science educational network of turkmenistan

Science - Educational Network of Turkmenistan NATO science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Science - Educational Network of Turkmenistan NATO science committee VIRTUAL SILK HIGHWAY Project Review National Science Educational Network of Turkmenistan Legislative Basis for the Creation of the Network : Decree of the

  1. Science - Educational Network of Turkmenistan NATO science committee “VIRTUAL SILK HIGHWAY” Project Review National Science – Educational Network of Turkmenistan

  2. Legislative Basis for the Creation of the Network :  Decree of the President of Turkmenistan (March 3, 2003 y.)  Order to Supreme Council for Science and Technique under the President of Turkmenistan (April 1, 2003 y.)

  3. Project Review VIRTUAL SILK HIGHWAY National Science – Educational Network of Turkmenistan

  4. Purposes of the Project  Creation of common informational network to unify educational and science and research institutions of Turkmenistan  Providing an access to worldwide science knowledge and achievements  Evolution of using of modern computer and network technologies in science and educational purposes

  5. Description  The Virtual Silk Highway Project is developing with the NATO Science Department’s support and oriented on unifying of scientific-research and educational institutes in common scientific-educational network with accessing to Internet. For this purposes we have a satellite terminal for realization of connection to Internet in Hamburg, Germany, where the Center of Satellite Connections for the entrained in The Virtual Silk Highway Project CIS countries located. In addition... More detail information about this and other projects of Science Department of NATO is available at NATO website

  6. The Satellite Terminal is located on the Turkmentelecom building, indoor the building there’s also tranceiving and input - output distribution equipment: satellite modem, router, content engine, switchboard, and wireless communication access equipment. Turkm entelecom DNS, FTP, M ail­relay 72G b 72G b S atellite dish Cisco Cisco P IX 515E Cat. 3524 Cisco Cisco 7204 V XR Cat. 3524 Cisco Content Engine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 # * 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s SCST Un iversity

  7. Current situation (page 1) At the moment 21 Science­Education Turkmen organisations are connected to VSH system. The major part of the communication structure has been created by the NIGs. There are about 100­200 computers in the institutes (many of them from former computer generations) as single workplaces or computer classroom networks . •Supreme Council on Science and Technology under the President of Turkmenistan •Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly •Turkmen Polytechnic Institute •Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication •Turkmen Institute of National Economy (equipment purchased from Tacis­Tempus Project budget); •Scientific ­Clinical Center of Oncology •Scientific – Production Association “Gun” of the State Concern “Turkmendokumchihia” •Turkmen State Medical Institute •Hospital with Scientific ­Clinical Center of Cardiology •National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi (partly equipped from Tacis­Tempus Project budget) •Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. A Niyazov (communication equipment purchased from Tacis­Tempus Project budget) •Institute Oil and Gas

  8. Current situation (page 2) •Scientific Research Institute of Seismology of Ministry of construction and industry of construction materials of Turkmenistan •Scientific Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna •Scientific Research Geological Exploring Institute •Institute of History under the Cabinet of Ministries of Turkmenistan •Scientific Clinical Center of Eye Disease named after S. Karanov •Science Clinic Center of mother and child named Gurbansoltan Eje •National Institute of Manuscript named after Turkmenbashi •Turkmen National Pedagogic Institute named after S. Seidi, located in Turkmenabat (partly equipped from Tacis­Tempus Project budget) •State Power­Engineering Institute of Turkmenistan located in Mary (equipped from Tempus and OSCE budget )

  9. Wireless Connection  Merits  Comparative low prices  Convenience and ease of installation  Demerits  Larger sensitivity to influence of external factors (in comparison with FOC)  Limited data transfer rate (up to 11 Mbps)  Limited distance from access point

  10. Fiber – Optic Cable  Merits  Stability to influence of external factors  High data transfer rate (up to 1 Gbps)  Transfer rate is independent of distance from access point  High reliability of connection  Demerits  Comparative dearness of cable  Necessity of additional cable placement work

  11. Current and Planed Internet Centers Current and Planed Internet Centers (under supporting by different donors) (under supporting by different donors)

  12. General scheme E.08 E.09 V irtual S ilk Road Turkm enistan Research and Education Network (NA TO program) Metro Rings P roject prepare by «TOP ar» / “Delton Company, Inc.” (09.2003) E.07 Comm unication to velayats W .09 Turkm entelecom E.01 W .08 W .10 Metro Ring «East» W .07 E.02 W .11 E.06 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s E.03 E.04 W .12 E.05 W .06 Metro Ring «W est» C.09 Metro Ring «East» 1 Gbit/s E .01 Туркм енская национал ьная консерватория E .02 Туркм енский государственный университет им . Махтум кул и E .03 В оенный институт Министерства обороны Туркм енистана E .04 Туркм енский институт народного хозяйства W .05 E .05 Туркм енский государственный институт транспорта и связи E .06 Научно ­ кл инический центр охраны здоровья м атери и ребенка C.02 им . Гурбансол тан ­ эдже E .07 Туркм енский пол итехнический институт E .08 Туркм енский государственный институт кул ьтуры E .09 Госпитал ь с научно ­ кл иническим центром физиол огии C.03 W .01 C.01 C.04 W .02 W .04 W .03 SCST Metro Ring «W est» W .01 Туркм енский государственный м едицинский институт W .02 Научно ­ кл инический центр гл азных бол езней C.08 W .03 Госпитал ь с научно ­ кл иническим центром кардиол огии W .04 Государственная академ ия художеств Туркм енистана C.05 W .05 Туркм енский сел ьскохозяйственный университет им . С . А . Ниязова W .06 Научно ­ кл инический центр онкол огии M etro Ring «Center» W .07 Научно ­ производственное объединение « Гун » государственного концерна « Туркм ендокунхим ия » C.01 Институт языка и л итературы им . Махтум кул и В ысш его совета W .08 Институт нефти и газа государственного концерна « Туркм енгаз » по науке и технике при Президенте Туркм енистана W .09 Туркм енский национал ьный институт м ировых языков им . Д . А зади C.02 Научно­иссл едовател ьский геол ого­разведочный институт W .10 А кадем ия пол иции им . Президента Туркм енистана Генерал а А рм ии С . А . Ниязова государственной корпорации «Туркм енгеол огия» W .11 Национал ьный институт спорта и туризм а Туркм енистана C.03 Национал ьный институт статистики и прогнозирования при W .12 Туркм енская государственная специал ьная художественная ш кол а Президенте Туркм енистана C.07 C.04 Централ ьная научная библ иотека В ысш его совета по науке и технике при Президенте Туркм енистана C.05 Научно иссл едовател ьский институт сейсм ол огии Министерства C.06 строител ьства и пром ыш л енности строител ьных м атериал ов C.07 (корп.2) Туркм енистана C.06 Институт истории при Кабинете Министров Туркм енистана C.07 Национал ьный институт пустынь , животного и растител ьного м ира C.08 Национал ьный институт рукописей им . С . Туркм енбаш и C.09 Министерство образования Туркм енистана

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