10/1/2019 Simulation in Medicine Mini-Med School Oct 2019 Dr. Sukhjit Dhillon Dr. Stacy Sawtelle Lee Hagarty Objectives • What is simulation • History of simulation in medicine and otherwise • How is simulation used in medical training • List benefits of simulation as a training modality • Practice various techniques UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 1
10/1/2019 What is Simulation? What is Simulation? UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 2
10/1/2019 I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand. What is simulation in medicine? • Exercises designed to mimic real life situations UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 3
10/1/2019 Simulation in Medicine Benefits of Simulation in Training • Allows learners to reason through a clinical problem and make critical decisions with little or no cueing • Permits learners to make life threatening mistakes without hurting a real patient • Teaches inter-professional communication and teamwork skills • Provides instant feedback to correct such mistakes and apply them to future practices UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 4
10/1/2019 How is Simulation used in Medical Training? • Procedural Training • Problem Solving / Critical Thinking • Inter-professional Communication/Teamwork Skills • Assessment of learners & systems Why Simulation? On November 9th, 1999 - US Institute of Medicine released a report called to Err is Human : Building a Safer Health System. Preventable errors result in more than 40,000 deaths per year. UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 5
10/1/2019 History of Simulation • In 1929, Edwin Albert Link invented the first flight simulator, a prototype named “Blue Box”. • In 1934, US Army Air Corps purchased six of “Blue Box” trainers. • Successful because: controlled and safe environment and standardized process History of Simulation in Medicine In the 18th century Paris, Gregoire father and son developed an obstetrical mannequin made of human pelvis and dead baby, aka “the phantom”. UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 6
10/1/2019 History of Simulation in Medicine • In 1960, Ausmund Laerdal, a plastic toy manufacturer, designed Resusci- Anne. Initially just for teaching ventilation techniques but later added on internal spring to simulate chest compressions. • 1968, Dr. Michael Gordon, University of Miami Med School, presented Harvey. • In early 1960s, Hower Barrows, neurologist, started the concept of standardized patients. HIstory of Simulation in Medicine In 2000s, virtual reality simulation. UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 7
10/1/2019 Let’s Debrief • How did that feel? • What went well? • What could have gone better? Simulation training improves pt safety UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 8
10/1/2019 Let’s go and learn Simulation Lab Map UCSF Fresno Mini Med School 2019 9
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