What works for kids who misuse substances? Working in the community Working with families SEMINAR SLIDES
Contents of this presentation Slide 3 is a list of videos – can you please watch prior to SEMINAR. – Slides 4-7 are some intro notes to the Canadian practitioners you’ll meet in – the videos, and their organisations (please also watch media video and read articles). Slides 8-9 are intro notes to the New Zealand practitioners you’ll meet in the – videos, and their organisations. Slide 10 is an intro to Canadian resources from Thunderbird Partnership – Foundation (for future info). Slide 11 is an intro to New Zealand resources from Te Rau Ora(for future – info).
Please watch these videos prior to lecture https://maraeacommunityresearch.com/communities-of-practice/ – See: INDIGENOUS MODELS (watch intro 9 mins – includes Jono talking about ‘urban – indigenous youth identity’ prior to Clayton and Lewis intro’s). Then watch: Clayton Rangitutia (Indigenous Health Practice 12.39m) & Lewis Stephens (Teaching Indigenous Health Practitioners – Kaitiakitanga 7.08) Colleen Rudderham – watch intro (1.45m) and Holding onto hope as parents (2m) – https://maraeacommunityresearch.com/colleen-rudderham/ Vee Whitehorse – watch intro (1.18m) – https://maraeacommunityresearch.com/vee-whitehorse/ – Brittni Duesterbeck – watch intro (3.32m) – https://maraeacommunityresearch.com/brittini/ –
Introduction to Leading Thunderbird Lodge, Qu’Appelle Valley, Village of Fort San, Saskatchewan, Canada Brittni Duesterbeck Please click on the link below and watch the 2 minute (Jan 2020) TV clip which is filmed at Leading Thunderbird lodge and https://regina.ctvnews.ca/local-elder-helps- the article quotes Vee (on next community-deal-with-loss-addiction-with- slide) & Brittni (above) ceremony-culture-1.4793002 FORT QU’APPELLE -- For 30 years, Elder Harry Francis from the Piapot First Nation has been offering Elder and ceremonial teachings to help people living with addictions. “I start with incorporating the modern day addictions training and then from there, including spiritual beliefs, our traditions into addictions and particularly the mental health,” said Francis. He has been helping Indigenous youth at the Leading Thunderbird Lodge (LTL) since it first opened 13 years ago. The facility assists youth who are experiencing addictions with drugs, alcohol and solvents by offering a holistic style of treatment.
Introduction to Leading Thunderbird Lodge, Qu’Appelle Valley, Village of Fort San, Saskatchewan, Canada Please click on the link below and read this 2016 story about Vee Whitehorse https://globalnews.ca/news/2671141/what-drew-trudeaus- attention-to-file-hills-quappelle-tribal-council/ Vee Whitehorse
Introduction to White Buffalo Lodge, Saskatchewan, Canada Colleen Rudderham (in scarf below) https://www.wbtc.ca/ https://panow.com/2018/05/04/white-buffalo-treatment- facility-celebrates-grand-reopening/
http://ysac.info/ Debra Dell is the executive director of YSAC, Youth Solvent Addiction Committee, in Canada. http://ysac.info/ She worked with kids at White Buffalo (see Colleen Rudderham’s interviews) – and has helped with the setup and development of the other YSAC centres including Leading Thunderbird Lodge (see the YSAC website). So she works with Vee, Mel, Brittni & Colleen (see their interviews).
Introduction to Te Puna Hauora o te Raki Pae Whenua, North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand http://twona.org.nz/whanau-ora Clayton Rangitutia The Whanau Ora videos found in the above link show the relationships between the practitioner (workers) and whanau (families) when applying their organisational model of whanau ora (family wellbeing) – these are noted here just as a future resources.
Introduction to Te Wananga o Aotearoa in Aotearoa, New Zealand Lewis Stephens Please have a glance at this internal article from Te Wananaga o Aotearoa https://www.twoa.ac.nz/hononga-stay-connected/news-events/2019/11/15/Kaitiakitanga-conference-caps-post-grad-programme?sc_lang=en
Canada resources https://thunderbirdpf.org/nnapf-document-library/ Resources for your future use https://thunderbirdpf.org/about -tpf/scope-of-work/webinars- and-videos/
https://terauora.com/ New Zealand resources Resources for your future use
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