sigaps an innovative use of bibliometrics for the ihu ihu

SIGAPS, an innovative use of bibliometrics for the IHU IHU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mditerrane Infection Mditerrane Infection Foundation Foundation October October 2012 2012 Gordes Gordes SIGAPS, an innovative use of bibliometrics for the IHU IHU Franois-Jrme AUBERT Deputy Director Clinical research and

  1. Méditerranée Infection Méditerranée Infection Foundation Foundation October October 2012 2012 Gordes Gordes SIGAPS, an innovative use of bibliometrics for the IHU IHU François-Jérôme AUBERT Deputy Director Clinical research and innovation Marseille Universitary Hospital (AP-HM)

  2. E VERYTHING IN A NUTSHELL � SIGAPS software : analyzing collective scientific performance and informal research networks Méditerranée In � The scientific production of the IHU: astonishing numbers � SIGAPS-IHU Méditerranée Infection, a new � SIGAPS-IHU Méditerranée Infection, a new Infection Foundation/Gordes approach for bibliometrics and corporate communication � An unrivalled experimentation 2

  3. SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � A software initially developped by Lille Universitary Hospital in 2002 (CHU de Lille). Méditerranée In � In 2006, the french Ministry for Health decided to assess the scientific performance of french universitary hospitals with the SIGAPS software universitary hospitals with the SIGAPS software Infection Foundation/Gordes managed by Lille Universitary Hospital. 3

  4. SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � Data bases such as Medline includes comprehensive scientific medical production. Méditerranée In � Pubmed provides access to abstracts, citations, and full articles from any author. � But existing softwares do not evaluate and mapp � But existing softwares do not evaluate and mapp Infection Foundation/Gordes research teams and fields. � The attractiveness of a world level hub for biomedical research such as the IHU has to be shown through specific criteria: � Critical mass � Proportion of top level publications 4 � Most effective collaborations

  5. SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � SIGAPS means « Système d’Interrogation, de Gestion et d’Analyse des Publications Scientifiques ». Méditerranée In � SIGAPS gives a survey of the research fields of a research team, as well as of its standard. research team, as well as of its standard. Infection Foundation/Gordes � A software to : � List � Analyse � Aggregate � Value 5

  6. SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � SIGAPS synthesizes scientific production, wether on an individual or a collective viewpoint. Méditerranée In � SIGAPS shows qualitative valuation: � Journal ranking � Author’s position � Author’s position Infection Foundation/Gordes � Research fields (keywords) � Most effective collaborations 6

  7. Analyser Recenser Navigateur Web Visualiser Télécharger Méditerranée In SIGAPS Agréger Agréger Évaluer Évaluer Infection Foundation/Gordes 0 Hôpital Impact Factor Categorie Couleur IF > P90 A Pôle Pôle Q3 < IF < P90 B + MED < IF < Q3 C Q1 < IF < MED D Service Service Service IF < Q1 E Inconnu NC A B C D E A B C D E 7

  8. A SIX LEVEL RANKING BASED ON THE IMPACT FACTOR • Problem: the IF strongly varies Max A 0 according to the research fields: P90 – Medical computer science, 0.513 à 3.59 (medium=1.65) Méditerranée In B – Cellular biology , 0.24 à 31.35 (medium =3.18) Q3 Infection Foundation/Gordes • • Statistic classification by research fields, Statistic classification by research fields, C + 5 categories (A/B/C/D/E) corresponding Médiane to percentiles of the IF. D Q1 • Non registered reviews (congress acts, for instance ), belong to the NC category. E Each medical discipline has 10% Min journals in A level, 15% in B, 25% in C, N Not classified by 8 … Institute for Scientific C Information

  9. SIGAPS, A SOFTWARE INITIALLY DEVELOPPED TO ASSESS THE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF FRENCH UNIVERSITARY HOSPITALS � Medline data base � Quotation criteria: Méditerranée In � Author’s position � 1 st or last author : 4 points � 2 nd author: � 2 author: 3 points 3 points Infection Foundation/Gordes � 3 rd author: 2 points � Other position: 1 point � Journal level � Top 10% of a discipline: 8 points � … � Not classified: 1 point � Multiplication of both scores: 1 st author for an article 9 published in Lancet Infectious Disease (A level journal): 4x8 = 32 points

  10. SIGAPS, A SOFTWARE INITIALLY DEVELOPPED TO ASSESS THE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF FRENCH UNIVERSITARY HOSPITALS � SIGAPS score allows an allocation for universitary hospitals from the french ministry for health: Méditerranée In � SIGAPS point = 1 600 € � 32 points article = 51 200 € Infection Foundation/Gordes 10

  11. T HE SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION OF THE IHU ESTIMATED BY SIGAPS : SURPRISING NUMBERS � 2011: 588 papers Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 11

  12. T HE SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION OF THE IHU ESTIMATED BY SIGAPS : SURPRISING NUMBERS Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes Caution: Universitary Hospitals’ production is estimated with Medline Database, and the IHU’s with World of Science, which is slightly more exhaustive. This ranking is an approximation. 12

  13. N OT GOOD SCIENCE , BREAKTHROUGH (2/3 ARTICLES IN TOP 25% JOURNALS ). Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes On the 2007-2010 era, the proportion of A+B articles of current 13 IHU researchers was over 55%. On the same period, it was between 35% and 45% in the french universitary hospitals.

  14. IHU M ÉDITERRANÉE I NFECTION , A TOP LEADER FOR SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION IN I.D. � Pr Didier RAOULT, a world top gun (top 3 in terms of citations in the microbiology literature) Méditerranée In � A performing team in every field of infectiology � Top level universitary hospitals units: Infection Foundation/Gordes � Over 1000 publications/year (18% AP-HM) � Over 1000 publications/year (18% AP-HM) � 20% A level publications (top 10%) 14

  15. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 15 IHU RESEARCHERS : A GROWING SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION

  16. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 16 A UTHOR ’ S POSITION : EVIDENCE OF LEADERSHIP

  17. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 17 A WIDE MAJORITY OF HIGH LEVEL JOURNALS (2002-2011)

  18. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 18 V ISIBLE IMPROVEMENT

  19. M OST COMMON JOURNALS ����� ����� Méditerranée In ������������������ ��� ������������������������ ��� ����� �� !" #������������������ $$ #��%������&��� $� Infection Foundation/Gordes '���()�'��*����� �+ #���������� �, ������������������ �, '��&����*����� -" �����������������*� -- '�*� -� �����#���������� -, '������������� -. ������(�����'��*�������/�����'� �! �������������0��� �$ #�������������� �$ '���#�����0����*��12�� �" �������������*� �" 19 '�����������'�������&����&��� �+ #��'������������&����&��� ��

  20. KEYWORDS (MESH TERMS YET TO COME ) 3�24��* ����� �������������� ��� Méditerranée In ��������� ��� ��������� ��� ����������������� ��� ������� ��� ���������� ��� Infection Foundation/Gordes ������������ ��� ������� ��� �������� ��� ������������������������� ��� ��� ��� ���������� ��� ���������������� ��� ��������������������� ��� ��� ��� ���������� ��� ��������� ��� ������� ��� ��������� ��� 20 �������� ���

  21. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 21 A N EXEMPLE : P R RAOULT (Y EAR 2011)

  22. Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 22 74% ARTICLES IN TOP 25% JOURNALS Pr RAOULT


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