SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
cl clima mate: average long-term condition; controlled by location regional to global weather weather: short-term condition; controlled by atmospheric anomalies local to regional cl clima mate: weather: r: “I live “I ve in Sa San Diego beca cause se “San Diego got so “Sa soake ked last st week” k” it ra rains s in Se Seattle” SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
how mu much ch so solar r ra radiation is s re rece ceive ved Se Seaso sons in any y are rea? Sh Short rt vi video 11a insolation per area: zenith greater when Sun is overhead than near poles annually 2.4 times lower at poles than at equator Marsh Ma rshak: k: Ea Eart rth, Po Port rtra rait of a Pl Planet SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
how mu much ch so solar r ra radiation is s re retained Se Seaso sons in any y are rea? Sh Short rt vi video 11a - 80% fresh snow - 30-90% clouds Albedo: - 25% grass fraction of insolation - 10% oceans reflected back to space THE E DUAL AL FUNCTION OF H 2 O WATER ER VAPO APOR: most abundant greenhouse gas (warms) CLOUDS: S: reflect sunlight back into space (cools) Ma Marsh rshak: Ea Eart rth, Po Port rtra rait of a Pl Planet SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
see Fig 11.4 se Ahrens: Meteorology Today - 30% re - refle flect cted back ck to sp space ce - - 51% abso sorb rbed at su surf rface ce - 19% abso sorb rbed by y atmo mosp sphere re Ea Eart rth’s s su surf rface ce emi mits s mo more re heat (I (IR) ) than it re rece ceive ves SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
H2O most abundant Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse greenhouse gas Fig 1 Fig 11.8 1.8 greenhouse gases: H 2 O, CO 2 , CH 4 Earth with greenhouse: - transparent to visible, UV light 16ºC/61ºF - absorb infrared Earth without greenhouse: - reflect IR back to Earth 34ºC/61ºF colder -> -18ºC/0ºF - > trap heat SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
3) Earth’s tilted axis orbits Sun � sun in zenith at different times (+/- 23.5º N/S) � local insolation changes throughout the year Fig 11.15 Fig 1 1.15 sh short rt Video 11a summer in San Diego but winter in Santiago, Chile Marsh Ma rshak: Ea Eart rth, Po Port rtra rait of a Pl Planet SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
opposite seasons between N and S hemispheres SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
opposite seasons between N and S hemispheres SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
Marshak: Earth, Portrait of a Planet Abbott: Natural Disasters SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
polar ice, subpolar Tundra, subtropical (temperate), dry land (desert), tropical plus: highland, continental Fig 1 Fig 11.7 1.7 Marshak: Earth, Portrait of a Planet SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
Heat Capaci city: y: ability y to abso sorb rb heat without getting hot • oceans store more heat than atmosphere • oceans are climate moderators (negative feedback) � coastal areas have less extreme climate SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
- ocean processes longer-term than atmospheric processes - > ocean currents slower than atmospheric winds - currents blocked by continents - Driving Mechanism: cold and salty water sinks (thermohaline circulation) exact shape of heat conveyor not well known source: Wikipedia SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
- warm western boundary currents (e.g. Gulf Stream) - cold eastern boundary currents (e.g. California Current) (think May Grey/June Gloom!) Marshak: Earth, Portrait of a Planet SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
but what we do know! � atmosphere has less CO 2 than humans produced in last 150 yrs � oceans take up CO 2 � it’s not (only) the rain forest! � leads to ocean acidification SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
simple • air pressure: push due to weight of atmosphere above • greatest at sea level: 1 atmosphere, 14.7 PSI, 1035 mbar (g/cm 2 ) • pressure and density decrease exponentially with altitude 50% air below 5.6 km 90% air below 16 km 99.99997% below 100km sh short rt Video 11b SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
complicated • T-function changes with altitude • decreases from 18ºC to -55ºC in troposphere • increases in stratosphere • decreases in mesosphere • increases in thermosphere sh short rt Video 11b SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
Layers follow T-function troposphere: lower 10km; weather layer, mixing stratosphere: next 35km; very dry, no vertical mixing, O 3 layer mesosphere: less O 3 ; meteorites burn up thermosphere: < 1% air; (ISS at ~350 km) sh short rt Video 11b SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
it take kes s 600 ca cal to eva vapora rate 1g water eva vapora ration: water r va vapor r abso sorb rbs s heat co condensa sation: water r va vapor r re release ses s heat SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
Fig. 11.13 CA farmers did NOT have time to do this to protect citrus Fig. 2.12 SIO15-SS1 20: Topic 15: The Atmosphere and Climate
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