Simulation Theodore Tomalty Thursday July 18, 2013 1
Muon hit to truth trajectory matching • First step in: • Tracking algorithm (which we will need to find a reasonable minimum energy for each strip/wire) • Study of muon multiple scattering (how well the muons follow a straight line) • Muon position is measured by taking the average of the strip/wire position weighted by their respective energy levels. • x = (StripEnergy[0] * StripPosition[0] + ... + StripEnergy[19] * StripPosition[19]) / (StripEnergy[0] + ... + StripEnergy[20]) • y = (WireEnergy[0] * WirePosition[0] + ... + WireEnergy[19] * WirePosition[19]) / (WireEnergy[0] + ... + WireEnergy[20]) • The measured position is compared to the theoretical position, that is determined by the initial position and momentum given by Geant. 2
Strip Width = 40mm | Wire Spacing = 40mm 3
Stopping Power of Lead Layer • The lead layer is placed just above the bottom scintillator to stop oncoming low-energy muons. • These plots show the ratio of muons that hit the bottom scintillator to the ones that should have hit it (based on initial information) for each muon energy level. • Registered hits were required to have a minimum energy of 1 MeV to prevent scattered electrons from being counted as a hit. • These will be used to chose a lead thickness if any based on the results of the muon multiple scattering analysis. 4
14cm 14cm 14cm Fraction of events depositing energy in bottom scintillator Fraction of events depositing energy in bottom scintillator 10cm 19cm Muon initial kinetic energy [MeV] Muon initial kinetic energy [MeV] 5 Fraction of events depositing energy in bottom scintillator Fraction of events depositing energy in bottom scintillator 21cm 14cm Muon initial kinetic energy [MeV] Muon initial kinetic energy [MeV]
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