Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) This programme has been made possible Canada-Indonesia through the generous support of the Caribbean Export Development Agency Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Trade in Services and Services Export Promotion Workshop \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Session 4: A Case Study: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiations and Promotion Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 1
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Session 4 A Case Study: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiations and Promotion Overview of the Canadian Services Economy The Canadian Services Coalition: Its Role and Operation Canada's Participation in GATS and TiSA Negotiations Coordination and Consultations of Canada's Services Negotiations Canadian Service Export Promotion: Canadian Trade Commissioner Service Canada-Indonesia Bilateral Trade in Services: Opportunities and Challenges Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 2
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) The Importance of Services to the Canadian Economy A critical and strategic dimension of the Canadian economy 72% of Canadian GDP, growing at 8% 75% of employment, 90% of new job creation Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 3
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Canadian GDP by Industry Source: Statistics Canada Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 4
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services: Canada’s Fastest Growing Exports fastest growing inflation-adjusted Canadian exports; per cent change 2003-2013 Finance and insurance services Agricultural products Management services Computer and information services Metals and minerals products 0 20 40 60 80 100 Source: The Conference Board of Canada Interactive Trade Forecast, 2014. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 5
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Canada a “Services Economy” (inflation-adjusted GDP by sector; chained $2007 billions) Resources, Utilities, & Construction Manufacturing Services 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Source: Statistics Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 6
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) “Smiling Curve” of Production Value: Business Services Are High-Value Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 7
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Majority of Job Gains in Last 35 Years Are in Services Sector (net change in employment, by sector, 1980-2014; millions) Services Resources, Utilities & Construction Manufacturing -2 0 2 4 6 8 Source: Statistics Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 8
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services More Resilient to Economic Downturn (Canadian real exports; indexed 2000=100) Services Goods 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Sources: Statistics Canada; The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 9
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services’ Important Role in Export Picture (share of Canada’s exports, 2011; per cent) Sources: Statistics Canada; OECD-WTO TiVA. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 10
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Interprovincial Trade in Services Grew Significantly (level change in inflation-adjusted exports over 2003-2013; $ 2007 billions) Services Goods 60 40 20 0 International exports Interprovincial exports Source: Statistics Canada Table 384-0038. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 11
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Can Provide Many (Interconnected) Purposes Boost Innovation & Productivity Increase Connective Competitiveness tissue in Global of Products Value Chains Source: The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 12
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Are Delivered in Many Forms Source: The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 13
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Take Many Routes Mode 1 Mode 4 Mode 2 Mode 3 Source: The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 14
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Take Many Routes (width of arrows denotes relative value of Canada’s services sales abroad) Source: The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 15
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Sold via Foreign Affiliates More Popular (Canada's services exports and services sold through foreign affiliates; $ billions) Services direct exports Foreign affiliate sales 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Source: Statistics Canada Tables 376-0036 and 376-0060. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 16
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Often Reach International Markets Via Goods (share of Canada’s services value -added exports, 2011; per cent) Embodied in goods 49 51 Direct service export Sources: OECD-WTO TiVA; The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 17
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Services Exports More Diversified Than Goods (share of goods and direct services exports by destination, 2013; per cent) Goods Services 80 60 40 20 0 U.S. Europe Asia Other countries Sources: OECD-WTO TiVA; The Conference Board of Canada. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 18
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Canada’s Foreign Affiliate Sales Growing in Emerging Markets (sales of goods and services by foreign affiliates; $ billions) U.S. Europe Other OECD All other countries 300 200 100 0 2003 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Source: Statistics Canada Table 376-0061. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 19
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Foreign Affiliates the More Popular Route for Canadian Services (value of Canadian services sold abroad, 2012; $ billions) Foreign Affiliates Direct Exports 75 17 Finance (non-bank) and insurance Travel services 24 16 Management Transport and government 20 11 Wholesale Management 17 9 Information and cultural Finance and insurance 13 8 Transportation and warehousing Computer and information n/a* Architectural and engineering 6 Professional and scientific n/a* Research and development 4 Retail 19 18 Other services Other commercial services Total 216 Total 90 *confidential Sources: Statistics Canada Tables 376-0060 and 376-0036. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 20
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Canadian Finance and Insurance's Global Expansion (Canadian direct investment abroad in finance and insurance, stock; $ billions) U.S. Other Americas Asia and Oceania* Europe 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 *Data for Asia and Oceania are confidential in some years. Source: Statistics Canada Table 376-0052. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 21
Canada-Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) Management Services Expanding Rapidly Abroad (international sales and exports of Canadian management services; $ billions) Foreign Affiliate Sales Exports 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Source: Statistics Canada Tables 376-0060 and 376-0033. Session 4: The Canadian Services Market and Canadian Services Trade Negotiation and Promotion 22
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