se seer ers s ma marketing rketing sd sdn n bh bhd

Se Seer ers s Ma Marketing rketing Sd Sdn n Bh Bhd Product - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Se Seer ers s Ma Marketing rketing Sd Sdn n Bh Bhd Product Presentation 2014 Sp Speci cialized alized in Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem Inve vented ted & & Ma Manufactured factured by by SE SEERS ERS Diffe

  1. Se Seer ers s Ma Marketing rketing Sd Sdn n Bh Bhd Product Presentation 2014

  2. Sp Speci cialized alized in Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem Inve vented ted & & Ma Manufactured factured by by SE SEERS ERS

  3. Diffe fferen rent t Ty Type e of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem

  4. Hyb ybrid rid Ce Centralized ntralized Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem Residential Commercial Industrial  Cater r to a a Spectru rum of Indust dustry. ry.

  5. DC Individu dividual al St Stor orage age Heater eater  Indi divi vidu dual al Storage e Heater er Appart artmen ents ts, , Condo dominiu miniums ms, Chalets lets, , Hotels ls, , Link nk-Ho Hous use, e, Semi-D, , Bungalow alow, , Villas llas

  6. In Instant stant (i (i) ) Wa Water ter Heater eater

  7. Hot t Wa Water ter Dispe spenser nser & Mul Multipoint tipoint

  8. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem 1 st Generation • GAS • Electrical Heater (Electricity) 2 nd Generation • Heating Element • Solar Heater 3 rd Generation • Electricity & Sun • Heat Pump 4 th Generation • Electricity & Compressor • SEERS Hybrid Hot Water NEW Generation System (Ambient Air)

  9. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem 1 st Generation • GAS

  10. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem • Electrical Heater (Electricity) 2 nd Generation • Heating Element

  11. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem • Solar Heater 3 rd Generation • Electricity & Sun Light

  12. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem • Heat Pump 4 th Generation • Electricity & Compressor

  13. Ge Generations nerations of f Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System tem 1 st Generation • GAS • Electrical Heater (Electricity) 2 nd Generation • Heating Element • Solar Heater 3 rd Generation • Electricity & Sun • Heat Pump 4 th Generation • Electricity & Compressor • SEERS Hybrid Hot Water NEW Generation System (Ambient Air)

  14. Wh What at is HYB YBRID RID Hot ot Wa Water ter Sy System? tem?  Water Heating Method - No.1 energy consumption . Energy used in water heater is a major factor  With Latest INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY - Requires minimal energy - Standard water heater uses approx. 3000 Watt & above, whereas SEERS Hybrid Hot Water System uses only 480 watt - Obtain the energy source our revolutionary 12V DC driven system - Energy extracted from Ambient Air (Hybrid Technology) Thus; *Saving Energy, ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY! *Maintenance Free, SAVE COSTs and MONEYs!! *Less DOWN TIME, IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY!!!

  15. Hyb ybrid rid Sy System tem Diagram agram

  16. Energy ergy Sa Saving ing Ce Certif rtified ied by

  17. Ce Cert rtif ified ied by Gr Green een Ma Mark rk Si Singapore ngapore

  18. DC C St Storage rage Heater ater - 100% Consistancy Hot Water Supply - 50% / 50 % Boiling Time Hot Water Easily Mix - Faster & Energy Saving - Temperature Control With Cold Water - Temperature Indicator - No Heating Element - Good Insulation - 480watts Only

  19. Energy ergy Sa Saving ing Ce Certif rtified ied by

  20. Ce Cert rtif ified ied by Gr Green een Ma Mark rk Si Singapore ngapore

  21. Sa Sample ple of f Ins nstallat tallation ion On Onsite ite

  22. SE SEERS RS Ins nstant tant Wa Water ter Heater eater Features 1. No Heating element 2. No worry of electrocution while showering (safety) 3. Low power consumption 1,500 watts VS 3,600 watts 1. Energy saving up to 60% R23R 3R with pump mp 2. Patented technology F23H H without ut pump 3. R.O.I less than 15 months 4. Stylish & slim design (no more convention plastic look) 5. Rubber sliver hose 6. Tangle free design 7. Water saving hand shower

  23. Instant stant Wa Water ter Heater ater Return of Investment Conventional instant heaters rated at 3,600 watts minimum Seers Instant Water Heaters rated at 1,500 watts 3,600 watts - 1,500 watts = 2,100 watts (energy saving) Average time spend on shower @ 15 min per shower. 2,100 watts X 15min / 60 min = 0.525 kw/h Average TNB charges at 0.40 cents per kw. 0.40 cents X 0.525 kw/h X 2 times per shower per day (Day & Night) = 0.42 cents per person Average 5 person in a household. 0.42 cents X 5 = RM 2.10 per day RM 2.10 per day X 30 days = RM 63.00 per month RM63.00 X 12 month = RM 756!!!

  24. Bay ay Hotel, tel, Telok lok Blang angah ah, , Si Singap gapor ore 338 338 rooms ms with h 45 un unit it x x SI SI-500 00L

  25. Out utram ram Loft, t, Ker eraton aton, , Singap apore ore Jakart karta Kud uda Hur uraa aa, , Maldive ldives

  26. St Strawberry erry Park, Cameron eron Highlan land Berjaya aya Hill l Re Resort, Buk ukit t Tin inggi gi

  27. Sime me Dar arby by Me Medi dical cal Centre, ntre, Ar Ara Dam aman ansara sara Oriental Or ental Me Melaka aka Strai raits ts Me Medi dical cal Centre, ntre, Me Melaka aka

  28. Naka a Hotel, tel, Buki kit t Bintang ntang, Ku Kual ala a Lump mpur Ceria ria Hotel, tel, Pu Pudu du, Ku Kual ala a Lump mpur

  29. Presc scott ott Hotel tel, , Sentral tral, Ku Kual ala a Lump mpur Fes estiv tival al Bout utiq ique ue Hote tel, l, Kuala a Lumpur

  30. Ar Arenaa naa St Star ar Lux uxury ury Hotel, tel, Kuala a Lump mpur Arenaa naa Moun untba batten ten Hotel, l, Kua uala la Lum umpur ur

  31. St. Regi gis, s, Ku Kual ala a Lump mpur ur KL KLCC CC Twi win n Towe wer, r, Ku Kual ala a Lump mpur

  32. Pl Plaza aza Pr Premo moum um Lounge, unge, KLIA 2 We Well llnes ness s Spa pa, KL KLIA A 2

  33. City ty Ki Kingdom gdom Hotel, tel, Seremban emban Cas aspar pari Hotel tel, Tam ampin pin Crown rown Garden arden Hotel, tel, Ke Kelantan antan

  34. Terra rra Nova a Hotel, tel, Me Melaka aka Wa WayFarer Farer Gues esthouse thouse, Me Melaka aka

  35. Hotel Su Suan n Bee, Johor Hotel Tebra rau CT CT, Johor Hotel Nus usa CT CT, Johor

  36. Se Setia ia Hotel, tel, Kl Kluang uang, Joho hor St Starz arz Hotel, tel, Kl Klua uang ng, Joho hor

  37. Redang dang Bay ay, Pu Pulau au Re Redang dang Redang ang Pelangi angi, Pu Pulau au Redang dang

  38. Ist stana ana Ma Mahk hkota ota, , Negeri geri Kelantan antan Ma Manjung jung Nav avy Host stel el

  39. Berjaya aya Manager ger Qua uarter ters, Buk ukit t Ting inggi gi U Design ign Hotel, l, Pahang ng Grand nd Co Cour urt, t, Teluk uk In Intan an

  40. Pr Promenade omenade Hotel tel, , Ko Kota a Kinab abalu alu, Sab abah ah Swinbu nburne rne Unive iversi rsity, ty, Kuchin ing, g, Sar arawak awak

  41. Born rneo eo Highland ghlands s Resort, sort, Ku Kuchi hing, g, Sar arawak awak 56 Hotel, tel, Ku Kuchi hing, ng, Sa Sarawak rawak

  42. Ipo poh h Disable sable Centre entre Ip Ipoh Downto town wn Hotel, Ip Ipoh

  43. Ar Arme menian nian Stre reet et Heri ritag tage e Hotel, tel, Pe Penan ang Tune une Hotel, tel, Tai aiping, ping, Pe Perak rak

  44. G Inn n Hotel tel, Pe Penan ang Pe Penag aga Hotel, tel, Pe Penan ang

  45. Hel elicoNia icoNia Hotel el 1881 1 Hotel el Pe Penan ang The Bout utique ique Re Residen idence

  46. St. Gil iles es Hotel, tel, Pe Penan ang Citi titel tel, Pe Penan ang

  47. M C M City ty, , Am Ampang pang, , KL KL Ambro Am brosi sia, a, Ki Kinrar rara Resi sidence dence

  48. The Loft, Penang ang Fer erring ringhi hi Re Residen ence, ce, Penang ng

  49. 1 1 Tanjon jong, , Penan ang Pear arl l Villa llas, s, Penan ang The Light t Point, t, Pen enan ang The Light ht Collec ection tion 1, 2 2, 3 & 4

  50. Put utrajay jaya Presint int 8, Parcel 8A4 Sa Saville lle The Park, Bangsar sar, KL

  51. D’Majestic , , KL Se Sejati ti Re Residenc dences, es, Cy Cybe berjaya rjaya

  52. Bangsar gsar Encla lave, ve, KL Leisure ure Farm, rm, Joho hor East t Led edang ang Sem emi-D, D, Johor or

  53. Lum umina na Kiar ara, , Mont Kiar ara Plat atinium inium Awar ard, d, Singap apore ore Tar r Villa, la, Ampang ang, , KL

  54. Awards ards & Rec ecognitions ognitions

  55. Awards ards & Rec ecognitions ognitions

  56. Awards ards & Rec ecognitions ognitions

  57. Thank hank you fo for r your r at attention ention !!!

  58. Contact US • Seers 12 Volt DC • 4, Jalan Utarid U5/18A, Seksyen U5, 40150, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: +6 (03) 7842 2871 Fax: +6 (03) 7843 9971 Email: 1800 22 7788 No. 4, Jalan Utarid U5/18A, Seksyen U5, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel +6 (03) 7842 2871 Fax +6 (03) 7843 9971 Safety… Saving… Sensation…


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