slovenske eleznice d o o danube region development cross

Slovenske eleznice, d.o.o. Danube Region Development Cross-border - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Slovenske eleznice, d.o.o. Danube Region Development Cross-border eColaboration Kranj, 21.04.2010 Content 1 Presentation of the Organization from the Cross-border Transactions Perspective 2 Problems & Opportunities In the Current

  1. Slovenske železnice, d.o.o. Danube Region Development Cross-border eColaboration Kranj, 21.04.2010

  2. Content 1 Presentation of the Organization from the Cross-border Transactions Perspective 2 Problems & Opportunities In the Current Cross-border Transactions 3 Current Situation Concerning the e- Cooperation 4 Proposals for Cross-border Transactions Improvement by Joint Research, Development & Actions 2 PE Tovorni promet

  3. Presentation of the Organization from the Cross-border Transactions Perspective ► SŽ are closely connected to the international environment – 90 % of transport services are performed in international traffic; ► Our primary markets are our neighbor and nearby countries; ► We are developing a network of effective direct train connections in international traffic for: ► delivering the customers reliable, fast and safe transport and ► managing the transport flows on the corridors. ► The flow of goods in the transport route depends on the appropriate level of cooperation between all the partners connected in the logistic chain (rail carriers, ports, state authorities, customers); ► There can be some difficulties, if the information flow in slower than the physical movements of the goods; ► One of the key issue to success is IT exchange & cooperation. 3 PE Tovorni promet

  4. Problems & Opportunities In the Current Cross-border Transactions Problems There are differences in the business processes in the same type of companies - rail carriers; ► Data exchange basis above all on the paper documents (port – rail; rail-rail, rail-customer); ► Companies have been developing IT solutions for their own needs. Opportunities ► In last few years some steps in the are of electronic data exchange have been made; ► Data exchange have been established between : ► SŽ and other rail carriers; ► SŽ and Port of Koper; ► SŽ and customers; ► Partners and customers on the transport route have some benefit on the data exchange basis. ► Business area to be influenced to: Border-Crossing Activities; Interoperability; Production co-operations; Production planning; Wagon management; Tracking and tracing. 4 PE Tovorni promet

  5. Current situation concerning the e-cooperation Data content Description Partners SŽ, rail carriers Train pre-advice Information connected to the technical train parameters (XML message). SŽ and other rail carriers for their Wagon status Common European wagon movement database for tracking production needs and for the needs of and tracing possibilities (XML customers. message with web services). SŽ and Port of Koper (bilateral Wagon pre-advice List of the wagons to be connection – common working plan). delivered to the Port of Koper in next 24 hours. SŽ e -Freight internet portal Wagon and container Electronic ordering the transport (some other applications – international order equipment. tracking and tracing, data archive, invoice specification). SŽ, rail partners and customers – in Transport order Information concerning the transport document: consignment development. note. 5 PE Tovorni promet

  6. Proposals for Cross-border Transactions Improvement Area Action Benefits ► Shorter stops at the border; Train pre-advice Improving the train technical data ► Better production planning for all quantity and quality partners. ► Shorter stops at the border; Consignment note Ensuring the consignment note ► Reducing the errors at inputting the data exchange data in the different IT systems; ► Data availability for all partners in logistic chain; ► Fundament for electronic business (electronic consignment note). ► Possibilities of wagon tracking on the Wagon status Extension the number of partners complete transport route (SE in wagon movement database Europe). Development of a common business portal for insuring the relevant information from complete logistic chain for customer and partners in one place: • Need to define the data, information, sources, … 6 PE Tovorni promet

  7. Thank you for your attention… 7 PE Tovorni promet


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