smart irrigation program s i p

Smart Irrigation Program (S.I.P.) (Direct Installation Program) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Smart Irrigation Program (S.I.P.) (Direct Installation Program) June 3, 2011: Board of Public Utilities RPU Water Use Efficiency Mandates AB 1420 - Best Management Practice (BMP) compliance for grant eligibility SBX7-7 - 20% per

  1. Smart Irrigation Program (S.I.P.) (Direct Installation Program) June 3, 2011: Board of Public Utilities

  2. RPU Water Use Efficiency  Mandates  AB 1420 - Best Management Practice (BMP) compliance for grant eligibility  SBX7-7 - 20% per capita water savings by 2020  RPU Advantages  Preserve water resources  Meet state mandates for water use efficiency  Generate revenue from excess water sales

  3. RPU Customer Water Consumption Water Consumption by End User (FY 07-08) MFR - Indoor 7% Commercial - Indoor SFR - Indoor 7% 27% Industrial - Indoor 7% 50% of RPU’s daily water use is outdoor irrigation UCR 1% City Irrigation 3% Dedicated Irrigation 2% SFR - Indoor Industrial - Outdoor MFR - Indoor 5% Commercial - Indoor Industrial - Indoor Commercial - Outdoor UCR 6% SFR - Outdoor MFR - Outdoor MFR - Outdoor S SFR - Outdoor Commercial - Outdoor 4% 31% S Industrial - Outdoor Dedicated Irrigation S City Irrigation SS SZSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  4. The Smart Irrigation Program “SIP” • A multi year Smart Irrigation Controller and High Efficiency Nozzle Direct Installation Program • Program is FREE to approved customers • RPU staff will engage high water users

  5. High Efficiency Sprinkler Nozzles Traditional Spray Head High Efficiency Spray Head   Easy to install Better defined edges   Less run off Retrofits multiple brands   Save 1,300 gal/year More Uniform Coverage 37,357 / 35,599 IEUA WMWD 101,152 42,117 143,269

  6. “Smart” or Weather Based Irrigation Controllers (WBICs) Smart Controllers/WBICs are more efficient:  Real-time local weather data  Historical weather patterns  Pre-programed watering schedules/restrictions  Plant type Can save up to 20% of water used instantly!  Soil Type  Slope/Sun considerations

  7. The Smart Irrigation Program “SIP”  Potential savings analysis performed before audit/install approval  Three year program targets:  Year 1 – top 5% water users  Year 2 – top 10% water users  Year 3 – top 20% water users

  8. The Smart Irrigation Program “SIP” STEP 1 – Initial Site Visit  Qualified customers will receive a certified water audit from a licensed RPU contractor  Assess irrigation system  Feasibility of controller install  Feasibility of high efficiency nozzle install S S S SS SZSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  9. The Smart Irrigation Program “SIP” STEP 2 – Installation Visit  Installation of smart controller/WBIC and high efficiency sprinkler nozzles  Audit results/data used to program smart controllers  Audit inventories used to ensure correct nozzles obtained for install

  10. The Smart Irrigation Program “SIP”  Program Projections:  Estimated cost per site $600-$800  Estimated 700 sites installed over 3 year program  Estimated average water savings of 20% per site

  11. Recommendations That the Board of Public Utilities recommend that the City Council:  Approve the Smart Irrigation Program;  Approve funding in the amount of up to $200,000 for F/Y 2011-12 and inclusion in the budget for the following two (2) fiscal years; and  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to make any minor, non-substantive changes necessary to implement this program.

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