sdl s1000d users conference leaders in aerospace and

SDL: S1000D Users Conference: Leaders in Aerospace and Defense SDL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SDL: S1000D Users Conference: Leaders in Aerospace and Defense SDL Proprietary and Confidential SDL Proprietary and Confidential SDLs Global Presence Publicly traded company with $400m annual Award-winning and profitable company,

  1. SDL: S1000D Users Conference: Leaders in Aerospace and Defense SDL Proprietary and Confidential SDL Proprietary and Confidential

  2. SDL’s Global Presence • • Publicly traded company with $400m annual Award-winning and profitable company, with revenues long-term financial stability • • Over 2,700 employees in 70 offices across 1,500+ enterprise customers and partners 38 countries • SDL is celebrating its 20 th anniversary in 2012 • World-leading innovative technology 2

  3. We help you sleep at night We keep the war fighter safe and ready… so you can sleep at night. We manage millions of pages of complex technical operations and maintenance documents that are relied upon by the war fighter to meet their mission objectives. We deliver the right information, when it’s needed, where it’s needed.

  4. Market Drivers / Needs / Mission Objectives Do more, with less!  Tight Budget Environment  Continuous Improvement Strategy Standardize Data Reuse Acquisition Strategy  Build – vs- buy Configuration Management is Critical S1000D and ATA 2300 or any other Schema/DTD Interactive Electronic Delivery of Information Sets  IETM – Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals Track Data Usage, Interaction and Compliance

  5. Solution Overview: Technology Authoring Editorial Workflow Check in/out Type 2 Interactive Electronic CCM/CSDB Technical Manuals LiveContent LiveContent XML DB Oracle Publishing Paper/PDF/Type 1 XPP High-value, repetitive, revised, versioned, Automated Change Packages, LOEP, Filing Instructions Lower-complexity, XSL-FO one-offs Next Generation IETM Capabilities…Today!

  6. Boeing AWACS Program Profile Business Drivers Results  Needed IETP tech-  Successfully delivering nology that would support 38784B and AWACS (Airborne Warning IETPs in 38784B and S1000D and Control System) S1000D using  Several “false starts” in LiveContent Based on a Boeing 707-320B  Content single sourced, airframe, the E-3 airborne building an S1000D warning and control system configuration on their immediately available (AWACS) provides own surveillance, command-and- when approved  Successfully using control (C2), and  USAF, French communications functions for tactical and defensive Contenta and XPP for missions. In service since many years to produce 1977, it is used by the U.S. Mil-specs; wanted to Air Force, NATO, United add S1000D and IETP Kingdom, France, and Saudi Arabia. support

  7. Boeing C-17 Program Profile Business Drivers Results  Need to support both  Based on benchmark Mil-spec SGML and tests (Trilogi, Inmedius, S1000D Issue 4.0 XML LiveContent), selected C-17 Globemaster III  Need to deliver IETPs LiveContent  Decision to deploy Use LiveContent to in multiple formats publish 40K DM’s  Successfully using Contenta S1000D  Sharing configurations Contenta and XPP for • AF Enterprise License many years to produce and expertise across Mil-specs; wanted to Boeing IDS (Integrated • NATO Enterprise add S1000D and IETP Defense Systems) support License • French AF Enterprise License

  8. Boeing eMOD Program Profile Business Drivers Results  Need to partner with  Migrating all eMOD long lived solutions back end publishing to provider who had the XPP Commercial eMOD  SDL worked with eMOD technology and was able to meet the team to enhance requirement product capability to Publishes up to 4 million  Needed partner with meet performance change pages /day consulting expertise to requirements  Now on fully supported team with in-house experts product which continues  Needed Enterprise to be enhanced licensing

  9. Boeing Australia Programs Profile Business Drivers Results  Need to support both  Based on benchmark Australian Defence tests (Trilogi, Inmedius, specs (SGML) and LiveContent), selected Australia S1000D XML LiveContent  Need to deliver IETPs  Decision to deploy Managing 2200 and converting over to all in multiple formats Contenta S1000D  Successfully using  Sharing configurations S1000D data with Contenta: Contenta and XPP for and expertise across many years to produce Boeing IDS (Integrated Mil-specs; wanted to Defense Systems)  Now offering tech pubs • Turkish AF add S1000D and IETP support • Royal Korean AF and IETM production services – profit center

  10. Gulfstream Aerospace Profile Business Drivers Results  AMMs, IPCs, Wiring  Reviewed PTC, Inmedius Diagrams, Completion Center and other S1000D Maintenance Handbooks, Solutions; SDL Contenta Gulfstream Aerospace Flight Manuals, Task Cards S1000D and LiveContent Corporation, a wholly owned  All Gulfstream aircraft (GI, GII, was selected. subsidiary of General GIIB, GIII, GIV, GV, G100,  Successful Delivery! Dynamics, designs, G150, G200, G300, G350, G400, G450, G500, G550, develops, manufactures, G250, G650) markets, services and  First Paperless Delivery of a supports the world’s most new aircraft (G650) technologically advanced  Risk Management Critical: business-jet aircraft One chance!  Needed a proven and customizable IETP technology  ATA 2200 and S1000D issue  Customers love it! On time, 4.0.0 support required and on budget!  Lightweight 3D Graphics

  11. SDL LiveContent, The Next Generation Content Delivery Platform Available Today! SDL LiveContent, The Form Factor for Information Delivery

  12. …and more customers


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