smart ev charger management charging is tough

Smart EV Charger Management Charging is tough! X Fragmented X - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Smart EV Charger Management Charging is tough! X Fragmented X Unpredictable X Insufficient 2 Future population is dependent on public/workplace charging 3 Charging is modernizing and getting more complex Integrate chargers with ampUp for

  1. Smart EV Charger Management

  2. Charging is tough! X Fragmented X Unpredictable X Insufficient 2

  3. Future population is dependent on public/workplace charging 3

  4. Charging is modernizing and getting more complex Integrate chargers with ampUp for better security and control. Host multiple chargers and run a network. 4

  5. Modernize with ampUp Predictability Control through reservations through access management and overstay penalties User Experience Sustainability Utilization through time through mobile app through load management management 5

  6. Serve your community better with ampUp Pick from 15+ products ampUp install and set up Manage and optimize through ampUp’s web admin tool Consumer facing app Competitive pricing 6

  7. Community Manager Platform 7

  8. Hosting Airbnb for EV chargers app

  9. Why use smart chargers? Improve utilization and profits Earn more for your excess solar vs. selling back to the utility Support the EV Community 9

  10. ampUp Mobile ● Smooth reservation and general charger access experience ● Enter credit card info once and auto-pay through app ● Access the greater ampUp network ● Access better EV owner experience through additional and growing features 10

  11. Donations Come together to help EV projects ● take life Active way to help the EV community ● and learn about new projects/campaigns ● Donate earnings back to projects/organizations Donate 11

  12. Questions?


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