smr nutrient initiative group

SMR Nutrient Initiative Group Investigative Order Workplan April - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SMR Nutrient Initiative Group Investigative Order Workplan April 24, 2019 Matt Yeager, D.Env Senior Flood Control Planner Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Regulatory and Policy Estuary Now on

  1. SMR Nutrient Initiative Group Investigative Order Workplan April 24, 2019 Matt Yeager, D.Env Senior Flood Control Planner Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

  2. Regulatory and Policy  Estuary Now on the (SWRCB)4b list  Addressed by actions other than a TMDL  Regional Board Staff Report  Reviews regulatory requirements  Evaluates data reports  Provides load calculations and allocations  Establishes estuary WQ targets  Monitoring recommendations  Investigative Order  Monitoring requirements  Reporting requirements

  3. Tentative IO R9-2019-0007  Purpose  …to assess the condition of the Estuary and to evaluate the linkage between nutrient loading trends resulting from implementation actions by…(the MS4 Permittees)  Estimated Costs originally ≥$500K / year  Efforts made to reduce monitoring and cost  Requires a Monitoring and Assessment Workplan  Monitoring and Assessment Workplan Questions  Monitoring Requirements  Estuary  SMR (River and Watershed)  Workplan Submittals

  4. Tentative IO R9-2019-0007  Compliance Dates  Workplan due within 6 months  Submit to SD Water Board  Begin Monitoring with 60 days of Workplan approval  Was a 10-year duration (now 5-year?)  Annual Reports required starting January 31, 2020  Monitoring and Assessment Workplan Questions  TAC review of Workplan

  5. Monitoring and Assessment Workplan Questions  Is watershed mass loading of total nitrogen and total phosphorous to the River and Estuary reduced to levels that do not exceed the calculated assimilative capacity of the Estuary?  Do monitoring results confirm the assumption that the implementation and enforcement of existing NPDES permits and WDRs is sufficient to bring about the necessary nutrient load reductions to restore the Estuary in accordance with the schedule…?  Are the Estuary numeric targets in Finding 16 and the Draft Staff Report for macroalgal biomass, dissolved oxygen, and Benthic Community Condition being achieved and sustained?  If not, what are the primary stressors causing unsatisfactory conditions?

  6. (Draft Revised)Monitoring Requirements Program Element Parameter Duration/ Time Depth Sites Frequency Method Frame Resurfacing Discharge rates, and TN As needed N/A Former Stuart Mesa As needed Applicable and TP Loading Into Agricultural Fields & Standard Methods Groundwater Estuary Santa Margarita as selected by Monitoring Valley Basin Camp Pendleton Estuary Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l April – October Near surface 2 sites: I-5 bridge Continuous monitoring at Data sonde with and percent saturation), ~ 0.5 meters and Stuart Mesa 15 min. intervals optical sensor Monitoring temperature, pH, bridge Salinity/conductivity, and Periodic Wet season DO for first water depth. sampling from year only; evaluate if November – additional data needed March (TBD) (TBD) Estuary Macroalgal April – October Intertidal and or subtidal Macroalgal Monthly or Bi-monthly Applicable Biomass; surface water within the three regions of biomass samples (TBD) 3 Standard TN and TP concentrations. Estuary - below I-5 bridge, harvested Operating above Stuart Mesa bridge representatively Chlorophyll a Procedure for Chlorophyll a to be until vegetation changes, from each of three once/quarter first year; Macroalgal sampled once/quarter and between the two regions. Sampling additional sampling if Biomass Collection for first year. bridges. method TBD. needed (TBD) 3 in Estuary Estuary Estuary Benthic Index Period At depths that align with Three randomly Once per Year for 5 Standard methods Community Condition, the Macroalgal sampling distributed sites for years (Sediment Quality Monitoring Sediment %OC, sediment (so that relationships each of three Assessment (Cont.) %N and %P, and between Benthic regions in estuary. Technical Support sediment grain size. Community Condition and Manual, SCCWRP other parameters are Tech Report 582, logically inferred). 2009). Additional accepted methods that may be developed. [1] Evaluate the use of depth, berm height, or other data as indicators of the condition at the mouth of the estuary (end member condition = fully open or fully closed). [2] Water quality parameters will be measured from November – April at intervals as determined during development of the Work Plan. [3] Sampling frequency will be evaluated following completion of one year of sampling; frequencies for subsequent years will be determined in coordination with the SMRNIG TAC and SAG. [4] Macroalgal sampling protocol will be developed by Camp Pendleton in coordination with the Regional Board and the SMRNIG TAC as part of the Work Plan.

  7. (Draft Revised)Monitoring Requirements Program Parameter Duration/ Depth Sites Frequency Method Element Time Frame Santa Margarita Flow, ambient TN Annually N/A A minimum of one Monthly April to Applicable River and TP Mass Loading site October SWAMP and other Monitoring concentrations; for San Diego Standard Methods temperature, County, Riverside Plus December and conductivity, County, and USMC February dissolved oxygen, Base Camp pH. Pendleton.

  8. Workplan Development  Schedule  Workplan due within 6 months  Does this mean November 2019?  If IO Issued in May (do we have expected date?)  Begin Monitoring with 60 days of Workplan approval  Time for Regional Board review/approval?  When will we need to start?  Annual Reports required starting January 31, 2020  We also have a requirement to update the WQIP by September 6, 2019.  Just over 4 months from now  TAC review of Workplan

  9. Workplan Development  Coordination and funding  Riverside MS4 Program  County of San Diego  Camp Pendleton  Sites  Cost sharing  Workplan development  Monitoring tasks  Reporting  Next Steps?

  10. SMRNIG Document Website

  11. SMRNIG Document Website--Intro  The Santa a Maragr agrit ita Water ershed hed Nutrient ent Initiat ativ ive – St Stakehold keholder er Group, oup, comp mposed osed of a broad oad range ge of stakehold keholder ers s with h diver verse e inter eres ests, s, wa was formed med to add ddres ess s nutrient ent issues s in the Santa a Ma Maragr agrit ita River er Water ersh shed ed.  The Group oup current ently ly is focused used on the initial al phase ase of this project, oject, Phas ase e 1, which targe gets s the e develop velopment ent of the e methods hods that are used ed to prep epar are e and d implem plement ent a workplan kplan to use a nutrient ient numer eric ic endpoi dpoint nt (NNE) NE) method hodology ology to under derstand and nutrient ient impac acts to the SMR Lagoon. oon.  This work k is a f follow low-on on effor ort to the San Diego go Lagoon oons s Inves vestigat igative ive Order der (R9-200 006-00 0076) ) (Lago agoon on Order der) ) and d subseq sequent uent workplan kplan deve veloped oped jointly ly by by the San Diego go Regiona onal l Water er Quali lity Control ol Boar ard d (RWQCB) QCB) and d stakeholder keholders s in 2006 and d is f s funded nded with h Prop opos ositi ition on 84 IRWM grant ant fund nds . Futur ure e phases ses, , ye yet to be fund nded ed, will focu cus s on collec ecting ng comp mpar arable able data a sets on nutrient ent loadin ding g and d transpor nsport proces ocesses, es, devel velopin oping g the model( del(s) s) needed eded to estab ablish ish NNE targe gets s and d bringing nging a comm mmon on under erstandin anding g of seasona onal impa pact ct of nutrient ents s on the benef nefici cial al use ses. s.  Through ough a co collabor aborat ative, ive, inclusive, usive, and d regi giona onal process ocess the Santa a Maragr agrit ita Water ershed hed Nutrient ient Initiat iative ive – St Stakeh ehold older er Group up hopes pes to set regulat ulator ory y targe gets s that are based ed on state e of the science nce techniqu hniques es to ensur ure e the biological, ogical, chemica mical l and physical ical integr egrit ity y of the Santa a Ma Margar arit ita a River er and d its s tribut ibutar aries ies are prot otec ected ed.

  12. Questions/Discussion

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