sdt ultrasound solutions

SDT Ultrasound Solutions Now Available Intrinsically Safe! - PDF document

SDT Ultrasound Solutions Now Available Intrinsically Safe! Powerful ultrasound for PdM professionals Now Available The SDT270 represents an evolution for PdM and Reliability professionals. Intrinsically Safe! Sporting many fjrsts, the SDT270 is

  1. SDT Ultrasound Solutions Now Available Intrinsically Safe!

  2. Powerful ultrasound for PdM professionals Now Available The SDT270 represents an evolution for PdM and Reliability professionals. Intrinsically Safe! Sporting many fjrsts, the SDT270 is consistent with our mission to design progressive and smart instruments. The fjrst portable ultrasound instrument to include both a built-in temperature sensor and a laser tachometer, also has an onboard SQL database to capture and manage survey data. Accurate and comparable wave fjles SDT270 uses True Amplitude to give ultrasound inspectors, for the fjrst time, the ability to maintain a database of accurate sound fjles. Each wave fjle is sampled 250,000 times per second. The result is clear, accurate, and comparable time signals stored in the SDT270’s massive internal memory. Remote support and training An ultrasound detector that connects to the Internet ofgers new levels of support options. Remote access for support, training, and measurement triggering brings new possibilities to your ultrasound program. Two channel inputs Two channel sequential measurement means multiple sensors can connect to your SDT270 for faster collection of data. Store static data (dBµV), record dynamic sound files, measure temperature and RPM, and acceleration without exchanging sensors. The SDT270 redefines intelligent instrument design to make more effjcient use of your time. Defective Bearings? Electrical Faults? N o m a t t e r w h a t y o SDT Ultrasound Solutions • • Toll Free: 800-667-5325 or 905-377-1313 Fax: 800-224-1546 or 905-377-1402

  3. The evolution of ultrasound “Building Blocks” concept adds fmexibility The SDT270 remains true to our reputation for intelligent instrument design. SDT’s “building blocks” concept combines options for hardware fmexibility, software for data management, and sensors that promote ergonomics and ease of use. The SDT270 in combination with Ultranalysis Suite maintains simplicity for those who need it, while providing sophistication for those who want it. SDT270’s upgradeable platforms The SDT270 Platform gives customization with the opportunity to upgrade as your program grows. Choose from six base formats, then add sensors and software to build a collector unique to your needs. SDT270 is even more powerful with UAS software . UAS forms a synergistic partnership between your SDT270, your PC, and your PdM team. UAS - Ultranalysis Suite UAS manages the collection, processing, and analysis of data measured by the SDT270. It’s a library to store and organize info that’s easy to retrieve. UAS manages static data (dBµV, °C or °F, RPM, SCFM, dBA), as well as dynamic data (ultrasound signals for time and spectrum analysis). UAS’s tree structure allows for as large a database as you need, with the ability Ultranalysis™ Suite to organize smaller surveys so you can set your own pace. Synchronous Our Most Powerful Ultrasound databases resident on both your PC and your SDT270 allows on-the-fmy Data Management Software Yet creation of survey points. Pump Cavitation? Condenser Leaks? Steam Leaks? Water Leaks? y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n . . . W E H E A R M O R E SDT Ultrasound Solutions • • Toll Free: 800-667-5325 or 905-377-1313 Fax: 800-224-1546 or 905-377-1402

  4. Choose your platform... STATIC/BASIC STATIC/STORAGE STATIC/DataDump • Digital Decibel Readings • Digital Decibel Readings • Digital Decibel Readings • Available Temp/RPM/Accel • Basic Memory Storage • Basic Memory Storage • Fully Upgradeable • Available Temp/RPM/Accel • PC Download (DataDump) • Fully Upgradeable • Available Temp/RPM/Accel • Fully Upgradeable SDT270SB SDT270SS SDT270SD Now Available Intrinsically Safe! ... then add your sensors & accessories SDT Ultrasound Solutions • • Toll Free: 800-667-5325 or 905-377-1313 Fax: 800-224-1546 or 905-377-1402

  5. At SDT we recognize each customer’s needs are unique. So we designed an ultrasonic instrument that can be confjgured to meet your current needs and reconfjgured as your needs change. The six base platforms of the SDT270 provide functionality while ofgering entry points for all budgets. A single hardware structure means your ultrasound instrument evolves in stride with your program and your budget. Whether you are a Leak Surveyor, a Lube Tech, a Mechanical or Electrical Inspector, a Steam Systems Inspector, or involved with Tightness Testing, SDT can create a solution that’s right for you. STATIC/UAS STATIC/DYNAMIC STATIC/DYNAMIC/UAS • Digital Decibel Readings • Dynamic Sound Recording • Dynamic Sound Recording • Digital Decibel Metering • Custom Memory Storage • Digital Decibel Readings • In Field Sound Playback • Survey Mode/Alarming • In Field Sound Playback • Communicate with UAS • Survey Mode/Alarming • PC Download (DataDump) • Custome Memory Storage • Available Temp/RPM/Accel • Available Temp/RPM/Accel • Fully Upgradeable • Communicate with UAS • Fully Upgradeable • Available Temp/RPM/Accel SDT270SU SDT270DD SDT270DU SDT270 Sensors and Accessories RS1 Needle Contact Sensors RS1 Threaded Contact Sensor L-100 (3.25” - 82mm) Lube Adaptor L-300 (11” - 280mm) Mounting Pad L-500 (21.6” - 550mm) Flat Surface Magnet Multi Surface Magnet Flexible Sensors Transmitters Parabolic Sensor SDT08-Zone Multi Setting Extended Distance Sensor our sensors & accessories 200mW Bisonic SDT Ultrasound Solutions • • Toll Free: 800-667-5325 or 905-377-1313 Fax: 800-224-1546 or 905-377-1402

  6. Ultranalysis Suite Powerful software to manage intelligent hardware There’s a lot of powerful measurement database to host your plant’s critical Static data (dBµV, °C/F, RPM, dBA, SCFM) and capabilities built into the SDT270. assets. This is where you defjne multiple Dynamic wave fjles of any length. Static data Ultranalysis™ Suite (UAS™) software is measurement nodes to organize the types of is plotted over time and displayed in the designed to help you manage the valuable data SDT270 should collect, schedule when main pane. Dynamic wave fjles are viewed in PdM information SDT270 gathers from it must be collected, and by whom. You can time or spectrum view. your critical assets. UAS forms a synergistic choose to attach alarms now or later, based The bottom pane is the control console for partnership between your SDT270, your PC, on three criteria; Absolute, Safe, and Relative. UAS. Sort data using virtually any imaginable and your PdM team. In Survey Mode, SDT270 alerts in the fjeld fjlter. For instance, run a sort based on last UAS features a familiar 3-pane workspace. when any alarm is tripped. measured points or produce a list of past In the left pane create a tree structured Your SDT270 is capable of collecting both due measurements. Use this workspace to produce a list based on similar machines. quickly set benchmarks and spot anomalies invaluable control of any sized database. For example a group of sludge pumps in amongst similar machines. Its a great way The SDT270 in combination with UAS Suite a water treatment plant can be displayed to spot trends and use those trends to set maintains simplicity for those who need it so you can compare and overlay their data alarm criteria. For ultrasound programs at while providing sophistication for those who simultaneously. Inspectors use this tool to their infant stage the bottom pane provides want it. SDT Ultrasound Solutions • • Toll Free: 800-667-5325 or 905-377-1313 Fax: 800-224-1546 or 905-377-1402

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