sentiment analysis computational argumentation

Sentiment Analysis & Computational Argumentation CMU 11-411/611 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lecture 21 Sentiment Analysis & Computational Argumentation CMU 11-411/611 Natural Language Processing November 7, 2019 Yohan Jo 1 / 59 fact or opinion? positive/negative attitude? argument? everyone should go vegan because vegan

  1. Lecture 21 Sentiment Analysis & Computational Argumentation CMU 11-411/611 Natural Language Processing November 7, 2019 Yohan Jo 1 / 59

  2. fact or opinion? positive/negative attitude? argument? everyone should go vegan because vegan diets are healthier than eating meat 2 / 59

  3. • Many times what we say is not merely an objective fact • Instead, it o fu en expresses our attitudes or opinions toward some topic ▶ What attitude/opinion? — Sentiment Analysis ▶ Why that attitude/opinion? — Argumentation 3 / 59

  4. Sentiment Analysis Part 1. 4 / 59

  5. Twitter mood predicts the stock market (Bollen et al. 2011) bank 2 2 bail-out DJIA z-score Calm z-score 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 We will see how they computed the mood score soon! 5 / 59

  6. Outline • What is sentiment analysis? • How to do sentiment analysis? ▶ Lexicon Approach ▶ Machine Learning Approach 6 / 59

  7. What is sentiment analysis? Wikipedia (2019-11-02) • Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining or emotion AI) refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, ▶ and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study ▶ • a ff ective states and • subjective information . 7 / 59

  8. A ff ective States (Scherer 1984, 2005) • Emotion: Brief and intense episode of organic response to the evaluation of an event ( angry, sad, joyful, fearful, ashamed, proud ) • Mood: Enduring and less intensive predominance of subjective feelings, o fu en without apparent cause ( cheerful, gloomy, irritable, depressed ) • Interpersonal stance: A ff ective stance occurring in the interaction with another person, coloring the interpersonal exchange of that situation ( polite, distant, cold, warm, supportive ) • Attitudes: Enduring beliefs and predispositions towards specific objects or persons ( like, hate, value, desire ) • Personality traits (a ff ect disposition): Stable personality dispositions and behavior tendencies ( nervous, anxious, reckless, morose, hostile, envious, jealous ) 8 / 59

  9. Subjective Information (Hovy 2014) • Judgment/Evaluation: determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone ( this movie is garbage / the battery lasts less than 5 minutes unfortunately ) • Personal belief ( I don't think the earth is round ) Opinion, yet many sentiment analysis systems are not interested ▶ But argumentation systems are! ▶ 9 / 59

  10. Structure of Sentiment Information • Holder: Experiencer of the a ff ective state or opinion (usually the speaker if not stated otherwise) • Target: Target of the a ff ective state or opinion • Type: Type of the a ff ective state or opinion (o fu en simplified as positive/negative/neutral) • Claim: Text that contains the a ff ective state or opinion their new ice cream is awful but Chris loves it Holder: speaker Holder: Chris Most sentiment Target: their new ice cream Target: their new ice cream analysis systems Type: negative Type: positive focus on these Claim: their new ice cream is awful Claim: Chris loves it 10 / 59

  11. How to do sentiment analysis Lexicon Approach 11 / 59

  12. 12 / 59

  13. Lexicons • General Inquirer (Stone et al. 1966, Positive (1,915), negative (2,291), hostile, strong, weak, active, passive, arousal, ... ▶ • Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) (Pennebaker et al. 2007, Positive (408), negative (498), a ff ective (917), social (456), causal (108), certainty (83), ... ▶ • MPQA Subjectivity Lexicon (Wilson et al. 2005, Positive (2,718), negative (4,912), neutral ▶ Strongly subjective and weakly subjective ▶ • SentiWordNet (Baccianella et al. 2010, WordNet synsets automatically annotated for positivity, negativity, and neutrality ▶ This sentiment information is only tendency! Actual sentiment of a word is context-dependent! 13 / 59

  14. Target-Specific Lexicons Restaurant Review Speaker Review • 👎 My dish was served hot • 👏 It gets hot very easily • 👎 The food is generally cheap • 👏 The company uses cheap materials • 👏 The music was so loud that we • 👎 The speaker is very loud couldn't really talk Building target-specific lexicons manually 
 is very time-consuming and expensive 14 / 59

  15. Target-Specific Lexicons General positive love like restaurant speaker impressed happy friendly bluetooth cheap loud hot clear co-occurrence bland big loud hot cash-only cheap materials disappointed hate sorry General negative 15 / 59

  16. How to quantify co-occurrence between words? • Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) PMI ( w 1 , w 2 ) = log p ( w 1 , w 2 ) p ( w 1 ) p ( w 2 ) = log p ( w 1 | w 2 ) p ( w 1 ) The di ff erence between "the probability of occurring when is observed" and "the w 1 w 2 ▶ general probability of occurring". w 1 • If and are completely independent: and low PMI . p ( w 1 , w 2 ) = p ( w 1 ) p ( w 2 ) w 1 w 2 • If and always occur together: and high PMI . w 1 w 2 p ( w 1 , w 2 ) = p ( w 1 ) = p ( w 2 ) • Choose words (e.g., adjectives) that have high PMI scores with general sentiment words. 16 / 59

  17. General Sentiment Words • Sentiment lexicons • Emoticons/Emoji :) <3 ^^ :/ :( T-T • Hashtags #happy #excited #sad #exhausted 17 / 59

  18. Expanding a lexicon • Synonyms and antonyms (from thesaurus, WordNet) fast = expeditious, rapid, quick, speedy ▶ calm ↔ agitated, angry, inclement ▶ 18 / 59

  19. Expanding a lexicon (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown 1997) • Conjunctions and , or , but this laptop is fast and quiet ▶ risky 0.2 the sta ff was friendly but too busy ▶ good 0.7 0.6 0.7 fine 0.4 P( good and sound have same polarity) 
 0.8 0.7 based on the counts of di ff erent selfish 0.1 0.8 conjunctions between them 
 0.3 sound harmful (" good and sound ", " good or sound ", " good but sound ") 19 / 59

  20. Twitter mood predicts the stock market (Bollen et al. 2011) bank 2 2 bail-out DJIA z-score Calm z-score 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Profile of Mood States 
 Expanded Lexicon 
 Weighted Sum of Mood Scores 
 (72 terms for six mood types) (964 terms for six mood types) Score(tweet, Tension) = 
 • Tension ( ↔ calm): tense, on-edge • Tension ( ↔ calm): word1 (score1), ... ∑ s × 1( tweet has w ) • Depression ( ↔ happy): unhappy, sad • Depression ( ↔ happy): ... • Anger ( ↔ kind): angry, grouchy • Anger ( ↔ kind): ... ( w , s ) ∈ Tension • Vigor (vital): lively, active • Vigor (vital): ... (Average the Tension scores of • Fatigue ( ↔ alert): worn out, fatigued • Fatigue ( ↔ alert): ... tweets) • Confusion ( ↔ sure): confused, bewildered • Confusion ( ↔ sure): ... 20 / 59

  21. How to do sentiment analysis Machine Learning Approach 21 / 59

  22. We need: (1) labeled data • Collect already-labeled data • Annotate your own data (6) The criteria set by Rice are the following: the three countries in question are repressive ( nega- tive ) and grave human rights violators ( negative ) . . . (Wilson et al., 2005) @MargaretsBelly Amy Schumer is the stereotypical 1st world Laci Green feminazi. Plus she's unfunny • Target: amy shumer • Sentiment: negative (Rosenthal et al., 2017) cheap but limited domains any domains but expensive 22 / 59

  23. We need: (1) labeled data • Use noisy labels Sunny Again Work Tomorrow :-| TV Tonight #Shanghai has the most amazing skyline! <3 #sad because i just realized i’ll never be an uncle Great idea! I mean... California state government is so e ff ective at everything else. #sarcasm many domains and cheap, but can be inaccurate 23 / 59

  24. We need: (2) class type and classifier • Binary (positive/negative) Logistic regression: Y = { positive if p ( Y = positive | x ) > 0.5 negative otherwise ▶ • Continuous (1..5) Linear regression: Y = w ⋅ x ▶ 24 / 59

  25. We need: (2) class type and classifier • Multiclass (positive/neutral/negative) Two-step binary classification ( neutral vs. non-neutral and positive vs. negative ) ▶ One-versus-rest ▶ • Train a binary classifier for each class ( positive vs. other and negative vs. other and neutral vs. other ) • Choose the decision of the classifier with the highest confidence score (probability) One-step ▶ neural network decision tree support vector machines ... 25 / 59

  26. We need: (3) evaluation metrics • Binary Pos Neg True\Pred N PP + N NN Balanced: Accuracy = ▶ N PP N PN Pos N PP + N PN + N NP + N NN Skewed (e.g., to negative): ▶ N NP N NN Neg 2 Precision*Recall N PP N PP • Precision= , Recall= , F1-score= Precision + Recall N PP + N NP N PP + N PN True\Pred Pos Neu Neg • Multiclass N PP N PU N PN Pos N PP + N UU + N NN Balanced: Accuracy = ▶ ∑ N * N UP N UU N UN Neu 3 ( N NP + N NU + N NN ) N PP N UU N NN 1 Skewed: AverageRecall= N NP N NU N NN + + Neg ▶ N PP + N PU + N PN N UP + N UU + N UN 26 / 59

  27. ̂ We need: (3) evaluation metrics • Continuous N 1 ∑ Mean Absolute Error: MAE= , 
 | y i − ̂ y i | ▶ N i =1 where and are the true and predicted scores of the th instance, respectively y i y i i 27 / 59

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