skin hair removal in dermoscopic images using soft color

skin hair removal in dermoscopic images using soft color morphology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

skin hair removal in dermoscopic images using soft color morphology P. Bibiloni M. Gonzlez-Hidalgo S. Massanet AIME 2017, 23/JUN/2017 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) Palma, Spain

  1. skin hair removal in dermoscopic images using soft color morphology P. Bibiloni M. González-Hidalgo S. Massanet AIME 2017, 23/JUN/2017 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) Palma, Spain Soft Computing, Image Processing and Aggregation (SCOPIA) research group

  2. motivation 1

  3. How? Hair Detection + Inpainting our method (a) Original image (b) Hairless image 2

  4. our method (a) Original image (b) Hairless image How? Hair Detection + Inpainting 2

  5. (c) Hair Mask hair detection method Color Mathematical Morphology Extract thin and dark objects. (a) Original (b) Contrast enhanced image 3

  6. hair detection method Color Mathematical Morphology Extract thin and dark objects. (a) Original (b) Contrast (c) Hair Mask enhanced image 3

  7. (b) Hairless image (c) Hairless image (with missing information!) inpainting method Color Mathematical Morphology Recover information from surrounding objects. (a) Hair mask 4

  8. inpainting method Color Mathematical Morphology Recover information from surrounding objects. (a) Hair mask (b) Hairless image (c) Hairless image (with missing information!) 4

  9. conclusions ∙ Mathematical morphology for color images. ∙ Competitive results: ∙ hair removal vs. texture preservation. ∙ Preliminary step. 5

  10. what next? Figure: Annotation tool - Overview 6

  11. what next? Figure: Annotation tool - Detail 6

  12. acknowledgments This work was partially supported by the project TIN 2016-75404-P AEI/FEDER. P. Bibiloni also benefited from the fellowship FPI/1645/2014 of the Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Universitats of the Govern de les Illes Balears under an operational program co-financed by the European Social Fund. 7

  13. Thank you 8


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