Atlantic Herring ABC Control Rule SCOPING MEETINGS Lori Steele, NEFMC Staff
Amendment 8 Scoping Document Informs the public of the Council’s intent to develop an amendment to the Herring FMP and prepare an EIS to analyze the range of alternatives Solicits specific suggestions and input on the range of alternatives that should be considered/analyzed in the Am8 EIS Scoping is the earliest/best opportunity to raise issues and concerns for the Council to consider during the development of Amendment 8 2
Amendment 8 Scoping Document Introduction Why is the Council proposing to take action? What actions have already been taken? Purpose and Need for Action Why should I comment? What should my comments address? What is the process? How should I comment? 3
Why is the Council taking this action? To establish a long-term control rule for specifying acceptable biological catch (ABC) for the Atlantic herring fishery To consider ABC control rules (ABC CRs) that account for Atlantic herring’s role as forage in the ecosystem (see November 2014 Council motion on p. 3) 4
Why is the Council taking this action? The current ABC CR for Atlantic herring ( constant catch ) is considered an “interim” ABC CR, i.e., a placeholder until a long-term ABC CR is established in the Herring FMP The SSC emphasized the need for the Council to consider tradeoffs associated with long- term management approaches for Atlantic herring given its role in the ecosystem 5
What is an ABC Control Rule? Specifies the approach for setting ABC below the overfishing limit (OFL) as a function of scientific uncertainty Provides the Council’s SSC with guidance to develop ABC recommendations for the Atlantic herring fishery OFL – scientific uncertainty = ABC 6
What is an ABC Control Rule? Rules for setting annual catch levels based on uncertainty related to the most recent stock assessment and the Council’s risk tolerance Can specify different target fishing levels based on current stock condition and other factors Can specify different biomass targets/thresholds to account for ecological factors (ex., forage) 7
What action is the Council considering? A range of ABC CR alternatives for Atlantic herring, including those that explicitly account for herring’s role in the ecosystem Alternatives that consider ecological guidance from the Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) Plan Development Team (see Council motion on p. 3) 8
What should my comments address? What alternatives for ABC control rules should the Council consider for Atlantic herring in Amendment 8? How should the Council account for the role of Atlantic herring in the ecosystem when it develops the ABC control rule? What specific issues are most important when evaluating the tradeoffs associated with managing the Atlantic herring fishery in an ecosystem context? 9
How do I comment? Scoping Period February 26 – April 30, 2015 Scoping comments taken at four scoping meetings Email comments to Fax comments to (978) 465-3116 Written comments mailed to NEFMC office in Newburyport, MA (see address on p. 6) “Atlantic Herring Amendment 8 Scoping Comments” 10
Amendment 8 Timeline Approve Am8 Scoping Document Jan 2015 NOI published; Feb. 26 – April 30 Amendment 8 Scoping Period Review EBFM PDT Report, review scoping comments, discuss June 2015 Am8 goals/objectives December 2015 Identify range of alternatives for Amendment 8 DEIS *January 2016* 11
Amendment 8 Timeline April 2016 Review Draft Am8/DEIS and select Preferred Alternative *June 2016* June-July 2016 Am8 DEIS Comment Period *Sept-Oct 2016* September 2016 Review public comment, select final Am8 measures *Nov 2016* Late 2016 Amendment 8 Final Submission *Early 2017* 12
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