Méditerranée Infection Méditerranée Infection Foundation Foundation October October 2012 2012 Gordes Gordes SIGAPS, an innovative use of bibliometrics for the IHU IHU François-Jérôme AUBERT Deputy Director Clinical research and innovation Marseille Universitary Hospital (AP-HM)
E VERYTHING IN A NUTSHELL � SIGAPS software : analyzing collective scientific performance and informal research networks Méditerranée In � The scientific production of the IHU: astonishing numbers � SIGAPS-IHU Méditerranée Infection, a new � SIGAPS-IHU Méditerranée Infection, a new Infection Foundation/Gordes approach for bibliometrics and corporate communication � An unrivalled experimentation 2
SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � A software initially developped by Lille Universitary Hospital in 2002 (CHU de Lille). Méditerranée In � In 2006, the french Ministry for Health decided to assess the scientific performance of french universitary hospitals with the SIGAPS software universitary hospitals with the SIGAPS software Infection Foundation/Gordes managed by Lille Universitary Hospital. 3
SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � Data bases such as Medline includes comprehensive scientific medical production. Méditerranée In � Pubmed provides access to abstracts, citations, and full articles from any author. � But existing softwares do not evaluate and mapp � But existing softwares do not evaluate and mapp Infection Foundation/Gordes research teams and fields. � The attractiveness of a world level hub for biomedical research such as the IHU has to be shown through specific criteria: � Critical mass � Proportion of top level publications 4 � Most effective collaborations
SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � SIGAPS means « Système d’Interrogation, de Gestion et d’Analyse des Publications Scientifiques ». Méditerranée In � SIGAPS gives a survey of the research fields of a research team, as well as of its standard. research team, as well as of its standard. Infection Foundation/Gordes � A software to : � List � Analyse � Aggregate � Value 5
SIGAPS: ANALYZING COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE AND INFORMAL NETWORKS � SIGAPS synthesizes scientific production, wether on an individual or a collective viewpoint. Méditerranée In � SIGAPS shows qualitative valuation: � Journal ranking � Author’s position � Author’s position Infection Foundation/Gordes � Research fields (keywords) � Most effective collaborations 6
Analyser Recenser Navigateur Web Visualiser Télécharger Méditerranée In SIGAPS Agréger Agréger Évaluer Évaluer Infection Foundation/Gordes 0 Hôpital Impact Factor Categorie Couleur IF > P90 A Pôle Pôle Q3 < IF < P90 B + MED < IF < Q3 C Q1 < IF < MED D Service Service Service IF < Q1 E Inconnu NC A B C D E A B C D E 7
A SIX LEVEL RANKING BASED ON THE IMPACT FACTOR • Problem: the IF strongly varies Max A 0 according to the research fields: P90 – Medical computer science, 0.513 à 3.59 (medium=1.65) Méditerranée In B – Cellular biology , 0.24 à 31.35 (medium =3.18) Q3 Infection Foundation/Gordes • • Statistic classification by research fields, Statistic classification by research fields, C + 5 categories (A/B/C/D/E) corresponding Médiane to percentiles of the IF. D Q1 • Non registered reviews (congress acts, for instance ), belong to the NC category. E Each medical discipline has 10% Min journals in A level, 15% in B, 25% in C, N Not classified by 8 … Institute for Scientific C Information
SIGAPS, A SOFTWARE INITIALLY DEVELOPPED TO ASSESS THE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF FRENCH UNIVERSITARY HOSPITALS � Medline data base � Quotation criteria: Méditerranée In � Author’s position � 1 st or last author : 4 points � 2 nd author: � 2 author: 3 points 3 points Infection Foundation/Gordes � 3 rd author: 2 points � Other position: 1 point � Journal level � Top 10% of a discipline: 8 points � … � Not classified: 1 point � Multiplication of both scores: 1 st author for an article 9 published in Lancet Infectious Disease (A level journal): 4x8 = 32 points
SIGAPS, A SOFTWARE INITIALLY DEVELOPPED TO ASSESS THE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF FRENCH UNIVERSITARY HOSPITALS � SIGAPS score allows an allocation for universitary hospitals from the french ministry for health: Méditerranée In � SIGAPS point = 1 600 € � 32 points article = 51 200 € Infection Foundation/Gordes 10
T HE SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION OF THE IHU ESTIMATED BY SIGAPS : SURPRISING NUMBERS � 2011: 588 papers Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 11
T HE SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION OF THE IHU ESTIMATED BY SIGAPS : SURPRISING NUMBERS Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes Caution: Universitary Hospitals’ production is estimated with Medline Database, and the IHU’s with World of Science, which is slightly more exhaustive. This ranking is an approximation. 12
N OT GOOD SCIENCE , BREAKTHROUGH (2/3 ARTICLES IN TOP 25% JOURNALS ). Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes On the 2007-2010 era, the proportion of A+B articles of current 13 IHU researchers was over 55%. On the same period, it was between 35% and 45% in the french universitary hospitals.
IHU M ÉDITERRANÉE I NFECTION , A TOP LEADER FOR SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION IN I.D. � Pr Didier RAOULT, a world top gun (top 3 in terms of citations in the microbiology literature) Méditerranée In � A performing team in every field of infectiology � Top level universitary hospitals units: Infection Foundation/Gordes � Over 1000 publications/year (18% AP-HM) � Over 1000 publications/year (18% AP-HM) � 20% A level publications (top 10%) 14
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 15 IHU RESEARCHERS : A GROWING SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 16 A UTHOR ’ S POSITION : EVIDENCE OF LEADERSHIP
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 17 A WIDE MAJORITY OF HIGH LEVEL JOURNALS (2002-2011)
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 18 V ISIBLE IMPROVEMENT
M OST COMMON JOURNALS ����� ����� Méditerranée In ������������������ ��� ������������������������ ��� ����� �� !" #������������������ $$ #��%������&��� $� Infection Foundation/Gordes '���()�'��*����� �+ #���������� �, ������������������ �, '��&����*����� -" �����������������*� -- '�*� -� �����#���������� -, '������������� -. ������(�����'��*�������/�����'� �! �������������0��� �$ #�������������� �$ '���#�����0����*��12�� �" �������������*� �" 19 '�����������'�������&����&��� �+ #��'������������&����&��� ��
KEYWORDS (MESH TERMS YET TO COME ) 3�24��* ����� �������������� ��� Méditerranée In ��������� ��� ��������� ��� ����������������� ��� ������� ��� ���������� ��� Infection Foundation/Gordes ������������ ��� ������� ��� �������� ��� ������������������������� ��� ��� ��� ���������� ��� ���������������� ��� ��������������������� ��� ��� ��� ���������� ��� ��������� ��� ������� ��� ��������� ��� 20 �������� ���
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 21 A N EXEMPLE : P R RAOULT (Y EAR 2011)
Méditerranée In Infection Foundation/Gordes 22 74% ARTICLES IN TOP 25% JOURNALS Pr RAOULT
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