smart cities a paradigm shift for

Smart Cities: A Paradigm Shift For Transportation Professionals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 ITE - IMSA Joint Conference & Vendor Exhibition Smart Cities: A Paradigm Shift For Transportation Professionals February 13, 2017 Moderated By: Pablo Para PE, PTOE PH Consulting LLC Todays Challenge More than 1,200,000,000 cars

  1. 2017 ITE - IMSA Joint Conference & Vendor Exhibition Smart Cities: A Paradigm Shift For Transportation Professionals February 13, 2017 Moderated By: Pablo Para PE, PTOE PH Consulting LLC

  2. Today’s Challenge

  3. More than 1,200,000,000 cars in the world

  4. 22% of all carbon emissions come from transportation

  5. Cars sit idle 95% of the time

  6. Uber’s Technology

  7. 312 million miles That’s greater than the distance between Earth and Mars

  8. 6.2 million gallons of fuel That would fill more than 9 Olympic swimming pools

  9. 55,560 metric tons of CO 2

  10. Public/Private Partners

  11. Uber backs Sound Transit New routes during viaduct 3 measure closure Uber’s endorsement of Sound Transit 3 With a two-week closure of the Alaskan is in line with the company’s sense Way Viaduct starting this Friday and ride-service companies can threatening to snarl Seattle traffic, Uber complement that public transportation is offering free rides and new routes for with “first - and last- mile” service. its UberHOP service.

  12. Uber Privileged and Confidential

  13. Uber Privileged and Confidential

  14. Looking Forward

  15. 10% of millennial Uber riders in the U.S. say they have either given up a car or not bought one

  16. Today ride-hailing accounts for 4% of all miles driven globally. By 2030 it will be 25% Source: JP Morgan

  17. Aéroports de Paris (ADP) | Autonomous cars

  18. Shared self-driving cars would reduce the number of cars on the road by 90%

  19. Bellevue Smart City Strategy ITE-IMSA Conference February 13 th , 2017 Presented By: Chris Long, PE, PTOE, City of Bellevue, Traffic Engineering Manager

  20. City Council Vision Establishes Smart City Council Vision Statements: Bellevue is a “Smart City” with a clean, high -quality environment and excellent and reliable infrastructure that supports our vibrant and growing city, including high-tech connectivity 35

  21. Bellevue’s Smart City Elements 36

  22. Accomplishments to Date Held Regional Smart City Workshop in partnership with Redmond, Microsoft and Verizon Hired University of Washington Evans School student consulting program to perform Smart City maturity assessment Launched Urban Smart Bellevue with Puget Sound Energy Won a National Institute of Standards and Technology grant for a Smart City Dashboard Won a Department of Energy grant for analyzing drivers of change for greenhouse gas emissions 37

  23. Smart City Maturity Assessment 38

  24. What is a Maturity Model? A Maturity Model framework is used to understand the current state of deployment and capabilities of systems or processes, ranging from Level 1 (most basic) to Level 5 (highly optimized) Level 1 – Ad Hoc Level 2 - Opportunistic Basic access to essential services Level 3 - Repeatable Efficient operations and service Level 4 – delivery using Managed Defined and targeted measured performance Level 5 - Optimized processes and Integrated systems measures to systems focus with cohesive improve services performance to and optimized Predictive, proactive consistently meet strategy, planning and adaptive urban standards of and execution to systems creating services or consistently exceed interoperable systems performance standards of for the highest levels benchmarks services or of performance, performance optimal customer benchmarks experience and resiliency from major disruptions 39

  25. Smart Transportation Maturity & Gaps Optimizing mobility, safety and convenience with adaptive traffic systems, smart streetlights and transit choices, and prepare for a future of connected vehicles Element Current Score = 3 Element Target Score = 4 40

  26. A Long-Term Framework for Achieving Higher Maturity Levels AMI Plan Updat e Plan SCADA Upda Phase 3 – Achieving te Interoperable, ITS Predictive, Real-Time Level Traveler Info LED WiF Street Fiber i lights Phase 2 – Integrating for Efficiencies Phase 1 – Investing in Foundational Systems 41

  27. Transportation Initiatives 42

  28. Transportation Initiatives Connected Vehicles 43

  29. Transportation Initiatives Smart Streetlight Control Systems 44

  30. Transportation Initiatives Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety 45

  31. Transportation Initiatives First/Last Mile Commute Solutions Attracting car-sharing services Sponsoring a dynamic carpooling program Encouraging employer shuttle – transit hub coordination Land- use planning for “Mobility Hubs” to support shared mobility 46

  32. Transportation Initiatives Traveler Information 47

  33. Transportation Initiatives Completing Smart City Strategy Updating 2004 ITS Master Plan Passed transportation levy with funds targeted toward new technology Advertising new Transportation Technology Partnership position ewa 48

  34. 49

  35. Chris Long, PE, PTOE City of Bellevue Thank you Traffic Engineering Manager 425-452-6013


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