Shadowing Update 24 June 2019 Kevin Ewart and Thomas Rainbolt Indiana University
Background The photodetecting bars are located φ behind the three TPC wire planes, as well as a conducting mesh Currently, the shadowing effects are implemented as a position-independent 70% transmission This is an approximation that is known to be inaccurate, especially near the APA plane Bruce Howard (wire spacing exaggerated 10x)
Background Two basic approaches to improve on the current method, both using geometric optics: − Approximation-heavy method using a modified version of the simple shadowing formula (“approximate method”) Advantages: fast, easy to understand Disadvantages: inaccurate in certain regimes − Nearly exact (in the limit of geometric optics) method (“robust method”) Advantages: detailed geometric optics effects, high accuracy in most regimes Disadvantages: slow
Approximate method- diagram and methodology Light source ● Based loosely on Bruce Baller's method − lbne docdb-4134 θ gauge pitch For each wire that goes over the detector, use the simple shadowing pitch * cos(θ) formula: θ Wires Return the average of all the resulting transmission coefficients Photodetector
Robust method- diagram and methodology Light source ● For each wire that goes over the detector, project its shadow onto the photodetector ● Then, calculate the solid angle subtended by that shadow – This is the same as the solid angle subtended by the wire that intersects the projection of the Wires photodetector ● Then return Photodetector T = 1 – (sum of wire solid angles ) / (solid angle subtended by the photodetector)
Robust method- overlapping shadows ● In extreme cases, wire shadows may Block start to overlap shadow ● If this happens, the rest of the photodetector in that direction will be totally shadowed ● Instead of calculating per-wire Light source shadowing, this entire block of shadow is lumped together Wires Photodetector Overlapping shadows
Both methods- getting the final transmission ● First, the APA frame's shadow is projected onto the photodetector. Due to the central support bar, this means there are two sub-bars. It is also possible in extreme cases that one or both sub-bars is entirely shadowed by the frame. ● For each sub-bar that is not totally shadowed: – Perform the chosen method for all three wire planes, as well as the horizontal and vertical wires of the mesh (total of five planes) – Multiply the resulting transmission coefficients to get the transmission for that sub- bar – Convert this final coefficient into an effective shadowed solid angle ● Then add all effective shadowed solid angles (including the shadows from the APA frame), and divide by the total solid angle of the full photodetector.
Approximations ● We assume an infinite wire plane – This is almost entirely accurate in the full code, due to APA frame shadowing ● We assume the change in shadowing due to the exact positions of the wires is a negligible effect ● If the one-plane wire shadows do not overlap, two plane shadowing is EXACT ● We neglect all reflections ● We assume geometric optics is an adequate description of shadowing ● NOT currently accounting overlapping wire shadows giving non-exact two-plane shadowing (known to be non-negligible) ● We assume triple shadowing effects are negligible – Effect is less than 1.4%
Results ● For the following plots, we will be using the “local” coordinates of the photodetector. The local origin is positioned on the surface of the bar, at the lower left-hand corner of the bar as defined by the figure below y z Origin Wires MUST be sloped in this direction, z-axis is mirrored if necessary to make this true. x-axis potentially mirrored so that the light source is out of the page with positive x This results in a left-handed local coordinate system (oops), which should not matter.
Results ● Light source positioned at x=10cm, y=variable , z=110cm (center of bar) ● φ=90° from the vertical, i.e. wires parallel to the photodetector ● y-coordinate on the horizontal axis, transmission coefficient for a single wire plane on the vertical axis ● Photodetector extends from y=0 to y=8.6cm
Results ● Light source positioned at x=50cm, y=4.3cm (center of photodetector), z=variable ● φ=0° from the vertical, i.e. wires perpendicular to the photodetector ● z-coordinate on the horizontal axis, transmission coefficient for a single wire plane on the vertical axis ● Photodetector extends from z=0 to z=220cm
Results ● Light source positioned at x=10cm, y=4.3cm (center of photodetector), z=variable ● φ=0° from the vertical, i.e. wires parallel to the photodetector ● z-coordinate on the horizontal axis, transmission coefficient for a single wire plane on the vertical axis ● Photodetector extends from z=0 to z=220cm
Results ● Light source positioned at x=variable , y=4.3cm, z=110cm (center of photodetector) ● φ=0° from the vertical, i.e. wires parallel to the photodetector ● x-coordinate on the horizontal axis, transmission coefficient for a single wire plane on the vertical axis
Results ● Light source positioned at x=50cm ● z-coordinate on the horizontal axis, y- coordinate on the vertical axis, contoured by transmission coefficient ● Full simulation of 3 wire planes + mesh + APA frame
Results ● Light source positioned at x=10cm ● z-coordinate on the horizontal axis, y- coordinate on the vertical axis, contoured by transmission coefficient ● Full simulation of 3 wire planes + mesh + APA frame
Results ● Deviates from currently implemented T=0.7 by 10% – Approximate method: for x < 220cm – Robust method: for x < 210cm ● For one wire plane the two methods deviate by – 10% from each other for x < 40cm – 1% for x < 100cm ● For 3+mesh+APA the two methods deviate by – 10% for x < 25cm – 1% for x < 30cm
Conclusions ● A position-dependent shadowing method has been implemented ● There are significant deviations from the current implementation of position- independent T=0.7 for most of the detector ● This is especially important for understanding Argon 39 backgrounds ● Robust method more sensitive to the shape of the photodetector
Moving forward- implementation ● Several possible methods: – Build shadowing into the photon library ● If we are moving away from the library, not this one – Add shadowing methods to PhotonVisibilityServiceS2 – Add shadowing as its own service, edit the relevant photon visibility services to call it ● Unless there are other opinions, I will implement both the approximate and robust method, and add a fcl parameter as to which, if either, to use ● Adding support for the ARAPUCAs is easy, I just have not done it yet.
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