slides ancient near east

Slides: Ancient Near East M = Mesopotamia; E = Egypt; Numbers 1-10 = - PDF document

Slides: Ancient Near East M = Mesopotamia; E = Egypt; Numbers 1-10 = Sections of the course 3-digit Numbers (e.g. 011) = Egyptian Chronology [Numbers in the lefthand column below correspond to those in the bottom lefthand corner of slides.

  1. Slides: Ancient Near East M = Mesopotamia; E = Egypt; Numbers 1-10 = Sections of the course 3-digit Numbers (e.g. 011) = Egyptian Chronology [Numbers in the lefthand column below correspond to those in the bottom lefthand corner of slides. Please note that, due to the removal or reconfiguration of slides in this catalogue, some slide numbers are missing, e.g. M4-33, M4-36, M4-37, M4-39. Also, because of the addition of slides, some slides are affixed with letters , e.g. E3-01 a , E3-01 b , E3-01 c , etc. Slides used multiple times are listed only once, when they first appear.] Section One: Prehistory Introduction to the Ancient Near East M1-01 Map: The Ancient Near East M1-01a Map: The Ancient Near East; n.b. Hit-Samarra line M1-02 Mountain valleys in northern Mesopotamia M1-03 Contour map: Southern Mesopotamia M1-04 Delta: marsh and palm trees M1-05 Delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, as seen from space M1-06 Junction of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers M1-07 Flooded field in southern Mesopotamia M1-08 Map: Mesopotamia M1-09 Tells in Al-Jazirah M1-09a Map: rainfall levels in Mesopotamia and Syria M1-10 Drawing: a nineteenth-century ship in a storm on the Euphrates M1-11 Tigris Valley: irrigated fields M1-12 Mesopotamian irrigation: irrigated fields M1-13 Assyrian relief showing their method of irrigation ( shaduf ), from Sennacherib’s palace in Nineveh M1-14 Drawing of Assyrian irrigation M1-15 Canal in Iraq M1-16 Parallel canals in southern Mesopotamia M1-17 Salinized soil in southern Iraq M1-17a Drawing: man plowing field, with seed funnel M1-18 Desert west of Babylon M1-19 Map: Mesopotamia M1-20 Archaeologists collecting artifacts and planning positions at a site M1-21 Pot: Jemdet Nasr (late Uruk), ca. 3000 BCE M1-22 Cylinder Seal: Early Dynastic III

  2. Mesopotamian Prehistory M1-25 Map: The Ancient Near East, 9000-2000 BCE M1-26 Map: Spread of agriculture, before 9000-3000 BCE M1-27 Evolution of Wheat M1-28 Neolithic flints and potsherd: sharp-butted axes, incised potsherd, European M1-29 Jericho: long shot of tell M1-30 Map: Neolithic Sites in the Near East M1-31 Jericho: aerial view of site M1-32 Jericho: map M1-33 Mudbricks M1-34 Mudbricks being made M1-35 Mudbricks drying M1-36 Modern mudbrick houses M1-37 Jericho fortification wall, Neolithic, 6" thick, 20' high, mortarless M1-38 Jericho: Tower/Fortress (color) M1-39 Jericho: Tower/Fortress (b/w, with caption) M1-40 Bitumen boat M1-41 Bitumen shell relief M1-42 Plastered skull from Jericho M1-43 Figurines, from Ain Ghazal, Neolithic, plaster, 6750-6250 BCE M1-44 Çatal-Hüyük, site: houses (long view); area is ca. 25 square meters, ca. 1000 households total (?5000 total population). It is not known whether there were city walls or not. M1-45 Çatal-Hüyük, Map M1-46 Çatal-Hüyük, site: houses (close-up) M1-47 Çatal-Hüyük: reconstruction (drawing) M1-48 Çatal-Hüyük: Leopard painted on plaster, n.b. it was re-plastered often and repainted at least seven times M1-49 Çatal-Hüyük: bull fresco M1-50 Çatal-Hüyük: bull fresco, drawing M1-51 Çatal-Hüyük: bull shrine, reconstruction M1-52 Çatal-Hüyük: bull shrine, reconstruction M1-53 Çatal-Hüyük: statuette of birth goddess giving birth seated on leopard throne, full figure, side view M1-54 Çatal-Hüyük: statuette of birth goddess, front view M1-55 Çatal-Hüyük: Umm Dabaghiyah M1-56 Map: Southern Mesopotamia M1-57 Chronological Chart of the Ancient Near East (7000-1500 BCE) M1-58 Early Ubaid jar, from Tell Arpachiyah M1-59 Statue of bull, Ubaid M1-60 Warka temple M1-60a Temple at Eridu: diagram of architectural evolution over time M1-61 Palace facade on cylinder seal: impression pressed into tablet from the reign of 2

  3. Tiglath-Pileser I, Middle Assyrian; n.b. important in reconstructing temple facades M1-62 Ubaid bowl: latest style, crescent patterns, from grave at Ur, ca. 23 cm. diameter M1-63 Diagram of pottery: Ubaid styles M1-64 Incense burner, in shape of a house, from Al-Ubaid M1-65 Bitumen Boat M1-68 Lizard-Headed statuettes M1-69 Lizard-Headed statuette, n.b. clay pellets on shoulders M1-70 Heads of lizard-headed statuettes M1-71 Anubis statue M1-71a Hassuna artifacts (drawings) M1-72 Early Hassuna vase: mid-7th mill., with herring-bone pattern M1-73 Pottery: Samarra ware, ca. 5500 BCE M1-74 Samarra bowl: from Tell Hassuna, n.b. repaired in antiquity M1-75 Max Mallowan supervising a dig at Nimrud M1-76 Pottery: Halafian diagram, Tell Arpachiyah M1-77 2 Pots: Halafian M1-78 Map: Halafian culture M1-79 Halafian female statuette M1-80 Tell Arpachiyah statue ca. 5000 BCE, n.b. exaggerated sex organs M1-81 Bowl: Arpachiyah, Northern Iraq, Halaf, 5000-4500 BCE, diameter 29 cm. M1-82 Pottery: Halafian bowl, n.b. purple color M1-83 Pottery: hand-shaped, from Tell Arpachiyah M1-84 Copper Tools M1-85 Pottery bowl: Ubaid, Ur, ca. 4000 BCE M1-86 Timeline: 5000-1600 BCE M1-87 Aerial photo: Uruk M1-88 Diagram of settlement patterns M1-89 Map: Uruk, n.b. walls built by Gilgamesh M1-96 Clay tokens M1-97 Early clay tablet: text is numbers only(?) M1-98 Early pictographic cuneiform tablets, from Tell Brak M1-99 Cylinder seal: early steatite, ca. 2900 BCE M1-100 Cylinder seals M1-101 Drawing of person wearing a cylinder seal M1-102 Cylinder seal: close-up M1-103 Crystal lens (?); or possibly inlay for furniture M1-104 Cylinder seal: Proto-literate, long-necked beasts, necks intertwined three times M1-105 Uruk: Stone vase, Jemdet Nasr, 3200 BCE M1-106 Reed huts: southern Iraq M1-107 Cylinder seal impression, Jemdet Nasr: goats and reed hut M1-108 Reed hut M1-109 Drawing based on cylinder seal, late Uruk (end of 4th mill.): reed huts, temple herd. Ringed posts are symbols of goddess? 3

  4. M1-110 Reed bundles, modern photograph M1-111 Cuneiform tablet, from Ur, ca. 2900-2600 BCE: records of deliveries of barley and meal to a temple (b/w) M1-112 Early clay tablet M1-113 Drawing of tablet from Jemdet Nasr Period M1-114 Early clay tablet: account (with translation of text) M1-115 Warka Vase, from Uruk, alabaster M1-116 Warka Vase (both sides) M1-117 Warka Vase: naked priests (long shot) M1-118 Warka Vase: naked priests (close-up) M1-119 Warka Vase: top panel, goddess Inanna, with symbols M1-120 Warka Vase: drawing of whole vase M1-121 Cylinder seal: drinking from bibru at banquet M1-122 “Lady of Uruk” and “Little King,” both from Uruk Egyptian Prehistory E1-01 Nile at sunset E1-02 Map: Egypt E1-03 Nile delta, from space E1-04 Map: Ancient Egypt E1-04a Colossi of “Memnon” (Amenhotep III) during flood: lithograph by Roberts, opposite Luxor. E1-04b Map: Predynastic sites E1-04c Map: Egypt, with chronology E1-05 Flints: hand axes, Paleolithic (before 100,000 BCE), from Thebes E1-06 Neolithic flint scraper, used to shape shafts of arrows and spears in style typical of Thebes E1-07 Egyptian statuette, ivory, eyes inlaid with lapis lazuli, Predynastic, 5th mill. BCE E1-08 Hierakonpolis: painted tomb, photo taken in 1899 A.D., burial of upper Egyptian chief, late Predynastic, ca. 3300 BCE E1-09 Abydos: Sanctuary of Osiris E1-10 Flint sickle: Badarian sickle blade, n.b. sickle sheen E1-11 Badarian pot: polished on the textured surface, 4000s BCE, 22.8 cm. high E1-11a Map: Principal Neolithic sites E1-11b Examples of Predynastic pottery (drawings) E1-12 Pottery styles of the Amratian and Gerzean periods E1-13 Naqada I vase: white-on-red ware, ca. 4000-3600 BCE E1-14 Naqada I vase (ca. 4000-3600 BCE ): man harpooning hippopotamus, Amratian white-on-red ware E1-15 Amratian male figurine: carved from tusk; amulet?, n.b. hole in top to string a cord through E1-16 Gerzean Vase: Naqada II E1-17 Gerzean stoneware, n.b. fine stonework, precursor of OK stonework 4


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