train smarter

Train Smarter 1 The days of just training harder are over, you - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Train Smarter 1 The days of just training harder are over, you need to train smarter. Just Training Harder has Limitations Limited Personalized Feedback Limited Data Collection Limited Athlete Motivation So Train Smarter with

  1. Train Smarter 1

  2. “ The days of just training harder are over, you need to train smarter.”

  3. Just Training Harder has Limitations Limited Personalized Feedback Limited Data Collection Limited Athlete Motivation

  4. So Train Smarter with TritonWear Automatic Data Collection Long-term Analytics Real-time Tracking

  5. Train Smarter with TritonWear Collect and track all data simultaneously Metrics Collected Accurate Data more than 4 times more 4X more accurate accurate than the next top competitor

  6. Making Coaches more Efficient Collect and track all data simultaneously more data points effortlessly better understand athletes’

  7. Train Smarter with TritonWear Personalized, unbiased feedback for each athlete Simultaneous Tracking Dive into the data

  8. Developing Star Athletes Faster Personalized, unbiased feedback for each athlete clear visual trends correct weaknesses Teach athletes

  9. Train Smarter with TritonWear Personal profiles increase engagement and motivation Easy test set reporting Learn from the pros

  10. Engaging Athletes to Perform Personal profiles increase engagement and motivation data-driven decisions celebrate every win

  11. How one team used TritonWear to reach new heights Overview: Coach’s data-driven solution: Result: TritonWear-identified Weakness: Hard work in training, with the help of TritonWear, ultimately led to Gold and a junior national record.

  12. Teams all over the world are improving with us With Clubs at our core National Teams 9% NCAA/University 22% Teams Club Teams 70% Australian Vanderbilt US Air Force University of US Naval University of University of Florida State Arizona State Institute of Sport University Academy Southern California Academy Texas North Carolina University University

  13. Working with the best in the world with huge success National Records Broken based on changes made using our data Misty Hyman Ben Titley Tracey Menzies Medhi Rhaiem Olympic Gold Swimming Swimming Swimming Medalist Canada Australia France “This system will “Using this data will “TritonWear allows my “TritonWear has revolutionize coaching.” ultimately make our swimmer's and I to revolutionized the way swimmers faster.” iterate constantly based we interact with our on visual data.” swimmers.” Bob Bowman Michael Phelps’ Coach USA Olympic Coach ASU Head Coach

  14. Intrigued? Learn More: Contact us:


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