smarter cities challenge burlington vermont

Smarter Cities Challenge Burlington, Vermont 2 | Smarter Cities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Burlington, VT April 18 th 2013 Smarter Cities Challenge Burlington, Vermont 2 | Smarter Cities Challenge Mission Burlington applied for the IBM Smarter Cities Grant -- Burlingtons challenge -- Burlingtons challenge is to

  1. Burlington, VT April 18 th 2013

  2. Smarter Cities Challenge – Burlington, Vermont 2 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  3. Mission Burlington applied for the IBM Smarter Cities Grant -- Burlington’s challenge -- Burlington’s challenge is to develop a plan and implement broad based greenhouse gas reductions that take advantage of the smart meter infrastructure and other investments the city has already made , and at the same time strengthen Burlington’s economy and the city’s financial position . 3 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  4. Burlington Smarter Cities Challenge / Engagement Overview + Ø 6 facilities tours incl. the McNeil Generation Plant April 1-7, 2013 Ø More than 40 individual and group interviews Information Gathering § City, State and Federal government § Education and Healthcare institutions § Utilities, Non-profit, Community organizations § Small and Medium Business , IBM-Burlington April 8-14, 2013 Data Synthesis and Review Presentation to the City of Final Report Burlington Ø Findings April 15-20, 2013 Ø Recommendations Final Recommendations Ø Conclusions 4 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  5. Special Thanks and Acknowledgement BURLINGTON 5 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  6. Observations 6 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  7. Perspective Conservation Intelligent resource usage Energy efficiency Renewable Energy Sources Distributed and smaller sources Intermittent versus base load Storage of energy Understanding the system Patterns and insights Enable consumer choice New ecosystem 7 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  8. GHG reduction targets Burlington Climate Action Plan targets Burlington Electric (BED) 100% from renewable Ø Stop increase of GHG emission Ø sources Ø 2016: GHG emissions reduced to 2010 levels Ø 2025: GHG emissions of Municipal Operations reduced by 20% compared to 2010 levels Vermont State Energy Plan 90% from renewable sources Ø 2025: 10% reduction from 2010 levels by Airport Ø by 2050 and Community-wide Clear expectations and measureable targets è Data mandates action è Data defined what the team focused on è Data as a prerequisite to sustainability 8 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  9. Make Burlington a Green Tech City DATA DRIVEN ² Many positive initiatives ² Strengthen through alignment ALIGNMENT AND ² Support effective execution COLLABORATION Implement a strictly fact based, data driven approach: ü Establish baselines and measurable targets ü Decisions based on data and business cases Gain new insights: ü Securely share data across all City departments and utilities ü Provide open anonymized aggregated data ü to the Public ü to Institutions of higher learning ü to businesses Leverage deep / predictive analytics, integrated data visualization, and real time collaboration 9 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  10. Areas to achieve sustainability ü Four focused recommendations ü A framework to support alignment and achievement of long term GHG goals ENERGY TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY SMART GRID BIOMASS 10 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  11. Recommendations ² Aged Real Estate ENERGY ENERGY EFFICIENCY ² 57% Renter occupied EFFICIENCY ² Several disconnected programs ENGAGEMENT ² Challenge to know the “right” program Owner: BURLINGTON ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION § Face to Face engagements § Team of trained volunteers will proved onsite advice / contacts § Capture data to improve programs OUTCOMES Winter /Summer Timeline Ongoing BIOMASS 6 MONTHS Program Define program Recruit Training Start Program Measure and Adjust Baseline Achievement GHG Impact Programs Used Electricity KWH KWH % change Pgm ID(s) DATA Gas / Fuel Oil ccf / gallons ccf / gallons % change Pgm ID(s) 11 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  12. Recommendations ² McNeil efficiency at 25% OPTIMIZE BIOMASS ² Decision pending on how to optimize McNeil USE/EFFICIENCY ² Unsuccessful pilot for biomass gasification Owner: MCNEIL PLANT OWNERS § Reach conclusion which optimization(s) to implement § Resolution of district heating system § Resolution of biomass gasification § Discovery of agricultural / alternative usages OUTCOMES Timeline BIOMASS 12 MONTHS Establish Team District Heat BioGasification Explore Alternative Make Decision District BioGas Agriculture Alternative(s) CapEx / OpEx dollars dollars dollars dollars Partners name(s) name(s) name(s) name(s) DATA GHG impact tCO2e tCO2e tCO2e tCO2e Energy Prod. BTU CCF TBD TBD 12 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  13. Recommendations INTEGRATED ² 51% GHG emissions from transportation (2010) TRANSPORTATION SOLUTION: TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ² Traffic and parking issues ² Pervasive usage of single ELECTRIC VEHICLES SHARING occupancy vehicles Owner: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (initial) § Integrate with existing transportation systems § Built with local technologies § Easy to use through mobile devices § High level of acceptance through sizeable fleet OUTCOMES Timeline BIOMASS 12 MONTHS Ongoing 18 MONTHS SMART GRID Introduce concept Reach supplier Define Plan Start Measure agreement implementation & adjust Before Touch After Touch GHG Impact Programs Used Distance Miles Miles % changed Pgm ID DATA No. of passengers Number Number % changed Pgm ID GPS Locations Time/Location Time/Location % changed Pgm ID 13 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  14. Recommendations HOLISTIC APPROACH TO RESOURCE ² Siloed energy usage � Aged Real Estate ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY ² Customers lack data CONSUMPTION MANAGEMENT � 57% Renter Occupied SMART GRID EFFICIENCY ² Intermittent renewable energy ENGAGEMENT � Several Disconected Programs ² High heating bill ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS, WATER � Challenge to know the “right” program Owner: BURLINGTON ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT Owner: BURLINGTON ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION § Consumers see, manage, make informed decisions on energy mix COMMUNICATION WEATHERIZATION § Data available to understand patterns and automate usage § Utilities better predict and manage energy demand, supply, outages § Cost reduction through new rate models § Measurable reduction of resource usage and GHG emissions OUTCOMES § Launching point for data driven City-wide “Intelligent Operations” Timeline Ongoing 12 MONTHS 18 MONTHS Portal Roll-out Enrich Portal Next Roll-out Measure & Adjust Electricity Gas / Fuel Oil Water Transportation Total Current KWH ccf Gallons VMT CO2e DATA GHG Impact CO2e CO2e CO2e CO2e CO2e Renewable % % % % % 14 | Smarter Cities Challenge

  15. Detailed Roadmap Short Term Medium Term Long Term < 12 months 12 to 36 months > 36 months • Complete smart grid rollout • Integrate gas and water • Participate in the city- Smart Grid • Complete the rollout of user • Augment user portal to wide operations center portal (Energy Engage) complete energy picture • Use analytics with enriched information (weather, humidity, ...) Biomass • Make definitive decision: • Implement the selected • Optimized use • District heating solution • Biomass gasification • Other methods to increase efficiency Transportation • Develop EV share program • Define final business • EV sharing operation value proposition case • Identify EV supplier of • Approve and launch choice program • Confirm experts to perform • Execute summer • Analyze data and Energy trainings on efficiency campaign identify program Efficiency programs • Gather data improvements • Train team of volunteers • Establish database • Launch adjusted and/or • Launch winter campaign new programs 15 | Smarter Cities Challenge


  17. Make Burlington synonymous with Green Tech ATTRACT ² Common vision BUSINESSES ² Align all initiatives ² Effective execution RETAIN TALENT “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Aristotle, 384bc – 322bc Build on the unique strengths of Burlington, VT § Innovative, entrepreneurial spirit § Abundant local sources of renewable energy (biomass, wind, geothermal / hydro, solar) § Lake protection and Storm Water Management § Access to nationally recognized institutions of higher learning, research and healthcare (UVM, Champlain College, FAHC etc.) § Inflow of tourists 17 | Smarter Cities Challenge


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