today we will explore national induction programme for

Today we will explore: National Induction Programme for Teachers - PDF document

26/03/2020 Today we will explore: National Induction Programme for Teachers Role of NIPT 2019-2020 NIPT NIPT Why Droichead ? What is Droichead ? What are the benefits for the NQT? @niptireland What are the next 3 steps you

  1. 26/03/2020 Today we will explore: National Induction Programme for Teachers • Role of NIPT 2019-2020 NIPT NIPT • Why Droichead ? • What is Droichead ? • What are the benefits for the NQT? @niptireland • What are the next 3 steps you can take? The National Induction National Induction Programme Programme for Teachers Induction Website Workshop Support Programme NIPT NIPT DROICHEAD School Professional Based Development Support @niptireland Induction ‘The transition from the teaching practice arrangements in initial teacher education programmes to the taking of full responsibility for teaching a class is a significant one’ Continuum of Teacher Education …teachers are (DES, 2005) competent to meet the challenges that they NIPT NIPT face…continually adapting over the course of their careers…to support their students’ learning. ‘…induction is a distinct phase, a socialisation process Policy on the Continuum of Teacher into the professional learning community of the school Education, June 2011 and into the profession…’ (Teaching Council, 2017) 1

  2. 26/03/2020 “New teachers have two jobs - they have to teach and they have to learn to teach. No matter how good NIPT NIPT a pre-service program may be, there are some things that can only be learned on the job” Feiman Nemser (2001) Phases of First Year Teachers’ Attitudes Droichead Towards Teaching (Moir, E. New Teacher Centre Santa Cruz 1999) ‘The main objective of the Droichead process is to support the professional learning of NQTs during the NIPT NIPT induction phase, thus laying the foundations for subsequent professional growth and learning for the next phase of their career.’ Droichead : The Integrated professional Induction Framework. March, 2017. Settings and Professional Practice Principles of Droichead Primary Schools ▪ Progression not Perfection… Settings for Droichead ▪ Reflection and Collaboration • Any setting in a primary school NIPT NIPT ▪ Standards If in doubt contact the Teaching Council ▪ Professional Conversations Professional Practice Period • A minimum block of 60 consecutive school days ▪ Support & Challenge ▪ Integrated Professional Induction Framework 2

  3. 26/03/2020 Droichead Growth Phase Droichead Statistics The Route of Induction for NQTs NQTs Schools NIPT NIPT Last Year: 1,580 1,491 trained Droichead schools Currently: 1,800 + `This year: (Correct as of 24 th March 2020) Apply for Droichead Droichead : Requirements Droichead Supports Minimum period 60 consecutive days School-Based Induction within an approved setting Activities Normally mainstream but… + NIPT NIPT A Joint declaration by the NQT and PST Cluster Meeting/s that ‘through our engagement in (1 per term) Droichead, we believe we have + participated in a quality teaching and 1 other Additional learning process’ Professional Learning Activity Professional Practice 20-hour Workshops Requirement Not a requirement but... Same as 60 days above. 10 week school placement taken into account Strand A - School-based Induction Strand A School-Based Induction • Professional Support Team (PST) NIPT NIPT • Droichead Standards and Indicators of Good Practice Droichead • Professional Conversations • Observation & Discussion • Taisce – Portfolio-Based Learning Strand B • Maintaining Records Additional Professional Learning Activities including Cluster Meetings 3

  4. 26/03/2020 Droichead Standards Droichead Observation Model Droichead Standards: The NQT will have … • Engaged professionally with school-based induction NIPT NIPT and additional professional learning activities NQT PST observes • Shown their professional commitment to quality observes more teaching and learning for their pupils/students NQTs experienced practice • Engaged in reflective practice that supports their teachers professional learning and practice, both individually At least x2 At least x2 and collaboratively. Taisce Taisce: Portfolio-Based Learning A professional learning space that enables/empowers a teacher Select to: NIPT NIPT • Take responsibility for identifying key learning moments • Reflect on insights gained from the Droichead process Collect Develop Reflect • Identify particular strengths and ways of building on them • Focus on the quality, rather than quantity of learning opportunities Share Strand B - Additional Taisce Professional Learning Activities • NQT cluster meetings (EC network) - sharing experiences of Droichead NIPT NIPT • Other professional learning events – needs of NQT 4

  5. 26/03/2020 Concluding the Process Cluster Meetings • Cluster Meeting 1 2 3 NQT confirms that s/he is ready to move to the • NQTs must attend one Cluster Meeting per term for the next phase of their professional learning, and duration of the Droichead process have collaborated with the PST to identify the • Cluster Meeting calendar NIPT NIPT area(s) of interest for his/her future professional • Form D learning. • Advertised and held in Education Centres • 2-hour duration • Apply to begin the Droichead process via My Registration • Joint declaration by the NQT and PST that portal on the Teaching Council website ‘through our engagement in Droichead, we • Register with your local Education Centre to attend Cluster believe we have participated in a quality Meetings if you are undertaking Droichead teaching and learning process’. • Read ‘ Information for NQTs’ section at for further information NIPT NIPT NIPT NIPT 5

  6. 26/03/2020 Benefits of the Droichead Process ..Structured support for Enhanced NQTs.. Teaching and ..Promotes NIPT NIPT Learning… Professional Conversation/ Professional Reflective development Practice… opportunities for experienced teachers… Builds a sense of community Deprivatisation of at school Practice… level… ESRI Report 2016 NQT Support 2020.2021 • You will graduate! • The only route to full registration will be via the NIPT NIPT Droichead process • List of schools that offer the Droichead process is available on • Ask at interview if they would consider offering the Droichead process The traditional probation model (with the inspectorate) will not be available to you. Induction Workshop Programme Teaching Abroad 14 workshops available: 1. Teacher Professionalism and Wellbeing, 2. Classroom Management and Organisation 3. Assessment: Analysing Classroom Evidence 4. Literacy: Teaching and Managing a Reading Lesson NIPT NIPT 5. Child Protection and Safety 6. Múineadh na Gaeilge If you intend teaching abroad it is important that you email 7. Multi-Grade Teaching in the Primary School the Teaching Council with regard to procedures for 8. Planning and Preparation (also available online) induction and probation in other countries so that you 9. Supporting Parents in Education have this important information before travelling. 10. Differentiation: Responding to the Needs of all Learners 11. Behaviour for Learning 12. Numeracy: Developing good practice in mathematics teaching 13. Inclusion 14. Individual Education Planning for Pupils with Special Educational Needs. 6

  7. 26/03/2020 Key Contacts & Websites 3 Next Steps • Become familiar with the document NIPT Website ‘Post -qualification Professional Practice Procedures and Criteria’ Teaching Council Website NIPT NIPT • Become familiar with the document Droichead Queries ‘Droichead: The Integrated Professional Induction Framework, March 2017’ Droichead Applications • Look at and Teacher Registration Queries On a Personal Note Are you mentoring ready? NIPT NIPT Complete Online Evaluations Míle Buíochas NIPT Questions To ask for support is a sign of strength 7


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