Smart EV Charger Management
Charging is tough! X Fragmented X Unpredictable X Insufficient 2
Future population is dependent on public/workplace charging 3
Charging is modernizing and getting more complex Integrate chargers with ampUp for better security and control. Host multiple chargers and run a network. 4
Modernize with ampUp Predictability Control through reservations through access management and overstay penalties User Experience Sustainability Utilization through time through mobile app through load management management 5
Serve your community better with ampUp Pick from 15+ products ampUp install and set up Manage and optimize through ampUp’s web admin tool Consumer facing app Competitive pricing 6
Community Manager Platform 7
Hosting Airbnb for EV chargers app
Why use smart chargers? Improve utilization and profits Earn more for your excess solar vs. selling back to the utility Support the EV Community 9
ampUp Mobile ● Smooth reservation and general charger access experience ● Enter credit card info once and auto-pay through app ● Access the greater ampUp network ● Access better EV owner experience through additional and growing features 10
Donations Come together to help EV projects ● take life Active way to help the EV community ● and learn about new projects/campaigns ● Donate earnings back to projects/organizations Donate 11
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