social determinants of health

Social Determinants of Health: A Health Services/Policy Perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Social Determinants of Health: A Health Services/Policy Perspective Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P .H. Senior Scholar, School of Public Health & Health Policy, CUNY A bit of history The idea of social, economic and political determinants of

  1. Social Determinants of Health: A Health Services/Policy Perspective Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P .H. Senior Scholar, School of Public Health & Health Policy, CUNY

  2. A bit of history The idea of social, economic and political determinants of health goes back a long way:  For example, people have for centuries recognized the link between poverty and ill health  LaLonde report in Canada in the 1960’s first articulated a modern idea of SDOH  My own training at UC Berkeley in the 1970’s built around Henrik Blum’s idea of “the football,”  which identified in increasing order of impact the following determinants of health:  Genetics  Medical Care  Behavior  Social, Economic and Political Environment Internationally, SDOH have been inescapable  In US, recent attention has been different in engaging health care delivery & insurance  Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 2

  3. This panel: Emphasis on economics as a determinant of health  I would argue that even the study of food insecurity is essentially about economics: difficulties in purchasing sufficient healthy food AND economic barriers to availability of healthy food in certain communities  Berkowitz et al. study:  Intervention on the surface is straightforward: provide food to food insecure people  But working with low-income populations is NEVER simple and straightforward  Interventions must be designed to suit the specific population, which means you have to learn about them and their “peculiarities”  Actually attracting people to things they need can be harder than we think  Is this because of issues with “trust?” Implications for choosing the people who will be the “face” of the intervention - Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 3

  4. But does trust always matter? Greene et al. study  There are large differences in trust for institutions and systems as compared to a  particular known physician Think about what that may mean for the influence of physicians over health care  While there are differences in whether you have a personal physician by race/ethnicity,  there do not appear to be differences in trust of physicians by race/ethnicity but there are differences in trust of the health care system by race On the other hand, there are significant differences in whether one has a personal  physician and trust in that physician by INCOME And significant differences in trust across the board by INCOME  The big question: WHY?  Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 4

  5. Trust in another context  Gallopyn and Iezzioni study: A worker-employer relationship that we need to know more about  Please note potential discussant bias here: my husband gets personal care 24/7 from two caregivers and has for over five years  These are difficult and charged relationships  One issue not addressed: how present and active were family members  Structurally, this is a set up for racial/ethnic based difficulties between those who serve and those who are served  This is a serious human problem, but it also has enormous policy implications  Unless these issues are addressed, we will not have enough caregivers for the emerging older generations of baby boomers Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 5

  6. Impact of Changes in Minimum Wage on Multiple Health-related outcomes  Narain & Zimmerman study  This is a complex study of one way to look at the relationship between income and health  My questions:  What does the minimum wage represent as an income?  How does it differ from poverty level?  How might it differ from an income level derived from different approach to figuring out how much people/families need to live a “good” life?  My hope is that the researchers will continue this line of research! Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 6

  7. Ideas about how to improve the research in this area  Explore other social determinants (obvious and being done)  Try to “tell a story” of how it is that a given determinant or set of determinants come to have an impact on health  In particular, try to get at specific behaviors  Do more studies of interventions as well as studies of how the world works (or doesn’t) as it now is  Try to include some qualitative work (interviews, focus groups)  Note that this might be useful BEFORE major quantitative work is done, especially when using secondary data Shoshanna Sofaer, Dr.P.H. 6/2/2019 7


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