service learning and united nations global goals

Service Learning and United Nations Global Goals Workshop Service - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Service Learning and United Nations Global Goals Workshop Service Learning and Dr Rob Hales 1. Robs Background 2. Grand Challenges 3. Australia Track Record 4. Griffith SDG Engagement 5. Times Higher Education Ranking 6. SDG Audit

  1. Service Learning and United Nations Global Goals Workshop Service Learning and Dr Rob Hales

  2. 1. Rob’s Background 2. Grand Challenges 3. Australia Track Record 4. Griffith SDG Engagement 5. Times Higher Education Ranking 6. SDG Audit of Undergraduate Core Courses 7. Resources for Business School Majors 8. SDG program review of Griffith University 9. SDGs in organisations 10. To Do List 11. Workshop Ideas into action

  3. SDGs and Planetary Boundaries What system of governance can achieve a sustainable world? Most of what we call sustainability is actually unsustainability! rt_Achieving%20the%20Sustainable%20Development%20Goals_WEB.pdf

  4. Strengths and Weaknesses of Australia

  5. Good classroom question: Why is Australia not doing as well as we think it should?

  6. Ranking of Political Party Policies from the 2019 Federal Election Why do conservatives lack policies and details on achieving many of the SDGs? (Rob Hales 2019)

  7. Griffith Showcase Website Links to teaching, Research and Engagement Activities

  8. Times Higher Education Ranking Global Goals/SDGs Published in the summit in Korea in April 2019.!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined

  9. S USTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL COVERAGE WITHIN G RIFFITH PROGRAMS Go Goal al Cov over erag age G1 G1 G2 G2 G3 G3 G4 G4 G5 G5 G6 G6 G7 G7 G8 G8 G9 G9 G10 G10 G11 G11 G12 G12 G13 G13 G14 G14 G15 G15 G16 G16 G17 G17 E Env nvir iron onme ment ntal al pla plann nning ing & & ar arch chit itec ectur ure ( e (Scie cienc nces es) 17 17 S SDGs Gs 20 11 20 2 6 30 42 25 36 2 99 38 251 54 50 15 10 Scie cienc nce & e & av aviat iation ion ( (Scie cienc nces es) 16 16 S SDGs Gs 2 16 33 3 1 11 3 16 14 0 40 12 133 42 40 65 4 Eng ngine ineer er & & I IT ( (Scie cienc nces es) 16 16 S SDGs Gs 6 2 6 1 1 23 29 26 56 0 26 31 77 11 15 58 9 Bus usine iness & & Go Gover ernm nmen ent ( (GB GBS) 16 S 16 SDGs Gs 414 22 77 0 60 13 25 358 34 13 25 136 39 14 10 164 108 Hu Huma manit nities ies, s , soc ocial ial s scie cienc nces es & & la lang ngua uage ges ( (AEL) L) 14 14 S SDGs Gs 228 7 16 4 31 0 7 55 8 12 5 25 21 0 0 221 40 Crim imino inolog logy & & la law ( (AEL) L) 13 13 S SDGs Gs 119 42 56 2 74 0 4 52 11 21 21 77 0 0 0 419 41 Med edici icine nes, d , den entis istry & &he healt alth ( h (He Healt alth) h) 13 S 13 SDGs Gs 9 160 721 24 30 0 0 4 15 12 4 3 6 0 0 146 2 Vis isua ual & l & cr crea eativ ive a e arts ( (AEL) L) 11 11 S SDGs Gs 23 0 1 3 12 0 0 34 16 2 1 18 0 0 0 29 6 Edu duca cation ion ( (AEL) L) 9 S 9 SDGs Gs 2 0 29 12 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Mus usic ic & pe perfor ormi ming ng ar arts ( (AEL) L) 4 S 4 SDGs Gs 0 0 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  10. S USTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL COVERAGE ACROSS ALL PROGRAMS 4. Quality education 55 10. Reduced inequalities 63 6. Clean water & sanitation 78 7. Affordable & clean energy 111 15. Life on land 115 14. Life below water 122 9. Industry, innovation & infrastructure 190 5.Gender equality 217 17. Partnerships for the goals 220 11. Sustainable cities & communities 222 2. Zero hunger 260 12. Responsible consumption & production 340 13. Climate action 527 8. Decent work & economic growth 571 1. No poverty 823 3. Good health & well-being 962 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions 1117

  11. SDG Audit of GBS Core Course Profiles Methods ➢ 6 pr prog ograms fr from om the the Grif Griffith Bu Business Scho School ➢ 34 34 maj major ors ➢ 159 159 cor ore cou ourses ➢ El Elect ectives wer ere no not inclu ncluded NVI VIVO – Automa utomatic tic te text xt quer query Manual anual chec heck k to to decide decide rele elevance ance

  12. Results by goals 15. Life on land 0 6. Clean water and sanitation 2 2. Zero hunger 3 14. Life below water 3 3. Good health and well-being 22 12. Responsible consumption and production 30 10. Reduced inequalities 34 17. Partnership for the goals 35 5. Gender equality 58 11.Sustainable cities and communities 72 13. Climate action 82 4. Quality education 90 1. No poverty 105 7. Affordable and clean energy 119 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure 141 8. Decent work and economic growth 197 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions 374

  13. Logistic And Supply Chain 4 Asian Business 4 Politics And Public Policy 5 Marketing 5 SDGs coverage in Bachelor of Business Finance 5 Economic Major 5 Real Estate Development 6 International Business 7 Human Resource Management 7 Event Management 7 Entrepreneurship 7 Accounting 7 Management 8 Financial Planning 8 Sustainable Entreprise 9 Sport Management 9 First Year Foundational Courses 11 Employment Relation 13 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

  14. How Experts Define Corporate Leadership • patagonia-ikea-sustainability- leadership-2019/

  15. PWC Report 2018 A gap between companies’ good intentions and their ability to embed the SDGs Viewing the results as a whole, it appears that while the majority of companies are keen to talk about the SDGs they have yet to get specific about how they’re embedding them into strategies and actions. Why is this happening? We believe that, while there is a clear appetite for embracing the SDGs, many organisations still lack the strategy, tools and culture needed to transform those commitments into tangible business actions. That has a knock-on effect in terms of measuring and reporting on their progress in meeting the Goals. As a result they are unable to demonstrate to investors, peers and their own employees how and why the SDGs are helping improve their overall business, both now and sustaining it for the long term.

  16. SDG Compass Implementation in Business The objective of the SDG Compass is to guide companies on how they can align their strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the SDGs.

  17. What are the Goals and Priorities The SDG Compass website contains an inventory of business indicators mapped against the 17 SDGs and their targets. The inventory contains existing business indicators from relevant and widely-recognized sources such as GRI, SASB, ILO, OECD and CDP, among others. Your company can select the most relevant indicator(s) for each potential high impact area or use them as an inspiration to define its own indicators.

  18. Identify the performance gap between goals using both approaches

  19. How will the SDG be used strategically in the organisation?

  20. Reporting and Communicating SDG target 12.6 calls on governments everywhere to ‘encourage companies, especially large and trans-national companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle’.

  21. What’s Next • Post Graduate SDG audit (ON GOING) • SDG resources for GBS majors in the sustainability hub (ON GOING) • Discuss with discipline leaders how to incorporate and or further develop SDGs in majors (TO DO) • Change PLO to SDGs • Identify gaps in GBS teaching for SDGs using THE and STAR rankings (ONGOING) • Use Times Higher Education Submission for Engagement with Griffith Departments • Engagement Framework for Griffith and GBS………….. • Announce SDG Localising Conference Brisbane.

  22. Griffith Needs a Platform for SDG Engagement that links to Strategic Activities We can showcase and be transparent like :-


  24. Workshop 1. Choose which SDGs are most relevant to your course? 2. Use the SDG curriculum guide to asssit to write down one thing you would like students to do in your course relating to: • Knowledge and Understanding • Skills and Appreciation • Values and Attitudes For the degree to be able to state it teaches for SDGs there needs to be an SDG for each course and that if there is the same SDG across different courses that there is no overlap in content. Convenor will need to talk to each other about how they will differentiate contact. Also priority areas as defined by Australian Priorities and the areas of ‘lack’ in the GBS overall SDG mapping. Next steps after assigning courses is for convenors to think abouthow SDGs are part of learning objectives, teaching and assessment.

  25. Companies are encouraged to adopt holistic and systemic solutions to achieve the scale of impact required for realizing the SDGs. How can the SDGs be a socia l, environmental and financial benefit to companies?

  26. Th Thanks


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