billion flight reservation system � Flight Hotel Car integrated System � Flight, Hotel, Car integrated System • Marriott, Hilton and Budget. 건국대학교 12
I BM Research � 24 Leading companies � Developed large distributed systems � 55% Cost more than expected � 68% Overran schedules � 68% Overran schedules � 88% Redesigned 건국대학교 13
Tough to build Distributed System � Complexity and Fragility � Growing complexity � Growing complexity � “You can’t build skyscrapers using carpenters.” carpenters. - Bill Curtis 건국대학교 14
I BM Case � Advanced Automation System (FAA) (FAA) � Great challenge of 90’s 건국대학교 15
CMM � Capability Maturity Model (CMM) � Software Engineering Institute 1991 � Five-level scale � 261 organization rated � 261 organization rated � 75% - level 1 � Mandated level 3 (U.S. Air Force, NASA) 건국대학교 16
Solutions � Beta Test � Microsoft, Windows � Proto Type � Mathematical Formal method M th ti l F l th d � Praxis 건국대학교 17
Solutions ( 2 ) � Mathematical formal methods(2) � GEC – Train System in France � “Clean-room approach” � Ericsson Telecom E i T l 건국대학교 18
Further I ssues � Need More Supports � Developing Software Componentes � Developing Software Componentes � Profitability ? • Brad Cox B d C 건국대학교 19
Further I ssues � Varity uses of Software Parts � Real Programmers should do � Real Programmers should do.. � Software development undergo Industrial evolution. Industrial evolution. 건국대학교 20
Farew ell! � Thank you For Listening. 건국대학교 21
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