search for dark matter in a coannihilation codex model

Search for Dark Matter in a Coannihilation Codex Model With CMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FERMILAB-SLIDES-2018-133-E This document was prepared by CMS collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi

  1. FERMILAB-SLIDES-2018-133-E This document was prepared by CMS collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. Search for Dark Matter in a Coannihilation Codex Model With CMS Detector Orgho Neogi for the CMS Collaboration

  2. Introduction Properties of Dark matter: Cold Non-Baryonic Electrically Neutral Relic Density Ωh 2 = 0.1198 ± 0.0026 2

  3. Coannihilation Codex General Classification of simplified Models Dark Matter (DM) & Coannihilation partner X Forms a pair of standard model particles M DM + X SM 1 +SM 2 Mediating Particle M 3 Coannihilation Codex: arXiv:1510.03434 [hep-ph]

  4. Specific Model for Search LQ Resonance from LQ Decay LQ DM E T from Dark Matter DM Soft (from off shell LQ Decay) Unknown Particle LQ SM or BSM 4 Coannihilation Codex: arXiv:1510.03434 [hep-ph]

  5. Coannihilation Condition Relative mass splitting small m X - m DM Δ= < 0.2 m DM Soft decay product Pair production of 1 st generation LQ 5

  6. CMS Detector 6

  7. Analysis Signature LQ e - + u Final Signature: High Pt Electron LQ DM + X High Pt Jet From CMS 2016 Data: High MET √S = 13 TeV L int = 35.9 -1 fb 7

  8. Dataset Background ( CMS Simulation ): Signal ( CMS Simulation ): TT (Powheg) Privately produced using Madgraph Single Top (Powheg) ZTT (Madgraph) Dataset: W (Madgraph) 2016 singleElectron Dataset QCD 8

  9. Preselection Cuts Electron: P T > 60 GeV & |η| < 2.5 Jet: P T > 100 GeV & |η| < 2.5 & LooseJetID MET: P T > 50 GeV & all MET filters Tau veto: P T > 20 GeV & |η| < 2.3 & LooseMVAID Bjet veto: P T > 20 GeV & |η| < 2.3 & Tight CSV Discriminant 9

  10. Leptoquark Transverse Mass Taking the transverse mass of the leading lepton and leading jet gives us the leptoquark mass CMS Simulation Preselection applied 10

  11. Kinematics: Momentum of Lepton CMS Simulation Arbitrary normalization applied Preselection applied 11

  12. Kinematics: Momentum of Jet CMS Simulation Arbitrary normalization applied Preselection applied 12

  13. Kinematics: Missing Transverse Energy CMS Simulation Arbitrary normalization applied Preselection applied 13

  14. Summary We have begun a search for interesting signature from a coannihilation codex model Kinematic features High Pt Lepton & High Pt Jet Missing ET Optimizing selection Hope to find something exciting in 2016 data 14


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