science education for the millennial

Science Education for the Millennial Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Science Education for the Millennial Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit Department of Chemistry, Ateneo de Manila University Academician, National Academy of Science & Technology Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom - Aristotle

  1. Science Education for the Millennial Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit Department of Chemistry, Ateneo de Manila University Academician, National Academy of Science & Technology

  2. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” - Aristotle

  3. Outline 1. Technology and the Millennial 1. Technology and the Millennial 2. Science Education in K-12 3. STEM careers in a GLOCAL world

  4. Millennials grow up surrounded by technology Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 4

  5. Technology 5

  6. Technology is always a two-edged sword. It will bring in many benefits, but also many disasters. -Alan Moore We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us. - Marshall McLuhan Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 6

  7. Technology ≠ Science Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 7

  8. Science curiosity discovery understanding (credit: The 21 st Century Scientist, Nature, 2015) Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 8

  9. Laboratory: Lat. laborare ≡ to labor Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 9

  10. Outline 1. Technology and the Millennial 2. Science Education in K-12 2. Science Education in K-12 3. STEM careers in a GLOCAL world

  11. The story of a school that has produced giants in science János Harsányi Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994 Game Theory Eugene Wigner Nobel Prize in Physics, 1963 Quantum Mechanics Fasori Gymnasium Budapest John von Neumann Mathematics Father of Computer Science László Rátz was a legendary teacher of mathematics in the school, after whom a Medal and an Achievement Award was later named. Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 11

  12. "The future will be like schools are today." - Albert Szent-Györgyi Nobel laureate in Medicine (1937) 12 Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit)

  13. “E ducators “E ducators are calling for are calling for change. They argue that creative change. They argue that creative thinking , thinking, problem problem solving , solving, motivation, persistence and other motivation , persistence and ‘twenty-first-century skills’ … other ‘twenty-first-century skills’ enhances students’ abilities to … enhances students’ abilities to master and retain knowledge master and retain knowledge (and) help to curb the alarming (and) help to curb the alarming rate at which students interested rate at which students interested in STEM abandon the subjects. ” in STEM abandon the subjects. ” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 13

  14. Creative thinking Problem solving Motivation Persistence Master and retain knowledge Stay with science Is the solution more science? 14 Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit)

  15. Science and Music Albert Einstein considered music to be central to his own life and discoveries: “The theory of relativity occurred to me by intuition, and music is the driving force behind this intuition.... My new discovery is the result of musical perception” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 15

  16. Science and Music Alexander Borodin (Nov 12, 1833 – Feb 27, 1887) was a Russian chemist, doctor, and Romantic composer. As a chemist, he pioneered a very important chemical reaction in organic synthesis, called the Aldol Reaction. As a composer, he pioneered Russian style of Aldol reaction classical music, rather than imitate Western European models.. Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 16

  17. Playing music strengthens the Musicians simultaneously process corpus callosum, the link between memory and be creative at the the two halves of the brain. same time. Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 17

  18. Science and the Visual Arts Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), was an Italian inventor, scientist, mathematician, engineer, architect, anatomist, botanist, geologist, astronomer, cartographer, painter, sculptor, musician, writer, historian, and poet. He is widely considered the greatest painter of his time. “Art is the queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world. ” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 18

  19. Science and the Visual Arts Helen Beatrix Potter (28 July 1866 – 22 December 1943) was an English author, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist best known for her imaginative children’s books. featuring animals such as those in The Tale of Peter Rabbit. In the 1890s her mycological illustrations and research on the reproduction of fungi spores generated interest from the scientific establishment. Potter was also a prize-winning breeder of Herdwick sheep and a prosperous farmer keenly interested in land preservation. Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 19

  20. “STEAM and arts integration are crucial in K-12 education, engaging students in the STEM subjects and ensuring that creativity doesn’t fall by the wayside as we chase innovation (how could it?). But it’s also an important idea for research. Artists and designers reformulate the questions that can guide a project, rethinking or redesigning systems at their base.” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 20

  21. Nature, Symmetry, and Art Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 21

  22. Outline 1. Technology and the Millennial 2. Science Education in K-12 3. STEM careers in a GLOCAL world 3. STEM careers in a GLOCAL world

  23. National Science Foundation Advisory Committee on Environmental Research and Education Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 23

  24. “ We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before. ” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 24

  25. “ Technology is not an exogenous force over which we have no control... The more we think about how to harness the technology revolution, the more we will examine ourselves and the underlying social models that these technologies embody and enable, and the more we will have an opportunity to shape the revolution in a manner that improves the state of the world. ” Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 25

  26. ( 26 Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit)

  27. Technology, Innovation and the Liberal Arts "We need to revolutionize education to encourage creativity and need to teach our kids to play , take a chance and create. By not teaching our children liberal arts we will hinder their capacity to innovate .“ - Axelle Tessandier, The Next Web 27

  28. K-12 Do’s and Dont’s Do Don’t • Develop a holistic • Teach only science curriculum • Teach only INFORMATION • Use the Internet for • Focus on memorization and INFORMATION and the objective questions (e.g., teacher for FORMATION Periodic Table) • Emphasize problem-solving • Expect set answers • Teach the value of hands-on • Replace experimentation with work with relevant activities seatwork • INSPIRE: Include history of • Present science as a fixed set science and biographies of of RULES which were famous scientists discovered by geniuses Science Education for the Millennial (Dayrit) 28

  29. The goal of Science Education “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” - T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

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