
Measures NETLIPSE meeting Bratislava 2018 Objectives of the Action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DaReM project Danube Rehabilitation Measures NETLIPSE meeting Bratislava 2018 Objectives of the Action The Danube waterway as a waterway of international importance shall provide for a specific service efficiency under international

  1. DaReM project – Danube Rehabilitation Measures NETLIPSE meeting Bratislava 2018

  2. Objectives of the Action The Danube waterway as a waterway of international importance shall provide for a specific service efficiency under international classification of inland waterways, which is not possible under the current ratios due to insufficient provision of required parameters of the fairway throughout the navigable season. The strategic objectives are : - To increase the efficiency, - To increase the reliability and thus the competitiveness of the Danube waterway - Strenghten the sustainability of waterway transport

  3. Objectives of the Action The proposed project is located in Hrušov reservoir, which is a part of the Water Structure Gabčíkovo system. The most important purpose of the Water Structure Gabčíkovo system is to provide the condition for international transport by complying with the fairway parameters applicable for the Danube waterway set forth in the recommendation of the Danube Commission

  4. Current Status The current status of the fairway in the area of Hrušov reservoir limits accessibility, connectivity and subsequently navigation safety. After several extreme flood events, fairway parameters and navigation conditions in the area of Hrušov reservoir got significantly worse. During three floods in the years 2003, 2009 and 2013 Hrušov reservoir had been clogged on average by 1,91 mil m 3 of sediments per flood . This situation in Hrušov reservoir resulted in several accidents of vessels caused by shallow water. Due to insufficient fairway parameters, the fairway in Hrušov reservoir had to be relocated in 2016. Hrušov reservoir r km 1845 – downstream view /upstream view

  5. Solution To solve this situation it is necessary to set up a comprehensive and long-term approach, which will deal with flood´s sediments in Hrušov reservoir in a sustainable way. Within the proposed project DaReM the following activities are planned: Execute the Final design of future rehabilitation dredging intervention, - Elaborate study on the future use of excavated material, - Procure necessary equipment, - Execute and evaluate pilot operation to rehabilitate fairway parameters in Hrušov reservoir, - Develop work plans on yearly basis for rehabilitation of fairway parameters. - Key Facts: • Applicant: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic • Duration: 02/2017 – 12/2020 • Project volume: 9 750 000 € • Proposed CEF-co-financing: 8 287 500 €

  6. For more information please do not hasitate to contact me:


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