Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update Community Meeting December 19, 2019
Agenda A. 6:00-7:00pm Staff will provide a brief overview of the SMP, the changes being recommended to City Council, and respond to questions about the changes - Welcome - Introductions of Staff and Facilitator - Staff presentation o SMP Brief Overview o Review of proposed recommendations from Planning Commission and Houghton Community Council o Community Q&A B. 7:00-8:00pm Discussion regarding the existing SMP and ideas on how to address those concerns - Public questions/comments/concerns on other items C. Next Steps
Shoreline Management Act • While allowing limited reduction of rights of the public in navigable waters, promote and enhance the public interest. • Use preference: • Statewide interest over local interest • Preserve natural shoreline • Long term over short term benefit • Protect the resources and ecology of shoreline • Increase public access to publicly owned shorelines • Increase recreational opportunities for the public
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- ~ ~ Item #1 Current Code: farther Y.i'. ~. !~ ~ , ~ ~ r~ Max im um L ength fo r pi ers. , 15 0 f ee t, but p_ i ~. r. ~ or : ~ '. ~.~- ~ , extending than ad j ace n ~ p_ i ~. r. ~ : ~ '. ~.~- ~ .. ~ ! .~ , will n ot h a. ve an a dve r se i mp ac t on fi n , gers an cl attac hed ,o r d oc ks mu st derirnnis t ra te th at they floats na vig ation 26 f ee t fo r e ll s 20 fee t fo r fing e rs and d eddng attac hed to a. p_ i_ ~.r. Proposed Code: No l oo "r than the ayera~e of th adj acept nej ~bborjn~ .i i ern or l 50 feet, whic:brn:r j. lrs.s excegt Maxirn111rn te ngth . for pi- ers, do~ ks, ell e s j ttiu~ 911 the 'lakcbed cannot b e cyecl wit11 ia fing rs: a11 d atta .!le d floats ach j 1 w , · (S e .P l ates 47 and 4 AfB) lb • cl lo a maximum of 150 '. . If · h e lh a !.horeline v ar i · ed . ~ · ' . f IQG/4 nf d1 av ra 11 nol ex i:: ecd 150 r eh ih , . ten di ng farther u1 crward t han 11 dJt1el;!A fl~'ffi tlf eel!:; up to I 0% ms . rs or r ks mm;l tl emons.tro. tc #nit- th y \I. ]l no• ha ve an a,dvct 'e im p act on niivi_giU]on . Th e I lri n h 1. en~ [ gr dock ,hal l he m ea sured from 1 he fu rt'1c §L l 11 nd w::i r I pojrp l gf!h c OH \l tiM . 20 fei:t fo r fi11gtra am i float de,ck:ing aUadmed io p 11;r
□ - ~ ~ - ~ Item #2 Current Code: Minim um W a te 1 r Dep~h 1 for e ll s wffil 1 be in w ate r d ept hs of nin e (9) f e or gr , eat , e :r at the~ - ~ :~ - ~~ ! ~ .... en of an Hoa:t de k in g a tt h ed t a the -~ '- '· or ' n g er 1 E!~ - ~ wffil 1 Mu st be 'in wa te r dep ths of 1 □ fe or gr , eate r a the I a n dwar d end of the float Proposed Code: I w,uer 11,p1h r,,.11, '"" " "' I (9) r,., •• • ""'" •• • ;, w,,., wil h d ,,o. , ,h , ' '""'"' "' ., ,r ,; ,. o , r •• r .. io ,. 1 1 M!• ;,., ., M " ' h l!<' ~ oi; · l,i fi, • a lt 1;1.;f 1 1;!d ta f;l pi i;!r rl e ~iust ~ @ iH Wllt@r wJ1 h f IQ W@I er :gi-eAA@r et 11l@ IB1id\r;rfu ~ @n~ ef! :Qeu Ma ·i mum Le ngth fo r piers, dock s, ells, ~2 1 2111; !:: l !b1111 1 bs:: il V !i:rll!;!i: 2f th1: ;,uim.!i: l D!i: i i; b b~ i[illi; 12 i 1:1~ Q[ 150 feet, wbi i; b!::v s::i: iii l~ ::t s !::,!1!.!i:~1 fingers and attached floats iwhl:lla wat!,;r Llcpth adcquatc to i:irncnt hoals lrnm smin1.: 0 11 lhc lahchcd cannot h!,; ::Kh 1 cvcd with in (See Plate~ 4 7 and 48A /B) (ffieavcrn~c IL'H~tfl ot m.- 1 !i: ll horn1~ i:i1crs. it ma :z: exte 11 d to a maximum of 1 50' . Tfa len g th exce edin g 150 feet is reguircd to meet ade gu ate de pth a shore li ne variance sha ll be rcguirod. B½:li- ~ Piers or do ck s m av ext en d UQ to a m aximum of 1 0% of the average of the adjacent neighboring giers (see Plates 47 and 48A/B} but sha ll not exceed 150 feet. Piers or do cks ext en ding further wat erwar d than fla,jflee11~ l'ieH! er fleelis U[! to I 0% more than adjacent [! iers or docks must demonstrate #te+-th ey will not have an adverse impact 011 navigation. The length of a l!i!.[ Q[ ~k!s;~ sbi!II b!. w~mi ml fr!l lll !hi:: fu[!J11:§! l111id w 11rd 1wi1:1t !lt lh !i: Ql:!WM 26 feet for e ll s 20 feet for fingers and t1o a.t decking attached to a pi er
Item #3 Current Code: .P.. ! !.i.~9~ or - ~ ~~g .'..~ .9 . ~ . .P..i.!.~ sha ll not be tr, eate d wit h p en tachlorop he nol , creosot.e , c hrom a ed copp e r arse na t ( CC ) or co mp . rabl y toxk c ompou nd s F ir c.t ~P l'IT nilinn fo r ~ , iPr m linr l- ~11;:::ill h P ln.r;:ii P ri nn rln,~ pr h;:::i n · 1P. fpp e not per rni t ed when a P.! ~ .~ M~ . ~~ - ~ . 91.~ .. ~ - ~g y_ ~ ar, o r~ - ~: ~ . ~ -is located on a su lbj, ect property Proposed Code: A mooring buoy may be used to provide moorage space in lieu of a pier or dock A rnoorage buoy is not fil. pcrmi . tted if the subject property contains a pier or a dock No more than one (1) mooring buoy is permitted per detac- hed dwelling unit. Water craft moored to a moorage buoy may be no doser than 30 feet from the OITWM and mu t have adequate water depth to prevent a moored boat from . resting on the lakcbed. nine (9) feet or greater based on ordinary high water, unless the l Moo rage buoys sha11 be in T:;ater depths of U.S . AxFB:y Coff)s ofEegineeP.l ae€i tee Wafiaiegton Det9artmeat of lt}sl:l asc4 Wildt.ii@ a.we ap13roved ae ahtwm.1te B l:'0B o sal . Pier PiJi n gs and Mo ora gc Piles Pier Pilings ander moorage piles sha ll not be t.-eated with pen t ac hl oro p henol creosote, ch romated copper arsenate (C A) or compara bl y toxic compounds irst et of J2i£Lp i li n gs for a pi er or dock hall be l oca ted no clo scr than 18 feet from OHWM oorage piles shall be l oca t ed no clo se r than 30 feet fr om the OHWM oi · any farther wa t erwar d than the en d of the pier or dock ?rloontge Bttoys aFe ROE F'@rFHiHed, " hes EL ~EeF ar Hoch. is tee8· te.el BH .a sulajeet r,ropel4) Max i mum two (2) moorage pile per detached dwelling un i t, including exi, tii1 g pil es ax im um four (4) moorage piles for joi nt u se piers or docks . , including existi ng piles
Item #4 Current Code: see 83.270.4(b) Proposed Code: Delete section Reason for Amendment: Federal or State agencies do not have firm dimensional standards but rather use biological analysis to approve deviations from current SMP standards. Applications would be required to comply with No Net Loss Mitigation Sequencing regulations in 83.360 KZC, which establishes complex and generally unattainable compliance, given the principle requirements must pursue avoidance and minimization. Applications are only allowed to seek variation to dimensional standards of pier width, area, and depth. Applications seeking to exceed the dimensional standards are limited by the first and primary mitigation analysis criteria. The current code was not required by Ecology in the 2010 SMP Comprehensive Amendments. Removal of the section keeps regulation authority local. Result of Amendment: Pier dimensional standards in 83.270.4(a) are applied and administered consistently across the City shoreline.
- ~ , ~J~ Item #5 Current Code: One (1 ), fre es tandi ng 1 Maximum Number or d ec k-mo un ted boat.lift per _ q _~~~ ! Q .~-~ - - - tj r ~'.ll, ~_ ll_ i_ r :i:g _ _ _ ~ _r:, 1 _ it Two, (2), jet ski llifts or one ( 1 } fiu l lly g rn t ed platform lift pe r dle tac ili e dl d w e_ lling _ _ 1 _ nit On e (1 ), b oa t _ _ lift ca op y per ~ - ~9 . . . 9. ~V. ~J l_ i [.1 .9. unit . ... ..... ... . Proposed Code: Maximum umber GRe-Two ( -l-l. ) freestanding or deck-mounted boat lift §. per detached dwe ll ing unit Two (2) jet ski lifts or one (1) fully grated platform lift per detached dwelling unit One ( l) boat lift canopy pe r detached dwelling unit
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