silver bell st lawrence sbsl mt silver bell st lawrence

Silver Bell & St. Lawrence (SBSL), MT Silver Bell & St. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Silver Bell & St. Lawrence (SBSL), MT Silver Bell & St. Lawrence (SBSL), MT SBSL is 100% owned and is comprised of a 520 acre claim package, subject to 2% NSR. SBSL Property Hosts two historic Montana gold mines (the Silver

  1. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence (“SBSL”), MT

  2. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence (“SBSL”), MT SBSL is 100% owned and is comprised of a 520 acre claim package, subject to 2% NSR. SBSL Property Hosts two historic Montana gold mines (the Silver Bell & St. Lawrence) that produced in the early 1900s and again in the 1960s and 1970s at the St. Lawrence. SBSL Plan View – Geophysical The head frames of the two mines were 3,600 feet Grid & Shaft Locations apart with each of the two vein systems striking toward St. the other mine (operated by different owners). Lawrence Shaft Historical smelter records reported gold grades ranging from 0.15 to 0.52 ounces per ton and silver grades ranging from 2.7 to 15.6 ounces per ton. Silver Bell Shaft * Refer to for greater technical detail.

  3. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT

  4. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT Drill Targets Peloton geophysics and mapping suggests the two former mines were situated on the same vein structure 3,600 feet apart. Structure traced by geophysics between the two shafts and along strike for up to 7,000 feet. Drilling recommended between the former head frames, down dip, and along strike for parallel structures and splays in both the hanging wall and footwalls. Most significant deposits in the immediate area were multiple vein Underground Sampling Data systems extending to depth. Peloton possesses underground sampling data for both former mines. Peloton is seeking a potential JV partner for drilling and potentially driving an adit to the ore faces under a small miner exemption for bulk sampling and shipping to a nearby custom mill. * Refer to for greater technical detail.

  5. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT

  6. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT

  7. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT

  8. Silver Bell & St. Lawrence, MT

  9. CSE Symbol: PMC Corporate Inquiries OTCQB Symbol: PMCCF Breaking Through the Leading Edge! Edward (Ted) Ellwood Paul Teodorovici President & CEO VP Business Development T: 519-964-2836 T: 514-582-2282


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