sharing longevity risk why governments should issue

Sharing longevity risk: Why Governments should issue longevity bonds - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sharing longevity risk: Why Governments should issue longevity bonds Professor David Blake Director, Pensions Institute, Cass Business School (Joint work with Tom Boardman & Andrew Cairns)

  1. Sharing longevity risk: Why Governments should issue longevity bonds Professor David Blake Director, Pensions Institute, Cass Business School (Joint work with Tom Boardman & Andrew Cairns)

  2. Agenda � Background � The role of the private sector in hedging longevity risk and creating a market in longevity-linked transfers � The role of the public sector in hedging longevity risk and creating a market in longevity-linked transfers � Longevity bond structures � Demand for longevity bonds � Pricing of longevity bonds � Political economy issues � Summary and next steps � Appendix: Support for Government issuance of longevity bonds 1

  3. Background

  4. Four factors driving increased annuitization in UK � The overall growth in both the number and size of defined contribution (DC) pension funds: � including in time Personal Accounts (NEST) from 2010 � The associated growth in the number of pensioners with DC funds reaching retirement � The increasing demand from defined benefit (DB) plans to use annuities to back their pensions in payment � The growing demand from DB plans for bulk buy-outs. 3

  5. Annuity demand scenarios: Annual flows £bn 2002 2007 2008 Individual annuities 7.2 10.3 11.6 Drawdown 2.3 4.0 3.2 Bulk buyout 1.4 4.0 6.2 Sources: Association of British Insurers Watson Wyatt predicts the UK 'at retirement' market for financial products to grow by 60% within five years to £24 billion a year. Source: Watson Wyatt Press Release 2009 4

  6. Consequences and risks � Insurance companies will see significant growth in annuities from DC plans in coming years � Insurance companies will also play a big role in aggregation of longevity risk and providing DB pension plans with basis-risk-free indemnity solutions � However, insufficient capital in insurance/reinsurance industry to deal with UK longevity risk: � £1trn+ with DB plans; £125bn with insurance companies � Solvency II could require insurance companies to hold significantly more capital to back annuities � Capital markets more efficient than insurance industry in: � reducing concentration risk � facilitating price discovery 5

  7. At the same time… � Government has to raise £703bn over next 5 years � and reabsorb £175bn Quantitative Easing � It cannot do this selling only short- and medium-term bonds � This would only delay and compound Government’s problem rather than solve it: � wants to avoid having to refinance these loans at the same time as trying to raise new money 6

  8. So… � Government MUST become more innovative at the long end of the yield curve � in order to raise debt and help pensions industry � Government MUST issue long-term bonds in a form that the private sector would buy � Critical role for the Government in facilitating the development of the longevity-linked capital market 7

  9. Decomposition of longevity risk Total longevity risk = Aggregate longevity risk [Trend risk] + Specific longevity risk [Random variation risk] Government shares risk by issuing longevity bonds Private sector hedges with longevity swaps

  10. Random variation in life times E xpected distr ibution of deaths: male 65 E xpected distr ibution of deaths: male 85 Mo st like ly age Mo st like ly at de ath = 86 L ife age 10 5 e xpe c tanc y L ife at de ath = % deaths at each age % deaths at each age 9 = 86.6 e xpe c tanc y 90 8 = 91.6 4 7 6 3 1 in 3 will 5 re ac h 93 and 25% 2 4 25% 5% will re ac h 3 100 1 2 Idiosyncr atic r isk Random Var iation Risk Random Var iation Idiosyncr atic r isk 1 Risk 0 0 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 85 90 95 100 105 Age Age 1 in 1000 chance of living twice 1 in 10 chance of living twice life expectancy at age 65 life expectancy at age 85 So urc e : 100% PNMA00 me dium c o ho rt 2007

  11. Survivor fan chart (Cairns-Blake-Dowd model) 100 AGE 75 80 SURVIVOR RATE % 60 AGE 90 40 20 0 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AGE Expected value 90% confidence 10

  12. The role of the private sector in hedging longevity risk and creating a market in longevity-linked transfers

  13. Private sector role � Insurers � annuities, aggregators, indemnifiers etc � Investment banks: � act as intermediaries � establish indices (e.g. LifeMetrics Index) � General investors seeking uncorrelated securities for diversified portfolios: � hedge funds � ILS investors � sovereign wealth funds � endowment and family funds � Traders and market makers: � essential for providing liquidity � Life and Longevity Markets Association (LLMA) launched in London (1/2/2010): � to promote the development of a liquid traded market in longevity risks � AXA, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan, Legal & General, Pension Corporation, Prudential, RBS and Swiss Re. 12

  14. The role of the public sector in hedging longevity risk and creating a market in longevity-linked transfers

  15. Public sector role � There is a critical role for the Government in facilitating the development of the longevity-linked market � Given Government’s encouragement of DC pensions, it has a duty to ensure that there is an efficient annuity market � It should also be advantageous for the Gov't to help facilitate an orderly transfer of DB pension promises to the insurance and capital markets � Solvency II has onerous capital requirements for unhedgeable risks � Issuance of longevity bonds would help establish longevity pricing information in the public domain � This is important for regulators, insurers, corporate pension plan sponsors and actuaries in helping to create transparency over the price of longevity-linked liabilities � This is analogous to the development of the inflation-linked bond market and the Government’s leading role in that development 14

  16. Longevity bond structures

  17. What is a longevity bond? � Longevity bonds pay declining coupons linked to the survivorship of a cohort of the population, say 65-year- old males � The coupons payable at age 75 will depend on the proportion of 65-year-old males who survive to age 75 � The coupon payments continue until the maturity date of the bond: � e.g., when the cohort of males reaches age 105 � A longevity bond pays coupons only and has no principal repayment

  18. Original survivor bond PAYMENT £ 100 Payments are based on the proportion of 65 year olds still alive at each age 80 based on national population data 60 40 20 0 6 9 1 4 7 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 2 5 8 1 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AGE Expected value 90% confidence 17

  19. Initial longevity bonds based on experience of age 65 cohort Longevity bond payable from age 75 with terminal payment at age 105 to cover post-105 longevity risk PAYMENT Payment at age 75 = 100 100 x proportion of age 65 cohort still alive 80 Price discovery No 60 Tail risk payments protection in first 10 Terminal 40 years payment 20 0 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 AGE Expected value 90% confidence Source: Cairns Blake Dowd model

  20. Longevity bond cash flows across ages and time will help to define mortality pricing points and encourage capital market development YEAR 2 045 2 040 Issue year of 2 035 bond MORTALITY TERM STRUCTURE PRICING Deferment 2 030 period on bond Payments on 2 025 bond 2 020 2 015 2 010 AGE 6 5 70 75 8 0 85 90 9 5 100 1 94 5 19 40 19 35 1 93 0 192 5 19 20 1 91 5 191 0 BIRTH YEAR 19

  21. Only deferred tail longevity bonds needed from Government in long run PAYMENT Longevity bond payable from age 90 with terminal 100 payment at age 105 to cover post-105 longevity risk 80 Capital markets deal 60 with this segment in long run Terminal 40 payment No payments in first 20 25 years 0 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 AGE Expected value 90% confidence Source: Cairns Blake Dowd model

  22. Demand for longevity bonds

  23. Potential sources of demand for longevity bonds in UK � DB plans � total pension liabilities = c.£1000bn � of which pensions in payment = c.£500bn � demand from pension plans likely to come from the largest plans � Annuity providers � £125bn � DC plans � total assets = c.£450bn � of which over age 55 = c. £150bn � longevity bond fund would be a useful to reduce income volatility at retirement � Initial issuance of longevity bonds: � 4 bonds with 10 year deferment M65, F65, M75, F75 � issuance small in relation to overall size of Government bond market

  24. Pricing of longevity bonds

  25. Pricing � Aim should be to determine a fair economic price � intergenerational fairness � attract wide range of buyers � Intention to indicate a possible approach and identify issues � Approach builds on insurance industry cost-of-capital method � determine the required credit rating � project the longevity risk capital required for each year to maintain the required credit rating � multiply each annual capital requirement by a percentage cost of capital to give the cost of capital � calculate the present value to give the present value of the overall capital requirement.


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