south san joaquin

South San Joaquin Irrigation District Elementary School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

South San Joaquin Irrigation District Elementary School Presentation We provide Irrigation Water (to feed crops) Domestic Water (to your homes) Electricity Generation (for PG&E) 2 Members of our Board of Directors are elected by voters

  1. South San Joaquin Irrigation District Elementary School Presentation

  2. We provide… Irrigation Water (to feed crops) Domestic Water (to your homes) Electricity Generation (for PG&E) 2

  3. Members of our Board of Directors are elected by voters in our district. Bob Holmes, Div. 1 Dale Kuil, Div. 4 Dave Kamper, Div. 3 Ralph Roos, Div. 2 John Holbrook, Div. 5 3

  4. Where does SSJID’s water come from? Snow and rain in the high Sierra Mountains. 4

  5. Where does the snow go after it melts? Into the Stanislaus River, its lakes and streams. 5

  6. How do we get that water into our community? With a system of dams, reservoirs and canals. 6

  7. Water travels 300 miles to reach our crops! 7

  8. What kind of crops do we irrigate here?  Almonds  Corn & Oats  Pasture land  Grapes  Walnuts  Pumpkins 8

  9. Sometimes rocks will fall and mud will slide… 9

  10. And repairs have to be made… 10

  11. Some of our water is saved for human use. Our drinking water comes from Woodward Reservoir near Oakdale. Untreated water travels through huge “intake” pipes 11 to our plant.

  12. We make it safe for you to drink at our Water Treatment Plant. 12

  13. Our special membranes filter out the bad stuff! 13

  14. Then we send the water on its way to your house. 14

  15. How many gallons of water do we produce in a year? 5,492 MILLION! 15

  16. What else can we do with our water? Generate electricity! 16

  17. The kind of electricity we make is called “Hydropower.” “Elliott” Beardsley Dam & Powerhouse 17

  18. Sandbar Powerhouse 18

  19. School children learn about how we make power with water on our tours… 19

  20. Tulloch Dam & Powerhouse Tour Goodwin Suspension Bridge 20

  21. SSJID is 100% Green! Hydro-power Solar energy powers our Water Demand Response 21 Treatment Plant.

  22. So what about canal safety? Is it okay to swim in a canal? Only if you’re a frog! 22

  23. Splasher is our canal safety instructor! 23

  24. Splasher wants you to be water safe! 24

  25. Splasher says: Everyone should learn to swim. Can you swim? 25

  26. Splasher recommends that you always swim with an adult. Never swim alone! 26

  27. Splasher tells us to swim and play in safe places. You can cool off in the pool, a lake, the town water park, or at home on your Slip ‘n Slide! 27

  28. Splasher warns us about swimming in canals. It is never safe to swim in a canal, even if it looks safe. There are fast currents, undertows, steep embankments and the water level can rise very suddenly! 28

  29. Let’s review: Learn to swim! Always swim with an adult! Swim and play in safe places! Stay away from canals! Splasher thanks you for being water safe! 29

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