UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project Strengthening human resources, legal frameworks and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol Global ABS Community PRESENTATION TITLE Fernando J. Lopez R. United Nations Volunteers Programme/UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project ABS is genetic resources for sustainable development
RESULTADOS A C C S E S S B E N E F I T S H A R E Comunidad Global sobre ABS In partnership with: www.community.abs-sustainabledevelopment.net
Global ABS Community: Reasons Strengths 1. Dedicated project team to support and moderate the Global ABS Community: regional Challenges specialists; 2. UNDP-GEF Global ABS projects and UNDP COs 1. Engagement of national, sub-national and local serve as a platform to support comms actions partners (as members); and on-line and on-site activities; 2. Barriers: different languages, time zones, diverse 3. In-house expertise as a capacity to provide interests, social , technological limitations; technical support on ABS needs. 3. Coordination flow between the Global ABS Project team and the national project teams; Opportunities 4. Adaptation to collaborative tools that Global ABS 1. Collaborative tools are ready to be adapted Community members are accustomed to use; and used (Website, GoToWebinar); 5. Regionalization of thematic areas on ABS 2. Potential synergies with other ABS initiatives (approach). (NBSAP Forum, Equator Initiative) and ABS partners (CBD, IDLO, ITPGRFA, Biodiversity); 3. Online support from UN Volunteers (i.e. translation).
Outputs, indicators & targets Outputs Indicators Targets 1. Experience exchange a. Number of members Two thousand and knowledge-sharing registered and interacting (2,000) members Indicators & targets fostered; among each other 4.1. Global ABS Community b. Number of on-line activities Twenty (20) on-line 2. Countries’ implemented and operating at regional for knowledge-sharing activities and global level Target: (Yes) ABS CoP requirements on ABS conducted (e.g. webinars, addressed; 4.2. Number of experts on ABS presentations, forums, live information mapped and incorporated transmissions) into a regional and global database c. Number of on-site activities Five (5) on-site Target: Fifty (50) experts 3. Best practices, for knowledge-sharing (e.g. activities lessons learned and 4.3. Number of technical assistance workshops, field visits, Ten (10) knowledge requirements on ABS fulfilled at regional knowledge products on advisory) products and global level ABS shared; Target: Fifteen (15) technical assistances Number of knowledge products developed (e.g. 4.4 Number of knowledge products on publications, case studies, e specific ABS topics developed at the regional and global levels courses, databases) Target: Twenty (20) knowledge products 4. Interaction, trust and Number of multilateral Ten(10) multilateral Component 4 spirit of collaboration collaborations on ABS fulfilled collaborations. between and among at the local, regional and countries promoted. global level.
Global ABS Community Framework On-site services: Countries’ request on ABS Products on ABS • Advisory ( Suppliers and Recipients ) ( Suppliers and Recipients ) • Missions and field visits ✓ • Bioprospecting pilots Capacity building • Trainings and courses Tangible evidences ✓ • Research, methodologies Experience exchange • Workshops and events that prove the ✓ Knowledge sharing and tools Global Cooperation Framework contribution of ABS to • Knowledge products ✓ Among others… sustainable • Multi-stakeholder On-line services: (Examples): • • ABS legal frameworks development Information approach • Examples of industry • Capacity building dissemination • • SSC and TC experience Roster of experts on ABS business models on ABS • • Biocultural community Forum of discussions exchange • • Partnerships and Presentation and protocols • Experiences about webinars synergies • • Publications and case Trainings and courses checkpoints & • Audio & visual material compliance measures studies • • Economic valuation of Repository of • Awareness-raising information genetic resources assessments and • Guidelines for contract campaings • Resource mobilization negotiation and benefit Project Website sharing, etc. and funding, etc. Global ABS Community of Practice Actors: Government institutions, research and academic centers, private sector entities, international organizations, regional and global platforms, and local communities and indigenous peoples
The Global ABS Community Activity implementation framework Global Activities • Multilingual • Global Regional • Local/national activities; • Activities; Adpated to local information and • Adapted to • capacity building needs and Regional local needs; requirements. Multilingual • Local language. • National In partnership with:
E1: Publication on ABS & SDGs Context: Prepare a publication that underscores the contribution of ABS to the SGDs achieved by countries supported by UNDP-GEF funded projects. On-line activity – Skype meetings, emails, bilateral calls Participants: More than 30 countries (knowledge) have participated in this initiative Moderators: Project manager, regional specialists, communications expert Results • A global publication for advocacy, awareness raising and knowledge- sharing
E2: International Workshop on Traditional Knowledge Context: Ecuador hosted an international workshop directed towards IPLCs to generate capacities on GR monitoring On-site activity – Workshop (live streaming pilot webinar) Participants: Countries from Latin America and the Caribbean region Moderators: the UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project country team Results • Capacities generated and experiences shared on GR monitoring; • Webinar sessions recorded and available for public use.
E3: Webinar on Blockchain and ABS Context: Activity to address the increasing interest of the blockchain technology and its potential use in genetic resources. On-line activity – Webinar Participants: ABS and blockchain experts Moderators: Alejandro Lago, global manager UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project Results • Address the current interest on the blockchain technology; • A webinar produced and available for public use.
E4: Tool for mainstreaming gender into ABS Context: Mind Your Setp! Gender tool is a pilot tool generate to facilitate the mainstreaming of gender into ABS. On-line and on-site activities to prepare, review, test and uptake the tool Participants: Pilot countries from different regions interested in mainstreaming gender into ABS Moderators: Fouad Bergigui, regional specialists Potential results • Tool adapted and applied • Awareness raising on gender and ABS promoted
Thematic Areas A space for experience Explores the impact of Knowledge, good practices Provides an overview of sharing, information and lessons learned market dynamics and the ABS thematic to the disemanation and best Sustainable Development regarding the major trends in R&D of practices regarding the implementation of legal GR and its market Goals, use of traditional frameworks on ABS. demands. knowledge associated to GR.
Roles in the Global ABS Community 1. Members • Propose, develop and share experiences, stories, tools, lessons learned, best practices, etc. • They require time and sustained interaction • Members support and motivate one another 2. Moderators • Foster community activity and participation among members • Moderate exchanges/discussions and provide technical support based on their expertise on ABS thematic areas • Engage and motivate members to collaborate among them 3. Administrators • Coordinate the Global ABS Community site and support its improvements • Update the content within the site in coordination with moderators • Maintenance, back-up and security of the site
Join the Global ABS Community 1. Visit: https://community.abs-sustainabledevelopment.net/ or Scan me! 2. Register in the plaform 3. Create your profile Don´t forget to include your picture! This facilitates interaction and most importantly, generates TRUST A C C S E S S B E N E F I T In partnership with S H A R E
Q & A Join the Global ABS Community! www.community.abs-sustainabledevelopment.net Fernando López Fernando.lopez@undp.org Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) is Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development
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