social emotional learning local school wellness policy

Social Emotional Learning & Local School Wellness Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Social Emotional Learning & Local School Wellness Policy Presented by: CalFresh Healthy Living, UC, Public Health Institute Center for Wellness and Nutrition, & the UC Davis Center for Nutrition in Schools This material is funded

  1. Social Emotional Learning & Local School Wellness Policy Presented by: CalFresh Healthy Living, UC, Public Health Institute Center for Wellness and Nutrition, & the UC Davis Center for Nutrition in Schools This material is funded through a joint agreement among the USDA/FNS, CDSS CalFresh Healthy Living Section, UC Davis and the UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh Food provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  2. Webinar Agenda • Introduction to Social Emotional Learning (SEL) • The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC) • Connecting SEL to our work • Community Experiences: Butte County • CDE Support and Resources for SEL This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  3. Welcoming Activity: Synectics Describe how you think the word and image below are connected. Type your ideas into the chat box This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  4. The SEL Playbook Practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  5. Synentics Breakdown When and Why: • Opening activity • Promotes creative and fluid thinking • Sparks conversation, establishes readiness for further exploration of a topic, and can be explicitly connected to a literacy objective SEL Focus: • Helps group focus its energy on a topic or concept in a low-risk way in which all voices are included, • Strengthens social awareness skills This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  6. Introductions Presenters Facilitators • Crystal Young • MaryAnn Mills • Mike Danzik • Katherine Hawksworth • Dareen Khatib • Melanie Gerdes • Jona Pressman This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  7. Social Emotional Learning Below the Surface Crystal Young, Nutrition Education Consultant Nutrition Services Division California Department of Education This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  8. Looking Back on Wellness • Local school wellness 2004 2006 policies (LSWP) required for local educational agencies operating child nutrition programs 2010 2017 • LSWPs revised and strengthened by Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act • Triennial assessment publicly shared to demonstrate 2020 implementation of LSWPs This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  9. How are the Children? National Obesity Rate Trends • Youth and adult obesity rates 45 40 increase in US 35 30 • California wellness policies 25 promising 20 15 • Disparities in results 10 5 • Adolescents, girls, Hispanic 0 1971-1974 1976-1980 1988-1994 1999-2000 2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 2009-2010 2011-2012 2013-2014 2015-2016 2017-2018 and African American youth National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: 2017-2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adults Youth This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  10. Adversity on Every Side This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  11. COVID-19 Affects All This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  12. All Hands on Deck • Whole Child Whole School Whole Community • Local Control Accountability Plans • Student Centered Learning • Equity and Access This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  13. Social Emotional Learning at the Core This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  14. Nutrition and • Self Awareness • Self Management Wellness • Social Awareness • Relationship Skills • Responsible Decision Making This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  15. Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSSC) Model Mike Danzik, Nutrition Education Consultant Nutrition Services Division California Department of Education This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Program - SNAP, known in California as CalFresh (formerly food stamps). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households and can help buy nutritious foods for better health. For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663.

  16. Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model • Places the child at the center • Takes a comprehensive approach to supporting learning and health • Calls for greater collaboration across sectors • Aligns with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP) requirements

  17. LSWP & WSCC Making the Connections • Parents • Health professionals • City and county staff • Local businesses • Other community members

  18. LSWP & WSCC Making the Connections • What areas to address? • How do you prioritize? • What is your plan for implementation? • Short-term vs. long-term goals • Wellness committee members

  19. LSWP & WSCC Making the Connections Creating a school environment that is: • Healthy • Safe • Supported ..for each and every student

  20. LSWP & WSCC Making the Connections • Emphasizes the need for strong community partnerships • Relying on partners and their expertise can help during a crisis

  21. LSWP & WSCC Making the Connections WSCC model • health/wscc-model.aspx LSWP •


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