she sheltered worksho ltered workshop

She Sheltered Worksho ltered Workshop 1 2 December 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Transformation The Transformation of of a a She Sheltered Worksho ltered Workshop 1 2 December 2015 Enhancing the lives of people with developmental disABILITIES by providing them with caring support and responsive programs and

  1. The Transformation The Transformation of of a a She Sheltered Worksho ltered Workshop 1

  2. 2 December 2015

  3. Enhancing the lives of people with developmental disABILITIES by providing them with caring support and responsive programs and services 3

  4. 4

  5. Keys to success Planning process that includes measurable steps Included in the plan • Assessment of current services/programming • benchmark dates • Include debriefing sessions throughout the process • Hope’s transformations included a (3) phase implementation timeline Communication (before, during and after) • Community and Board Members • Human Service Licensing • County Administrative Entity (AE) • Supports Coordination Agency (SCA) • Employment Provider (s) • Transportation Provider(s) Flexibility


  7. AFTER

  8. You Your r Bus Busines iness s Solut Solutions ions HOPE HOPE Indu Indust stries ries

  9. QUESTIONS Contact me Rob Labatch Vice President, Day Programs 2401 Reach Road Williamsport, PA 17701 (o) 570-326-3745 ext. 1235 (c) 570-772-8010 (f) 570-326-1258 Enhancing the lives of people with developmental disABILITIES by providing them with caring support and responsive programs and services 10


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